Who here gave up on life?
35 yo, no more energy left to try and start businesses & career history is shit too. Basically just waiting to die.
Who here gave up on life?
35 yo, no more energy left to try and start businesses & career history is shit too. Basically just waiting to die.
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whatever faggot, wasting your energy chasing wealth you'll never have
You're the one crying on a chinese cartoon forum about your shit life you old ass loser.
Ignore the faux-alpha kiddies user. It's definitely tough out there right now.
It's ok. They're here to remind us that it could always be worse.
I gave up at some point but got back on track.
I'm 35 next Friday and I've got fuck all as well. Buy some LSD with your remaining coins to help you see past all this nonsense.
Somehow these posts genuinely gave me some hope. Didn't expect that from Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums of all places. Thanks.
Maybe not LSD but I'm considering ayahuasca. I heard it helped people turn their life around.
Not everyone here is a sociopath autist, luckily
I'm 40 btw. so 35 is pretty young lol.
When life is like a pain in the ass, it's telling you to change things.
You can do it.
Fair enough, i wouldnt mind trying that but all the vomiting puts me off. Mushrooms are also another good choice to open one's mind a bit.
what's with all you 30+ "tired" pussies? i'm 35 and have more energy than i ever have. you got a long road again, you lazy fuck.
>lethargic at 35yo + on Veeky Forums
Why prolong it desu, the world doesn't need another 5years with people like you on it. We're overpopulated enough as it is.
What did you do to turn your life around and get back on track?
Odd thinking how 35 is "young" to a 40 year old because you hear clueless kiddies in their 20s talking about offing themselves if they hadn't "made it" by 30. Little do they realize how quickly 30 comes around.
Join a community online and def not Veeky Forums or Reddit.
Look for something you are interested in and get on a forum or discord group.
For me it is low level open source development , but it can be anything.
This ensures you are not always wasting your time when on your drop.
Also leave your house whenever possible , life is not a number in your bank account. Most people are in your situation and just faking it with large loans and credit cards. Start with just exploring your local neighborhood and move on to longer trips.
Try some basic sex tourism, if you shop around you can round trip to Angeles city or Pattaya for under 500 USD. You will soon see even your meger income is godlike in these countries, for my friends that have come for visits it has tended to shift their perspective on life a bit.
>cries about poverty
>buys things
Heh I'm autistic too so I guess we come in all flavors.
I suppose we all can.
Not a fan of vomiting either. I just won't think about it until it happens. Never tried mushrooms either. I'll try them as plan B.
Certainly don't want to be "lazy" but being tired is not something I can deny.
Lead the way bitch.
Didn't think of that before. I do love open source too. I try to keep off Veeky Forums these days. It's got its function but mostly it's a huge time sink.
I'm down with sex tourism why not, just need some money first.
Since when has being poor stopped anyone from buying drugs?
I have 21 BTC. All I need to do is literally sit on my ass and when im your age I will be a multimillonaire.
You mad? yeah you mad.
Well, I wasn't implying all autists are sociopaths, there just seem to be a bunch of rigid-brained sociopaths with no empathy on here. Nothing wrong with autists as long as they're not smug cunts.
It took you until 35 to realize life is suffering?
adult child syndrome detected
time to embrace it and move on softy.
35bro here. Haven't given up on life just yet. But I've drastically lowered my expectations. Basically, try not to be homeless, then die a quiet death at age 48.
23, here. realized yesterday I'm depressed again.
My life has been one long series of small mistakes, ultimately leading to me being a worthless minimum wagie who lives at home. Until this summer I'd never had more than 2k at once. Starting from 1k in crypto I worked my way up to 20k at january ATH. Now I'm watching my only chance at making it turn into nothing. I think it's worth maybe 5-6k now.
I guess the crushing realization that I might not make it is setting in for the first time since I started crypto.
do it
>deletes post and tries again because of retarded typo
Sorry I can't take you seriously after that.
Yeah I know and in fact I agree with your original statement because overall it's pretty true around here. Just saying there's exceptions.
Nah I always knew.
Betting everything on BTC is as foolish as betting everything on one stock. Buy some alts that appear to have legitimate use case and professionals behind them. No Chinese coins, too many scams. Supply Chain Coins.
If you're smoking weed on the regular, stop. Huge motivation drain, I struggled for years.
The Discord Pump group that is unstoppable/.
discord dot gg/pbN4G73
You gave up on life and Veeky Forums is the closest thing you have to someone to talk to about it? OP, please, I'm certain you have someone else you could be telling this to.
I bet most are LARPing as sociopath autists too. OP, things are tough right now and society is fucked. You're not alone.
If you think it's bad now just wait until we have the next great depression. Most of us will probably be in the bread lines, except the ones who managed to make it before everything crashed. Even then, the ones who made it will see their fiat become worthless very fast. Almost everyone will be at your state in a few years if things continue as they are.
Aren't you numb to pain of being not successful? I'm 27. I believe that I'll achive great things. But even if I don't that wouldn't bother me that much becasu my emotional state is pretty stable thanks to different kind of abuses that I've come across.
English is not my native language but I'll try.
I found my life so boring a year ago, getting older and other shit - I was about to end this mess. I did'nt do anything but such thoughts were a wake up call.
35 (or 39 for that matter) is an age, where your dreams burst, you look back and everything looks like shit, your friends, if you had any, most likely have families and kids now, you realize your job sucks and leads you nowhere and your youth is finally over.
I just changed my thinking, lowered my expectations. There is not that one blueprint for all of us. Life owes me nothing.
I deal with it like it is, with low expectations, no wishful thinking of what if this and that.
I'm just grateful to be alive, have a job, go hiking every now and then, play with internetmoney..
I think, too high expectations are the No.1 reason for Unhappiness.
If life sux with 30-40, hold on, it's getting better.
Stfu and pick yourself up kid. I’d give up everything I own to be your age again. Go back to school, take some acting classes, join a snowboarding meetup, meet some ladies, quit your job and find a new one, you have your whole life ahead of you.
i wonder what it's like to die of just laying on your bed and not doing anything
Honestly almost nobody makes it in their twenties unless they come from wealthy families. Look at traditionally successful people, it takes decades to build businesses and legacies. 35 is not the end of your life, you still have time.
Probably very painful. I have gone a day and half without drinking anything and it is torture. Your body will force you to drink something before it comes to that anyway, the urge to drink liquids will be so strong you won't be able to resist. It will be a long and painful torture, and there are accounts of people surviving months without any food. I have been stocking up on some supplies lately because I knew collapse is inevitable, it's just a matter of how long it will take.
I bet most suicide posts are larping attention whores too and there's a good reason people tell them to off themselves.
I have started smoking a lot more than previously. Not sure it is the cause of the depression or a symptom. It's tough to quit, of course you know this.
I felt like I had just gotten back on my feet for the first time in years. I quit playing WoW 24/7 (quite literally), picked up music production, got a new job, and picked up crypto. I felt on top of the world until recently. I understand what you mean though. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, but it's hard. I can't get ladies because I'm fucking ugly, and my confidence is shot from high school. All I wanted was to be free from wage slavery as a fuck you to bitches and society. I appreciate the though, dad. I honestly did take it to heart and will consider your words.
user...just respect yourself. Don't think about you being ugly or fat or whatever.
All the shit starts with bad thoughts.
Treat yourself like a good friend.
Take care of your health. Regular exercise and good nutrition will give you the energy to take on your goals at any age. Everything else is just details, without good health you can't really enjoy anything.
Who cares if you’re ugly. If it’s your weight, then start riding a bicycle a few times a week outdoors for at least a half hour. You’ll feel better and in a couple of months you’ll look better too. Buy some new clothes once you shed a 10 pounds, check out some sites like whatdropsnow.com or ssense.com to see what’s in right now. You need a hobby, crypto is not a hobby and it’s not cool, music production is good, it makes you interesting, find the local hip-hop/indie scene in your town and start meeting other producers/musicians and start building a network and making friends, it will open new doors for you and keep you motivated to keep going. Good luck.
me too. gonna start bachelor degree at 36
>buy some alts
>Who cares if you’re ugly.
Yep. Just running out the clock. And I have a solid career background, good education, rich parents, and so forth so that's no excuse here. Just tired of seeing loved ones succumb to disease and death, once good friends marry horrible cunts and disappear, physical breakdown with age, and seeing Western civilization begin to circle the toilet.
Only reason I don't suck-start a shotgun now is a combination of cowardice and not wanting to inconvenience the few people remaining in my life. Cheers,
If you’re really good at something you will attract girls no matter how you look. You think Ed Sheeran would get all that pussy if he spent his time playing video games and looking at crypto? Jay-Z, Action Bronson, 21 Savage, Jonah Hill. Stop kidding yourself.
OP needs psychadelics
You're past your peak. Less creativity, less energy to follow. You don't have to let it keep you down, if you accept it and continue to move forward
But yeah, that's life
>I have 21 BTC
> I will be a multimillonaire
The delusion is strong in this one
ya baby i'm really good at swindling people out of money on the internet, disregard my appearance.
Bitcoin is deflationary so, unless there's a bch flippening, which is the most unlikely scenario (and no eth won't take over or anything like that), he will become a millionaire at some point as long as he sells his coins when that happens
wagecuck, invest in stocks, you can still make it
No such thing as an ugly millionaire.
Ok, let me win the meme lottery to become a multi million dollar artist in the music (((industry))) in order to date above my league
>Stop kidding yourself.
>No such thing as an ugly millionaire.
somebody's coping
28 year old, only desire is to go in isolation or die, don’t care about women, like money and material but too poor and unlucky to have that either.
Then do what works for you retard. Nowhere am I saying that picking up an interest in something will make you a rich celebrity, but it will make you a more interesting person that others enjoy being around.
Up your confidence and psychology. People have turned things around at 40 - your lack of energy/focus/motivation is what will really be the death of you. Start taking fuckin Adderall if that's the only effective catalyst
38 here. Find a passion that will distract you from everyday problems, just please don't make it video games or some such shit. For me it's mainly cycling and reading. I swear to god it's impossible to feel depressed after a long ride in beautiful nature.
You can do it user. Find the fire within you,use the pain and anger you feel to motivate yourself. You're not too old at 35.