What's the Fed's endgame?

Also are David Stockman, Steve Forbes, Peter Shiff, Gerald Celente shall we say /our guys?

Attached: Illuminati.jpg (736x414, 94K)

The Fed's "endgame" is to clearly spelled out: maximize sustainable employment, stabilize prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.
>Also are David Stockman, Steve Forbes, Peter Shiff, Gerald Celente shall we say /our guys?
At the very least, Schiff is a shill.

so you don't see any problem with printing money and stimulate economy beyond any possibility to pay the debt?

Debt is the result of the budget deficit, which is Congress' responsibility. The Fed has nothing to do with it and has actually been reducing the debt in recent years (by remitting more to the Treasury than it receives).

Improve the human condition 666.

To sustain and contain the economy.

>People unironically believe that the Fed is a giant conspiracy.

Every day I begin to suspect that Democracy is a poor idea a little bit more.

im sick of edgy kids with no econoomic knowledge watching youtube videos of doom and gloomers and get ideas that are totally unfounded

That’s not the Fed, that’s Congress. Google the difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy.

Congress continues to increase the debt ceiling. Congress continues to pass budgets with massive debt obligations. Congress continues to pass bills that forgo paying off our debt now, and pushing off our debt into the future (Ricardian equivalence applied to the tax bill).

Honestly, the Fed is pretty fucking good at staying within its charter and producing results. Most of the problems were going to face with exorbitant debt is a failure of congress, not the Fed

To be completely fair though, the Fed isn't perfect. It isn't hard to argue that the Fed keeping interest rates too low was a major factor that lead to the 2008 financial crisis.

But don't you see user? His favorite politicians ran on slogans like "abolish the Fed" before engaging in deficit spending while in office. How could the Fed be good and Congress bad?

See if you print enough money, everyone is rich.

What's really funny is when you actually dive in to what things like the "Audit the Fed" bill would actually do.

Well the FED is technically no different than a private company with share holders. The conspiracy lies in occultism and running a secret society using the tools you already created: America, Congress, DoD, CIA, etc..

>Well the FED is technically no different than a private company with share holders.
Except it is, by a lot, because of the way the Fed is constructed. The Board of Governors is federally appointed and 1/3 of each Reserve Bank's board is appointed by the BoG, and Reserve Banks have to act according to overall policy (where the BoG has a majority). In addition, Fed shareholders earn a fixed dividend, with excess profits going back to the U.S. Treasury.

steal from The People just a little bit more each year, forever

That's merely an illusion of a voting system to make it look like a democratic system. The OG stakeholders will never lose their spot

There's nothing illusory about it, it's all out in the open. The OG stakeholders never lose their spot, but their power and profit is clearly defined and limited. They have a fixed dividend from their shares, period.

You mean like centralizing control of both fiscal and monetary policy within one congressional committee in the name of "checks and balances"? I got a kick out of that.

You're so far off the deep end that I don't think there's even a point in interacting with you other than some perverse pleasure in the argument.

>You mean like centralizing control of both fiscal and monetary policy within one congressional committee in the name of "checks and balances"?
Pretty much. These clowns can't even handle the budget without shutdowns, and they expect us to think to think they should be the ones dictating monetary policy?

Peter Shiff is my guy

Their control of power will never be replaced, that is for certain.They try real hard to make it look like it's a country of freedom and opportunity instead of them walking into a rat race designed by their own tools. Clearly it is just a way to create an economy/empire/civilization just many have done before. But don't be so naive to think this conditioning is not detrimental to the future of humanity.

Do you have anything concrete and meaningful to say, or are you going to stick to abstract nonsense?

It never ends. Not only that, but they've got a portion of the population so fucking brainwashed that they view the entire situation backwards from what it really is.

you mean what was their endgame

I do think it's strange that people who otherwise blame the government for all sorts of conspiracies are so quick to accept what someone in Congress has to say about the Fed.

We have XXI century and you still trade shitcoins on exchanges instead of getting dividends from P3D? p3d.trade

Why has the interest rate dropped consistently since 1971? Is the FEDs answer to everything easier money? What happens when we have a crash and they cant make money easier?

>Why has the interest rate dropped consistently since 1971?
They haven't. They raised rates multiple times last year alone.

I am talking trend mate, of course the bump it occasionally. And 1980 is more like it

Attached: Fed int rate 1980.jpg (630x378, 64K)

If you want to say that the Fed should be less squeamish about raising rates, I'm not going to argue with you. As for what happens if we have a crash and they can't make money easier, negative interest rates are a possibility.

Negative interest rates? So the bank charging you to hold money at the bank? that will never happen. People will withdraw their money in a heartbeat. More QE is the answer, which will mean the FED will own the world even more then they already do.

Not our guys

Shiff has been wrong so many times he should disappear

>So the bank charging you to hold money at the bank?
It's less about the bank charging you and more about the Fed charging the banks.
>that will never happen.
It's already happened in Europe.
>People will withdraw their money in a heartbeat.
You might think that, but the evidence is that isn't what happens.
>More QE is the answer, which will mean the FED will own the world even more then they already do.
u wot? QE doesn't result in the Fed owning the world m8.

We will all be at the mercy of Satan, digital and trackable one world currency, we can only buy & sell if we bow down to him. We need to break free from money. Untill then hate & suffering will prosper.

A one world currency is retarded, if for no other reason that there is no one world fiscal policy.

>peter schiff is /ourguy
he has hated on BTC since day 1, would not be surprised if he is the main admin of r/buttcoin

But another crash these all of these things get worse. The point is that the only reason the fed is successful is that the continue to lower rates. And now when realize they didnt want to lower rates any more they do other ((creative bookkeeping)) like QE. If negative interest rates werent such a problem why did the ECB even do QE? Negative Interest rates are a joke. The Fed is tool that the elites use to contol the economic system, and its a failing one at that

germany would like a word

> The point is that the only reason the fed is successful is that the continue to lower rates.
That's demonstrably false though. Your own graph shows that.
> If negative interest rates werent such a problem why did the ECB even do QE?
I never said that negative interest rates were desirable, merely that they were an option and that it has been done in Europe.
>The Fed is tool that the elites use to contol the economic system, and its a failing one at that
What? The Fed is a tool used by the government to regulate the economy, and it's been pretty good at it relative to nothing at all.

How is that demonstrably false?

The Fed existed for every year depicted in your graph, and rates increased in many of those years.

Hahaha. Most of you believe that FEDs are good. Wow, open your eyes. Jews have been stealing your country since 1913 and will suck it dry until they make you poor. Afterwards, they will 'exile' to another country.


That was a different world before globalization, technology advancements (loss of jobs). But for the past 40 years the only success has happened because the FED has promised easier money than yesterday