Is 35 years old too late to turn your life around?
Is 35 years old too late to turn your life around?
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No, you're still very young. Lots of motivational fags turn their life around at 40
yes sorry
Of course not, dont be a fag
yes but u can still do something
Not at all. You can get a college degree or learn a trade by 40. And if you're not a fat slob, chicks dig older dudes. Just shape up user, you got dis
Kinda, yea, sorry user. I'm doing this at 28 and already feel like I'm way late to the game.
Yes and no. If your health is good (you are not a smoker or an alcoholic then you can.
Put it this way, it takes lile 4 or 5 years worth of work and patience before you can make appreciable change in your life so you're gonna be 40 by the time you can stand back and say you've made a real shift
Yeah 25 is kinda the cutoff for this sort of thing and even that is *really* pushing it
Your life expectancy is probably 80. So you have 45 years to be happy, but don't waste it
at 35 you should no longer have a job and if you have played your cards well not married, or have kids / alimony / mortgage
it's not, one of my colleague is almost 40. He got into programming ~2years ago and makes 90k$
>kissless virgin
>no friends
>no career
>live at home
Probably, unless you die early
Some people are losers their entire lives.
Some people win in highschool, but then fail to develop.
Some people lose in highschool and then become successful adults.
And a few people actually end up finding happiness only in their very later years...
The truth as I see it is as such. You are alive right now, and not only that but you are alive in a time unlike any other in human history. You can essentially learn any skill via the internet.
its never "too late", it only becomes "too late" if you think so.
But that doesnt mean you are garunteed to 'make it'. You need to try. That is what is most important.
Read some life story manga bro. Might inspire you to pull yourself together
"making it" is a stupid poor sheeple attitude. what are you making excactly
In this context its "turning your life around", not be a nitpicky cuck
What would mean to 'turn life around'? Im 20
No. At 32, I said fuck America, and began documenting China's punk scenes. At 33, I said fuck it, and moved to Northeast China and live rent free teaching little kids. I just paid off all my credit card debt. I am 35 now, and am about to move to Indonesia, to work on my film project full time, then I will move back into China and save enough to fuck off to S.E. Asia for a few years, and eventually grip a house in cash when I'm burned out on teaching. Get to it.
nope, 36 here. i turned my life around at 33. i'm still in that process, but I
-quit smoking
-started investing (in crypto, made about 500k as of right now)
-started working out
-started bjj (got my blue belt a few months ago)
-bought a house in december
-started taking my spiritual life more seriously and now have a pretty good relationship with God
-i used to go out drinking 3+ times a week, now i'm at about twice a month
-read about a book every 2 months (i'm a slow reader)
-i started a dropshiping e-commerce store (it failed, but i think even failures are successes)
-planning a new business right now.
that gives me a sleight of hope
thanks for sharing
good, that's an easy one. focus on that to start. get a gym membership. planet fitness is dirt cheap and everywhere. go every day regardless of if you work out. that is the place to start, become an acolyte at the church of iron.
Wow user seems like a great adventure, how did you manage to stay for so long in the country?
It's really quite easy. Getting a legit job gets you a Residence Permit. The jobs are easy as hell. 20 hour work weeks, houses paid for. Teaching K-12 can be a bit hectic, but it's less stressful than almost any other job I've had. Plus you get Chinese holidays off, and more if your company isn't total shit. That leave you with a 4 one week long vacations per year on average. I use it to get out.
The air is shit. Hoping I can finagle a teaching job in Indonesia, but KITAS work visa's are harder to get.
Teaching wage is garbage in Bangkok, so I won't do that. Taiwan is a possibility.
Endless opportunity still over here if you aren't an idiot.
Go for it.
honestly yes
don't listen to these 20 year old assholes on here, OP. besides, "life begins at 40" anyway.
Onani Master Kurosawa is the only manga I've read that actually made me want to change my life. Touches on the exact kind of perversion and misanthropy that is practically a standard for the users of this site.
Not if you buy ZClassic right now!
Never too late to be what you might have been. Ive had some rough years where it seemed everything was over (facing foreclosure, creditors, failed business, no help) and eventually worked my way through. I'm 31 with a small business, house, etc. You have to keep trying though because this is pretty much it, no one coming to help you, if anything in your life is to change its because you have to actually put in the work and change yourself.
Yeah. During a dark period in my life, stuff like NHK, onani master Kurosawa, strongest man Kurosawa and even clannad kickstarted my motivation to change and improve my life which actually worked (otherwise I'd never afford spare money to put in crypto)
People underestimate the value of this medium and it's potential impact on people.
Learn to program/code may hange your life, but depends if its your thing or not.
There is this user on /g/ who is almost on his 30s. He is a carpenteer and learned web development in his free time, made a good portfolio and is now earning more money than he was.
Turning your life around isn't about age at all. It is about two things: money and will
If are 9to5 cuck your whole life and never try to change anything nothing will happen. But you have the will to change then you at least have a small chance to change it.
You are never too old to start investing, or start developing sw and be the next notch or fuck just play lottery (crypto).
The only difference age makes is that if you make it at 50 years old you only have 10 or so more good years to enjoy it before your body says fuck you
>>kissless virgin
>>no friends
>>no career
>>live at home
you only think these things are a problem because society programmed you into thinking they are
someone wants a high paying job and kids and shit and is miserable without it, but other people enjoy being lazy shits and just sit around all day and do nothing, every person is different, the only difference is that the second one is frowned upon by the society so weak willed cucks waste their lifes by feeling bad about living their actual dream
i did it at 26
35 is too late i agree
I dont have statistics, but statistically speaking most people at that point cant recover.
I wouldent be too upset though things were kinda set from the start. How much determination and events shaping someones worldview are often outside of control desu
i would have kicked you out long ago
>made about 500k a
yeah shure
but im not happy
For you yes. The fact your even asking shows you already have doubt. You will never succeed if you have doubt.
If you have a college degree then no. If you don't then you might as well kys
So far the majority of you are saying it's too late.
That's kind of what I thought
thanks guys for being straight with me
There's no right or wrong answer retard. It's up to you to make the fucking change. Anything is possible but we don't know how much of a loser you really are and how long it might take. Stop fucking relying on other people for opinions would be a good place to start
This, but don't go to college if you're in USA. Learn a trade.
It's not to late user I know people who do it much later in life. I'm 28 an have fucked my life up multiple times in my 20s leading to loss of careers, money etc. For the last 18 months I cleaned up got into AA and expanded on a spiritual level big time. That sobriety led to me seek happiness so I started my own business, attend school to get into a career that interest me, have a healthy relationship with a women that is goal oriented and we challenge each other, have a great relationship with my family. All this was impossible 2 years ago getting knocked down in life can be extremely valuable and character building as long as you learn and keep moving forward a big part of life sometimes isn't knowing what you want but what you don't want.
lel, just move to South East Asia or South America and teach english.
no, you still have less than half of your miserable existence in front of you to watch yourself slowly whither away in painful agony while everyone you love either leaves you or dies. thumbs up!
>tips fedora
It's never too late.
you need a college degree for that + any hipster faggot wants to do that so all those jobs are taken
How do you let yourself go this much and still subsist at 35? No career? How are you paying any bills? If you’re still living at home and all the above is non larp you’re going to need a miracle to fix yourself up mate
Absolutely not. Believe me or not I am a useless piece of shit that mostly lived off of his parents and played video games all of his life.
At 31 I decided that enough is enough and I learned Japanese. Took me 3 years to get a good handle on the language and I went to Japan to become an English teacher for a couple of years (made 30k USD a year). Had my first girlfriend and long term relationship over there. Returned when I was 37 and I started my own Japanese Ramen restaurant by hiring a Japanese friend I made and some college student part timers with the savings I made while working as an English teacher.
I'm not rich or anything now but I am happy and don't feel useless and it feels good to own a business that I can grow over time. Feel like I've been a teenager until 34 and my life only really started when I actually tried something for once.
So no whatever the age is you're at it's not too late but set out long-term timelines. See where you want to be in 10 years time and start working towards it NOW.
dont be such a defeatist op. stop eating processed sugar. go jogging. respect yourself. get low income housing. get out of your rents. sure it's easy but you hate yourself. buy a new wardrobe. stop looking at porn. stop taking all meds. sack up. be a man.
like the godfather would say to you
No, they're not. Thousands of jobs in China alone.
DON'T LISTEN TO THESE ASSHOLES, PEOPLE. Even @ 40+, much can be done.
See my posts above
this, too
I feel your pain OP. I'm a fat kissless 27 year old virgin still living with his parents. I work online and managed to get into an online college debt free but I've been dealing with a wave of depression recently. A lot of thoughts that I'll never improve my life no matter how hard I try. That I can never leave this room.
Everyone but me gotta learn is never too late
Me 25, LAST CHANCE to change my life...
I've started in 2006, missed crypto very hard :(
I feel you man. You probably also game a lot and watch bullshit youtube videos combined with tons of porn.
I was like you. Seriously try to start going outside more. And I don't mean "socialize" I mean doing bullshit like hiking or being isolated in nature, things like that. It will make you feel used to being outside again.
The reason why most people ITT that turned their life around were traveling to a foreign country is because it's like hitting the reset button. "A fresh start". However you could do this at home as well.
Just no matter how shitty your life is realize that you can turn it around if you really wanted to at any time.
No it's close though. You gotta do shit now. Be a better man, make a difference in someones life. Try to help people, life is shit for everyone.
Haha you gotta be kidding. I'm 32 already and moving to a new country to start from zero. I have no job offer, no relatives, no friends in that country. I have a friend who could not setup a Windows at 35 and now working as network manager at 42 in a very large company. It's never late as long as you are healthy good sir. Never.
name the company I wanna short
My quad confirms.
I'm 26, if I don't get my life in order by 30 I'm checking out
It's never too late to give your life to Jesus Christ, that is until you pass away from this Earth
of course you will. doubt is part of the process
If you are a man you can still have a second lfe even starting a family. If you are a woman, yep, way too late
People have done it. Google "famous late bloomers" or something and get some inspiration.
>OP wants advice
>posters provide legit ideas
>OP dismisses said advice
Fuck you OP you're a loser.
Nope, anyone here that tells you yes is just bitter about their own lives.
Get your shit together and take it one step at a time, but have a sense of urgency about it. Don't just lazily hope things will get better, make an effort.
Indonesia is my favorite country but I know for a fact the Teaching salary isnt very good there. English Centers arent a thing there so you are stuck with public school or Kindergarten. Although do yourself a favor and stay away from Jakarta.
not at all, except for some very specific things like becoming a model, sports athlete and other jobs that require you to be very young
you seem like someone who wants to be sad, lol there are many real cases even reported on this thread that it is not only possible but common to turn your life around at your age
go out OP, the world is yours
thank mr. Satan
>implying you aren't desperate for (you)s
There is another thread using a suicidal Wojak that is an exact copy of this. OP is posting this shit hourly.
poo in loo
you need to know what's coming to avoid it.
Thanks. My original motivation for getting this bachelors was to go overseas and teach english in Japan. I really do need a reset.
Do you plan to die in your 30s jesus christ have some fucking confidence.
Quite nihilistic, I like it!
Did what at 26 that can't be done at 35?
Ceasar (one of the most badass individuals that ever existed. I mean his name is now a synonym for emperor. In other words: super badass motherfucker) became succesful in his late 30s. He resented that, because he compared himself with alexander the great who had the world at his feet at the age of 18. So there is still time OP. when Ceasar can do it, so can you!
>become successful
>be so successful jelly haters murder you
Dare to dream
Depends on what is “making it” to you like others have said. I am 30, college degree, comfortably professional, had a lot of good , interesting experiences, did the teach english thing in China, fucked foreign bitches in foreign countries, been in love and had a qt love me back. I was a khv shut-in NEET until I was 21, so i did all of the above in just a few years.
I still feel everyday like I am not achieving enough and that I will never make it. Spend far too much time depressed doing nothing but lying in bed. Maybe nobody ever really makes it.
i had a 22 yo gf at 35. own yourself.
Ceasar did. He made Rome his bitch.
For about six months then he got stabbed to death by his compatriots. Not sure that's something to aspire to.
not in my timeline
Young people don't realize this, but it's never "too late." They always think that it is because they are impatient and want everything right now.
The older you get, the more you realize that you are never finished "turning your life around." There will be times in your life when you realize that you are in a stagnant phase and you need new growth and change to renew your spirit, your mind, your creative endeavors, your finances, your career, your home, and your love life. Eventually you will stop caring what other people think and whether such and such time is "too late." When the time is right you'll just get fed up with being sick and tired and you will make the changes you need. There is no cutoff. Except death.
No. Better than 40. Get crackin.
Start injecting TESTOSTERONE and the rest will just fall into place nigga
That's Julius Caesar. Augustus Caesar (the actual famous one that fucked Cleopatra) was very successful and started the tradition of calling the emperors "Caesar"
Didn’t he feel inadequate because he always compared himself to Alexander? That’s not making it. I’m sure billions of people in this planet think OP has made it just by being born in the USA, yet everyone here is depressed and insecure af
Change that for 26 and living with grandma and that's me.