Origintrail vs Ven vs WTC vs AMB vs Modum
If the only information you had was their chaddiness, who would you invest in?
Origintrail vs Ven vs WTC vs AMB vs Modum
If the only information you had was their chaddiness, who would you invest in?
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modum, because if you're given a leadership position while looking like that much of a beta you just be really good.
I bet two dollars the mr miyagi got more pootang than the rest combined when he was young
Asians can't be Chad. They can be Chang. so one of the white guys.
Not a bad theory. But honestly I think I'd pick ven. He's a sharp looking chink and they usually do pretty well. The white dudes on the left all look like millennial soyboys
Sergey obviously
LOL modum "down syndrome" ceo
Holy shit this is gold
The AmBROsus meme will be everywhere in the next bullrun
Wow no love for the origin soyboys?
B-b-but they got green dreamy eyes tho...
are Chads even good CEOs? I feel all founders of big companies weren't Chads, after all, a Chad wouldn't have the motivation to create a big company since they already have everything they want in life.
6 virgins and 1 chadsetti
erhm... Credits!
who is this sad looking fella in this sad looking image?
You forgot to put Synth from Skycoin, the ultimate Chad
Ambros are going to be the new linkies now that our reign is over.
It's too easy to imagine Chadsetti strangling any of these others with one hand while casually cecking the time on his Patek Philippe.
"Sunny Lu" is the human equivalent of a slime mold and the rest are literally whos
Jun from omise is the ultimate chad
Please for the love of kek, you stupid fucking linkfags need to stay away from amb
You guys fuck everything up from moms bassment with all your stupid meme energy. Link will fail because of you idiots. Don’t make amb fail.
Stick to your jihadfag coin and stay away from amb
The only coins that have had half the energy and attention Veeky Forums turboautists are pouring out now were antshares and ethereum.
Now it's LINK, SKY, and AMB.
At least 2 of these will 50-100x within 3 years. Screencap this.
Because you ambros aren't constantly making muh Chad memes on your own
Chainlink and Ambrosus can 100% coexist. Hell, the existence of one makes the other better if chainlink doesn't wind up as vaporware!
I have more faith in AMB than linkys
AMB chad will carry us to victory
I'm going to say all 3 will