We debate crypto taxes and how the fuck to secure our right to our own goddamn wealth.
>Statist cucks, just BTFO I ain't paying big brother jack shit for trying to escape their rape monopoly.

Attached: income tax.jpg (510x329, 42K)

by not living in a shithole country

Every government rapes its people in some way.
US gov very good at economic anal rape.

Pay your taxes, Jamal.

You have to pay your hard earned taxes so the rich politicians can buy useless shit, like ben carson spending 31k on a fucking dining set.

It's the american dream boyo? Don't you want to wagecuck your whole life, so your hard earned money supports the wealthy? It's alright goy, you can have this one day too! Just work hard!

Taxation is the means by which a gang can pretend to be your grandmother.

Must be hard to live in a third world shithole where politicians embezzle tax money

t. leftard

I have lost an unknown amount of monero.

>implying it matters what gov does with stolen money.

You don't have to pay tax unless you cash out, stupid. OR you're with Coinbase or Gemini.

Great US is just a memory. It's a shittier country every year.

If they spend it on public infrastructure that I use, it is obviously not stolen.

go to where you can buy the government. corruption is freedom.

Attached: countries_with_corruption.jpg (960x640, 93K)

you mean soviet europe?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 18.23.07.png (643x558, 323K)

kek, saved

Fortunately for you guys the US government doesn't need to spend money on a game explaining gun laws because GTA already exists.

Just don't pay them. They haven't figured out everything yet so why try? You could also argue that your coins don't reside in any one country so how is it fair that your country of origin can tax you, but not any other country? Shit is fucked. Just pay later or get a kike lawyer.

Pretty much this
Anyone who loves current year federal government is a cuck
It’s a bloated, over powered piece of nigger loving shit

Anyone wager that the crypto tax laws in the US will get reformed? I'm holding out on cashing out in the hope that this happens or at least until cap gains kicks in. Then I'll just muddy up my trades so it looks like I've just been hodling. Haven't figure out how to do that yet.

Step 1 : move out of America
Step 2 : that's it.

You voluntarily choose to live in a country with an income tax.

you'd have to spend so much money on lobbying that it wouldn't be worth it. Dems and Reps are beholden to special interests.

Right, but crypto is an emerging asset class. It's only taxed as property because that's the best classification we have for it for the time being. In the earliest infancy of stocks, they may have been treated as property until tax laws were passed on stocks (or not idk the history of tax laws on stocks).