Well hi there user! What can I get for you t-

Well hi there user! What can I get for you t-

Oh, you bought Chainlink? I'll be back in a minute with an application.

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b-but .. muh $100 eoy

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Fuck why can't cuties work at burgerland McDonalds :(

Do you have no standards or pride? Look at her. Dumbo ears, poor hair and a nigger nose. If you're white, then get the fuck better standards, preferably a WHITE woman so our race may continue.

You're a faggot

Stfu u ugly ass chink

Attached: Vl713_s-200x150.gif (200x150, 700K)

>marrying a white woman in this day and age

how about no, white roastie?

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Enjoy your Elliot son.

this lol

roastie mad

Yes, we know, you're not an ugly sack of shit, you're just "enlightened" which is why you'll settle for a used goods flip "woman" when you hit 40. The best thing about Japan is how they absolutely DETEST white boys thinking they can get laid there and have a daily 24/7 thread about mocking the patethic attempts of white weebs.


Attached: muhelliot.jpg (580x676, 165K)

kek, how fucking desperate are you getting, blasted with the truth? I mean, you're clearly buttblasted beyond words when you have to post "I'M UGLY" images to prove your pitiful non-existant point. Don't worry, when stormfront rises, your traitor life will be cut short, before you can suffer or breed new cockroaches.

Me like thai jungle goblins. Uhmmmnmmmmmm good tight pootang


Oh, ok. I guess all those other school shooters don't count either KEK

>when stormfront rises

HAHAHAHA holy shit I think I found you, dumb stormroastie.

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there are cuties working at McDonald's but most are spicy Latinas

Added to my folder of cute asian wives

Elliots father was a jew, not white.

Unlike you libtards, i don't have to pretend i'm a woman, since i know i am a male.
It is funny though, that you post proof of the jewish scheme while thinking it "BTFO" anyone. You're the kind of person who will swallow poison happily if it offends conservatives.

she has demon eyes

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*tips fedora*

>Unlike you libtards

Not even liberal, but that doesn't mean I'm a stormfag

Centrists are the worse kind of cowards. At least libtards believe in their cause, while you hide and cower from taking a stance. You filth will be the first to go in the cleansing.

love all people. let go of your hate. you sad sack of shit

Confirmed for never having been there lol

If youre > 6.1'', have some cash to spare, a sense of humor and a decent face you're set.

What the fuck is that creature holy fucj

Everybody is a centrist in the mind of a polarized mong like you

>Love your enemy who want to kill you or they win!
Fucking idiot. Good thing Darwin's award will take good care of you before you breed,
I've been to Nikko and Tokyo due work, and it was the worse possible era of my life. I learned how racist and bitter they are against superior white people.

Any stories to share? I was thinking of learning japanese and going to japan for a bit.

Ok if you're a male then why would you give a fuck? As a male it is your biological imperative to put babies into as many women as possible, no? So some men fucking off with other women, leaving all those aryan princesses to you is a good thing, no?

Not worth it. Japan might seem like a decent country on the outside, but reality is, it's a shithole full of kurds and nigerians. In fact, i was walking down Roppongi and saw not 1, but 7 couples of nigerian male jap girl. I were so disgusted i had to leave and never went back to that multiculti shithole.
The people in the villages were better (like in Nikko), but they didn't hide their racism and hatred unlike urban japs, so i knew exactly were i had them unlike the false polite tokyofags. I have no trouble dealing with people who openly hate me for simply being better than them, since they're honest, but i can't stand the fakeness of city nips.
The natural thign is to ensure the FUTURE of our race, not "put babies in as many hostile mass of cells as possible". God created us to work for our children's security and future, not to breed with animals.

Thanks mate, I read a little about the nigerians they have and that a lot still come over and try to marry any japanese woman to get citizenship to stay with their nigerian friends/relatives permanently in japan.

You sound like a really horrible person man, get some help

>who openly hate me for simply being better than them

I have a feeling you're not exactly a good person just by the way you post. I've been to japan for nearly over a year and everyone was hospitable, in both the rural areas and the cities.

Stop virtue signaling, nobody is impressed. Humans are fighters by nature, not cucks.
That's what weeb glasses does to you. Make you think they're friendly when they scheme to stab your back.

>The natural thign is to ensure t...
Did you ever have vagene? Cause you sound like some La Creatura mix of /pol and /r9k right now

>God created us to work for our children's security and future, not to breed with animals.

Ok, then why did he create niggers?

but asians makes the best gfs

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Same reason he created cows, horses and sheeps. Livestock for us to use as we see fit. Blacks are literally created to work for their masters in return for food.

Asian women are better then white women. Even /pol/ agrees

Attached: polpoll.jpg (922x1024, 141K)

Curious bulge down there Ma'am. But she/he/it is indeed asian.

Right, I'm sure all those nvidia gpus mining Ethereum right now are assembled by hand by blacks. And yeah, a being powerful enough to create this planet and life on it created a perfect slave race of monkeys to serve another race of monkeys. You have a very misaligned world view roastie, hope you help yourself soon.

but its a woman you retard

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Jews know how to play centrists. Simply make an online poll, rig it and pretend it proves shit.
Meanwhile, make a thread about whore asians and you'll get chewed out and spat out by the real /pol/.
I don't blame you for settling with shit tier women though, it's not like you could ever be capable to handle a real human woman. After all, you're a cuddled spoiled bisexual millenial, so real people scare you, all thanks to your parents. At least your weed spawn will kill your parents and you when it get triggered.

stfu virgin... it's clearly a women

>Technology = Manual labour
Ah, i see, you are a complete fucking retard or a falseflagger. Yes, tech ensure we don't have to do nearly as much physical labour. But it was created in 50 years. Too slow for evolution and God to fix "overnight".
In year 3000, blacks will either be extinct, or deal with janitor stuff while we enjoy life.

So you're saying God with all his powers would not see, even approximately where humanity will go, just as we can predict where a billiard ball will end up? The only retard here is you. You also want to restrict people's personal liberties (ability to associate and be with others of their choosing) which is a cornerstore of western society.

>which is a cornerstore of western society.
And why do you think western society went to SHIT literally after letting women and minorities have any rights?
This is not our culture. This is a jewish anti white culture implanted in libtards.
And don't bring God into this debate, he (that's right, i just called him a HE, triggered?) is too important to care about your self hating cucked way of thinking.

You brought God in and now that I rekt you, you're trying to distance away from him. I mean seriously, imagine it - a being so powerful to create a planet created a slave race of monkeys to serve another race of monkeys he recreated BECAUSE he didn't anticipate that the later monkeys will invent automation later on. Does it make any sense to you?

Want the real redpill? The western society sold itself out, man by man. It wasn't (((they))) who destroyed it, we, or more correctly the boomers did it. Think of the first industries to be outsourced - massive profits for the owners, but less purchasing power for employees. Great for the first few who sold out and bought assets where they can be rentiers, but a disaster for the rest of us. This created a huge disparity, between the new people on the top and the former middle class who now lack any leverage whatsoever. Read some books, start with "Foundation of Economics" and get to "The Capital in the 21st century". Get your inner /poltard out of your head and open your eyes to realities, roastie. As for me enjoying my personal life to the fullest is whats important.

Virgin detected

She looks fake
Like a sex doll or the Expressionless