Why won't he lose weight?
Why won't he lose weight?
cuz he doesnt fucking have to lose weight you shallow faggot
he has better things to do
This. As long as he stays focus and efficient who the hell cares
t. fat people. there is no reason ever to be fat. none.
>be a food addict
>hastily release some coin, say it will connect the real world to coin contracts
>get a shit load of money
>eat mcdonalds everyday
>one day see yourself in the mirror, tell yourself, sergey, things will change, put down those burgers and lets change the world
>phone buzzes, check twitter, people posting pictures of your face photoshopped on fat people
>reach for the burgers
He's cultivating mass
No but the question was why he doesn't loose weight
Client dinners.
Fuck you, skinny cunt. You have no idea what it's like to be born with fat genetics. I could literally starve myself to death and I would just die fat after 2 weeks. I'd have to work out more hours than I have free in a week to get my metabolism up enough to not be fat, and eat nothing but fucking salads on top of that. Frankly, I'd rather be fat than depressed. But fuck you, seriously, fuck you.
Haha, I sure hope this is a joke but you're pretty convincing. "Fat genetics" HAHA
For six fucking months I've read chain link scam fucking Christ just give it a God damn rest all of us have bought already go fucking eat burgers and induced into yourself up fucking food coma
This. His obesity is a reflection of his habits and self control.
You think Elon or Jeff would ever appear in public like that?
Not looking good.
He's bulking
Ketosis you fat fuck, im formerly fat too.
KETOSIS then do t stuff yu fat fucking face with sugar once you've lost the weight. You are a sugar and food addicts no if ands or buts you cut it out completely or continue to be fucking fat you fat worthless fucking lard ass.
If youre over 16 yrs old its your fucking fault now take some responsibility. O and ketosis diets are dirt cheap cheaper than a normal one.
Lose some weight fatass.
>fat genetics
Fucking newfags fuck off
>comparing billionare CEOs to Sergiey
>middle class shitters who think their mental masturbation about inane shit like dieting has any value outside their petty turf wars
i just came here to say fuck fat people i hope you all have have crippling seizures and live the rest of your life in pure suffering
>a diet consisting of only protein and fat is cheap
>protein is cheaper than mass produced carbs
By normal one do you mean a normal weight loss diet? Growing your own veges and chicken is the superior choice for those with the know how as it is dirt cheap
Because he keep comfort eating due to the fact that chain link is another failed ico
I'd hate to see him die of beetus.