Bitfinex Tether Scandal

Will Bitfinex go down like MtGox?

I only use their trading platform because I like tradingview charts and they integrated there, although i want to use leverage soon. I'm concerned though that there will be a major problem because of the rumors that they may have done something illegal or just shady with their tether accounts.

What do you guys think? You think bitfinex will still be around a year or two from now?

Also, am i just retarded or does trading view not offer interactive charts for other exchanges?

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Tether may not be backed real dollars, wow

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interesting post it makes Bitfinex sound shady as shit announcing two major audits then backing out and abandoning both the stuff about GDAX is interesting too

Btw i found poloniex on trading view but the UI is confusing to me and when i clicked on bittrex's tether/btc it took me to poloniex. Anyone that is used to trading view car to give me a few pointers?

Mmm i think they have enough money overall as a company but their transaction history is fucky and the ledger or blockchain for tether might be fucky as well or something like that. MtGox didn't kill bitcoin so i dont think it's nails in a coffin but I don't want to get caught on the exchange that goes down while im trading. And the only reason im using bitfinex is just that I like trading view charts specifically.

I know it sucks cause they have the best trading platform and tether affects multiple exchanges as well. I think bitstamp might be ok without it.

If Tether was going to collapse, it would have happened already. These exchanges make millions of dollars a day, do you really think it's unreasonable that they are solvent?



Look the ponzi bubble is over. There's nobody here left to fuck over stop being a dishonest faggot.

This FUD has been around for months, they got subpoena'd in December. Tether is still working as intended (digital USD) and it has a shit ton of volume so fuck off bitfinexed cuck

>subpoena'd in December.
where are the details of that?

>bitfinexed cuck
Sorry it's just literally my favorite exchange and i wanted to know what others think about it..

There is nothing to worry about. This shit is blown out of proportion to create FUD. They do this every time BTC dips so people sell their alts and get scared from Tether so they stay in BTC while whales are buying cheap alts and dumping on BTC holders.

USDT is safe. Bitfinex operates with multiple exchanges. If there is really any fuckery going on do you really think it will still have this volume? Do you really think other exchanges like Binance would still be dealing with it? Fuck NO. This shit is retarded.

>Posts 1 month old article
Gee I wonder what your game is user

Tether will implode. Look into Liberty Reserve, it's the blueprint that was used for Tether. Uncle Sam does not approve of a centralized authority that is not the Fed printing digital assests that are supposedly tied to the US dollar.

Bittrex is starting to phase out Tether and slowly replacing it with True USD (TUSD). There's also weird Tether activity going on at Poloniex with Tethers getting frozen. I have no doubt US authorities have pressured both these exchanges to ditch Tether. On top of that Kraken has stopped USDT trading for Japanese clients. Tether will end up getting outlawed in multiple nations and will implode as a result of this. Do yourself a favor and get out of Tether and into fiat or other stablecoins because this shit WILL go to zero.

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Uhhhh - I want an invite to this party

you really, really don't.
a can of soda adjacent to the mixing board, a meme dj, short greasy men of dubious ethnicity hoving over an ad-hoc dj booth, no visible crates or binders of original tracks, fading a track without a monitor headphone....

Why would it have happened already? There's plenty of gullible fools in the crypto space. Just look at the people who continued believing in bitconnect AFTER it crashed.

Best reading platform? Shit is needlessly confusing. And I daytrade on EtherDelta

>a can of soda adjacent to the mixing board, a meme dj, short greasy men of dubious ethnicity hoving over an ad-hoc dj booth, no visible crates or binders of original tracks, fading a track without a monitor headphone....

It looks weird as fuck because nothing makes sense. I just wanna sit in a corner and watch the akwardness

in that case, i'd join you. laughing at trainwrecks is mean but fun. but she'd get re-booked because of her gimmick.

I think it's still liquid and not that big of a deal but regulatory agencies or audits could fuck it over.

Also do you trust the founder? Brock Pierce?

Attached: Brock+Pierce.jpg (600x400, 52K)

Honestly just worried about my favorite exchange.

>Uncle Sam does not approve of a centralized authority that is not the Fed printing digital assests that are supposedly tied to the US dollar.
EXACTLY. This is what I am most concerned about. Considering the latest regulatory meetings and what not like the one yesterday, how much time do you think we have left? You think it will take them one year or two to get serious about fucking this thing over? I think bitcoin will survive but it will be a tough few months while it happens. Also i have no faith in bitcoin becoming a common currency but i do think people will continue speculating on crypto for a long long time, even if it's only monero and on the dark web.

Yeah DJ micki love was so hot.. She had the perfect body and on the high res photos you could see how she had perfect skin with just a bit of tiny peach fuzz. One of my first /b/ faps desu. I'm not a fan of the way she does her makeup now though.

Yeah I know what you mean, clubs suck.


I love their "fib retracement speed box." It's basically fib lines on both the x and y axis and then a nice double fib fan. Works great desu and I have found correlation about 90 percent of the time. And tradingview has more indicators than anywhere else and even community made indicators. I know people do well with simple set ups but it's always good to have the best available options.

Check out her vids.

I'd be jacking off in the corner desu senpai.

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look how many dorky dudes are watching her, lol

me on the right rofl

there is no way they can keep the scam going for another 2 years. 1 year tops. id put 1mil on it.

>mfw no more tether injections

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