Why continue to eat garbage everyday when you can eat well and look/feel great?
>1L coke
Etc. Drop that shit now you'll thank yourself a year from now.
Why continue to eat garbage everyday when you can eat well and look/feel great?
>1L coke
Etc. Drop that shit now you'll thank yourself a year from now.
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Dude you are implying that the majority of the people on here (myself included) actually give a rats ass about how we look and feel at any given time.
I have depression
>I have depression
>Continues to eat garbage that makes you feel more depressed
Just start small like cutting soda/fast food and work your way up to a healthy diet. You have to make a change.
Are you convincing this user or yourself?
I'm convincing that user. My diet is great.
Maybe if you stopped treating your body like shit it might start being worth something to you.
Maybe you should stop projecting fatty.
>BPA water
Enjoy the bitch tits
Disrupts endothelial function, inflammatory, pure fat, garbage
How about none, fatty
>chicken broth
I love a pound of salt for my arteries!
Inflammatory, high insulin response
Make sure it's decaf or Greek style
>whole eggs
Nothing like a nice ton of dose of cholestrol, saturated fat, methionine, and choline! I love chronic diseases!
Enjoy the bitch tits and cholesterol bombs
>cottage cream cheese, yogurt
Enjoy the bitch tits and saturated fat
I love even MORE methionine with a touch of heavy metals with saturated fat and cholesterol!!!
>whole milk
I love bitch tits, more globs of fat, and tons of ridiculously inflammatory casein proteins
>lean ground beef
wtf i love cholesterol even more!!!!
>advocates whole grains but also white rice?
Dude i love contradictory shit that spikes blood sugar lmao
What do you eat my friend you seem very knowledgeable about diets
>fat is bad for you
>anything that isn't kale and tree bark clogs your arteries
do you seriously have nothing better to do than sit on Veeky Forums for weeks being a vegan bitch
Animal fats are bad
Too much fat especially saturated in general, is generally bad
However there have been Eco-Atkins dietary studies (basically vegan Atkins diet) which have been shown to be nearly as effective as a traditional HCLF vegan diet in weight loss, heart related functions, etc.
>basically eat nothing but eggs and canned tuna because I'm lazy
>still look skinnyfat
>Animal fats are bad
Vegetable fats are worse
Canned meats have a shitload of sodium and saturated fats as preservatives. Switch to fresh fish.
Yeah but a vegan diet will give you metaphorical bitch-tits, which is more literal than gynecomastia.
not him but the nutrition label doesn't lie though.
it still counts all the saturated fats on the label.
odd that he still looks skinnyfat, should probably stop being a neet
> Nothing like a nice ton of dose of ... methionine
>Methionine is an essential amino acid in humans. Methionine is important in angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels, and supplementation may benefit those suffering from Parkinson's, drug withdrawal, schizophrenia, radiation, copper poisoning, asthma, allergies, alcoholism, or depression
>Nothing like a nice ton of dose of ... choline
>Choline is the precursor molecule for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is involved in many functions including memory and muscle control. Some animals cannot produce choline, but must consume it through their diet to remain healthy. Humans can produce it only in very small amounts, so it is an essential nutrient. Choline plays an important role in reducing the risk of neural tube defects, fatty liver disease, and other pathologies
> I love chronic diseases!
I'm 95kg thats hardly obese for my height :')
Cholesterol doesn't affect cholesterol. Nice meme bro. Enjoy low test vegan brainwashing.
Insulin spike post workout assists musscle growth dummy
>eating tuna
>cholesterol doesn't affect cholesterol
This is literally junk science that has come from the junk age of information in the 2000s. There are confounding, tons, of pounds of literature from the 1930s to the present day that show this. But of course finding miniscule junk science that supports your biases will always override actual logic and reasoning. You know who funds these studies that don't even calculate cholesterol at baseline to begin with? Dairy and egg boards. So yes I'll enjoy the vegan "brainwashing" while you wilfully bend over to the diary and egg heart clogging and ass fucking
You do realize excess amounts of these, especially in the form from animals, is not particularly healthy at all, correct? Of course not
Why can I not be confident in my looks and eat Mcdonalds
CT Fletcher mode bb theres brotein in them burgers
Ofc I eat healthy too its called self control you homos
>OP is 3 foot 7
>excess amounts
It would be almost impossible to consume enough methionine or choline in a normal balanced diet to cause any problems.
Vitamin D can also cause serious problems in high enough doses, but nobody is going to eat enough of it from bioavailable sources to ever reach that point.
I bet you think 911 was an inside job as well?
It's long term effects, not "overdosing"
Sick argument
Veeky Forums pls go and stay go
What you are doing is biochemistry not cooking. I prefer my food to actually taste good.
>long term effects
Yes, of excess amounts.
>Methionine is an indispensable amino acid and must be supplied from the diet.
>Although methionine was labeled as being the most toxic amino acid in relation to growth in animals (1), the evidence in humans does not point to serious toxicity, except at very high levels of intake.
you sounded like the vegan that came knocking on my door. we had a friendly chat until she saw the roast pork im having for lunch. I was branded as a murderer the very same day.
Nutritional perfectionism, the thread. How about being reasonable?
I, too, never like to have fun or enjoy myself ever.
>Veeky Forums diet
Semen. FTFY
so what do you eat and drink all day? only veggies and water? as much as I like being healthy that lifestyle sounds horrible.
>no burgers
you can fuck right off nigger, I make my burgers from scratch and they are fucking delicious. It'll be a cold day in hell before I give 'em up.
>just stop being depressed faggot
Wont work. I go through depressive months from time to time and nothing pulls you out of the pit. Everythings a void.
I eat very well, mostly like pic related in my good months and I feel amazing, I shit better, sleep better - everything better.
When I'm depressed I want a full pizza and a pint of Hagen Daz
what the fuck do you even eat?
boiled veggies?
Food is culture. Your baseline diet should be healthy but if you actually like cooking and want to learn about food, culture, history, your heritage, you have to eat some animal fats and white sugar every now and then. Microwaved nachos, pizza and fast food should probably be banned on this board.
Veeky Forums meatheat has pov on Veeky Forums
Fuck off faggot i eat healthy enough to fuck for 90+ minutes regularly and more than just a bit overweight
My looks take a far second place compaired my joy of having my meals
If you had the ability to be in my position id bet my left nut to be able to lay pipe better than nearly whichever pornstar while being able to enjoy meals with whoever whenever savoring whatever you'd do the same still my favorites are pastries @nd pussy in that order
Nothing unhealthy about any of that as part of a balanced diet, my soy munching friend.
Milk is the only thing from that list that could be considered unhealthy.
Why imply I'm vegan? Sardines and Greek yogurt would simply be better replacements to the items I listed if our goal is health.
>Why imply I'm vegan?
Because nobody else would cry over red meat or dairy.
completely unrelated but if you think tower 7 fell 'because of a fire'
you're a fucking idiot.
Correct. Just like only a little bitch with cognitive dissonance would be crying about someone caring about that
>and right on cue the tin foil hats turn up
Go on then /x/-man, tell me why tower 7 collapsed?
i eat this everyday and i still feel like trash
Having had a depressed friend, trust me on this: you're talking to a wall. They don't want to change.
I'd imagine considering you're getting less than 1k calories a day
yes, they love their sadness. They think it makes them "unique" or "different" but in reality theyre emo shits.
t. former "depressed" teen
i'm not a teen anymore, but i was "depressed" 14-17.
Its a phase boy
You'ra a living meme ya poofta
Too much carbs and sugar, not enough protein
How much do you weight ?
which program is that?
I drank 1 liter of whiskey yesterday......god kill me
>only a little bitch with cognitive dissonance would be crying about someone caring about that
well, that and people who just want to read a thread in peace without it turning into a contest to see who can pretend not to be mad the loudest.
but then this is Veeky Forums. idk what I expected.