Generic food packaging thread?

I found the last one a few months back strangely soothing

Which do you prefer? Artsy or cut and dry?

Other urls found in this thread:

If you removed all shit from packages you would probably reduce obesity significantly

Oh please

I really don't care about the packaging, but having at least some kind of branding is necessary. I think it would be hard to have more than one plain brand in a store before it would get confusing. Unless they all used different colours, I guess.

>Implying there'd be enough products in the totalitarian/communist shithole to worry about that

>photo of croutons on the box

What's with this extravagant packaging? Are you selling croutons to the princes of oil nations? Do you need your crouton box to entertain you while you're eating your daily salad ration?


H-Hail the glorious state

>salad ration

No matter in what nation or social sphere you would sell this product, I can promise you, there would be at least one person every day, who would not know what this is from the name alone.





I buy yellow package no name for a lot of food and stuff around the house. A millionaire is made ten dollars at a time ; )

this is literally communism

All tobacco in Norway will eventually have to use this generic packaging by law

A box of delicious lung cancer, oh boy


Where does one even go to buy this stuff? Is there like a generic food store that sells this?

Nothing has ever struck me as absolutely insulting as countries trying to "hide" cigarettes behind curtains or slapping those disgusting photos on them to "curb people from smoking"
Like we don't all know it's bad for us. Fuck you, you stupid, arrogant cunt in office. I am not a child for you to scold when I don't do what you want. Fuck off with forced coercion.

Makes me so goddamn mad.

That's basically the thought process behind a lot of regulations in countries. Look at that thread from the Argentinean who's country just made companies take mascots off of food to try and curb obesity.

Places who use those laws have seen a decrease in new smokers.

Besides, Norway has socialized medicine, if the state is paying for you fucking up your body they can tell you that you are a moron fucking up your body.

It's not to stop you smoking, it's to discourage new people (kids) from starting. They've already given up on you, you disgusting human chimney.

It's not aimed at you, it's aimed at 15 year olds who might actually think twice when they see those photos, everyone knows cigarettes are addicting and it's gonna take a lot more than advertising changes to get you to kick them, that's why they're trying to prevent more kids from starting in the first place

This bare bones? Never seen it in a western country

But there are lots of generic and store brands that carry their shit in much less flashy packaging

Yup. I know exactly what I'm doing. The surgeon general's warning is fine, but this shit is fucked. There can't possibly be enough people who smoke cigarettes who are ignorant enough to make this necessary.

I didn't consider this, nor read the thread. That actually makes some sense.


The really generic stuff is government commodities. Agricultural overproduction is bought by the gov to keep prices up, packaged in the most generic packaging possible and then handed out to food assistance programs.

(Clapping intensifies)

Did someone say socialist food thread?

my god this thread is satisfying

I kinda love the soul crushing brutalism of soviet-era buildings and minimalist labels/everything else. I know actually having to deal with this shit would probably drive a man crazy, but I wouldn't mind being able to buy really generic looking products every once in a while.

>if the state is paying for you fucking up your body they can tell you that you are a moron fucking up your body.
No they can't, because "the state paying" is "me the taxpayer paying". I pay into that system so I can use it however I want.

>Here, be treated like an idiot 15 year old because we can't expect people to parent their children!

>socialism/liberalism at its finest dickery

A millionaire is made exactly one million dollars at a time because that's how much money you need to be a fucking millionaire, shitfuck.

Okay thanks for quadposting buddy, I hope you saluted the queen at 12 o'bong today.

>polite sage



>> I think it would be hard to have more than one plain brand in a store before it would get confusing.

Why? Pick any. They are all the same anyway. Fancy packaging or not. The fancy package's sole purpose is to create a false impression that they aren't.

that, the beef, and the canned chicken are actually pretty good. the govt cheese is velveeta

Walmart killed its least expensive store brand earlier this year. A lot of people say it's because the packaging sucked. I'm not so sure about that.

what, they got rid of "Great Value"?

Even cheaper shit than that, it looks like. I've never seen it.

King Soopers (Kroger) here has 3 store brands:

Private Selection (good)
Kroger (what you think of as generic store brand)
P$$t..., Check This Out (super cheap shit)

I don't think they're all the same. There's four brands of plain baked beans around here, and they're all a little different. Slightly different ingredients in slightly different amounts. One in particular is cooked noticeably different, the beans are much firmer.

Man, Psst soup is like a nigga psst in a can

Their sugar's basically as good as any though

Advertising is at odds with market capitalism.

For competition to occur, products must be viewed as commodities. Differentiation causes market failure. Money spent on advertising is wasted as it enriches neither the producer or the consumer.

Regulations that reduce the effectiveness of advertising move us closer to an ideal free-market model.

Ur ignoring the aspect of competition that occurs in creating the most effective advertisements

A SHIT product you can trick niggas into buying lots of is even better than a well made product bought simply because of its quality

An even cheaper label called Price First.

Nearly all of the criticism I've read about it amounts to "the package design was insulting to shoppers" but from what I can tell, it failed because nobody really noticed it was there in the first place.