Did i get pajeeted and depleated?

Attached: i got pajeeted.jpg (877x613, 68K)


I think you did. I did.

on the Reddit for this they are saying to load up it went up to 18 cents at one point and now it is 3 so you could make 6X again if it goes up that high again

You felt dat pump. Now you feel da dump.
Wtf were you thinking !?

yeah and as i was checking blockfolio i farted and shat myself

one of the comfiest holds innit la

Attached: pajeetedf.jpg (600x370, 20K)


if you think you've had a rough few months, look at xvg. its down 82% from its high of 0.00002 btc. shitcoins get rekt.

this looks like a lot of fun
i'll buy when it peaks

XVG was obviously a scam though. The FUN scam was a lot better hidden.

I bought at 2 cents you goofs

Its not a scam you stupid cunt. Fuck you. Jez isn't scamming anyone you retard. Kys.

casinos are accumulating

$510 EOY

>privacy coin
>fees a fraction of Monero
Hows that a shitcoin?

Attached: E23524E9-E93A-4958-B7F6-FE1236D1041E.png (436x454, 417K)

Well, I lost money, so I got scammed. By who doesn't matter.

Because the privacy is not real.

Like, recently? Like was there a pump you got "pajeeted" on? No. Be patient dumbass, would you ask if Amazon was a failed choice after a few months of buying it at IPO? Fuckin wait, good god - if it moons and gets application, fuckin sweet - if not, oh well, this pick didn't go through.

The one project that has over two dozen employees, a CEO with lots of practical experience, several working examples in a beta, and actively seeking partnerships. Keep thinking a global dip means you got pajeeted

The problem with the global dip is that it erodes confidence in cryptocurrency. This makes partnerships less likely with each passing day.

It's a scam, I'm sorry to tell you.

Do you really think that the fact that it's a "global dip" (market crash) means that the project won't die nonetheless?

It allows anonymous transactions.
The wallet is private.
IP is private as well.
Therefore transactions cant be traced

Wallet IDs are not private, and they are eventually written to the public ledger. You can still be traced.

>>Spits out a range rover at you la

we’ll see you crawling back in after recovery

I never got out.

Just wait you mongoloid, casinos being announced next month

Don't people say this every month?

I still got a 100k FUN stack. I'm gonna wait till EOY or someting. See how it go's...

probably June more like, and that depends on whether or not crypto as a whole is still alive then