Hey son, how's your betcoin doing?

Hey son, how's your betcoin doing?

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>uhh can i borrow some more money dad? The dip dipped and they say i should buy again

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this has unironically probably been an exact occurrence

>4 light switches
>alarm system keypad
>peep hole on door
>deadbolt lock on door
This nigga at the front door not a bedroom wtf

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>having a father

Pick one

yo digyall wallace sacur son?

Dude, it's impossible for black people to not have a father. You physically cannot exist without a fucking father.
Shut up with your fucking racist shit and go back to /pol/ you retard.

hehe nigger detected

haha stupid negroid

How do you think?

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the son's coming back home after losing it all in crypto

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It's spelt negriod you fucking idiot
How's being the "ubermensch" working out for you huh? Stupid fucking virgin, have fun being forever alone.

My dad is not a ni**er.

>implying the government hasn't been experimenting with genetic engineering and eugenics for decades

>Hey son, how's your betcoin doing?
a-ok dad
but im sad though because of 56% goblino maximus r9k suicide
>its hard to lose somebody user, feel sad for his family he left behind, hopefully the boy himself is in a better place? maybe anime is real up there
i guess youre right dad but it makes all these sick gains feel a little empty knowing theres anons out there in pain
>come off the computer for a while son, moms home soon and shes making us waffles, moms waffles are still your favorite arent they?
yer that sounds nice
>after we can fire up discord, ill help sort out a nice pump and dump on the currynogs later, thatll be good fun wont it?
i love you dad
>i love you too son

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>just because he made the baby he's a father

Imagine being this stupid

Fucking idiots, that's LITERALLY what the word means. English words have a CLEAR meaning and that is what the word MEANS.

You can't just redefine words to fit your racist agenda. Fuck off, nobody wants you here.

So what is the clear meaning of: fuck off faggot

Lol that's me

>a black father checking in on his son


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The dip that keeps in dipping

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This is a shitpost, right?

Shut up nigger, get out of my house

> be patient i have autism

>Fuck off, nobody wants you here.

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this is some depressing roleplay user

>mfw i unironically quit my job cause i started investing in crypto in 2016 and have been hodling the whole time

my father actually is extremely disappointed in me. And I kinda burned my bridges on the way out..