
I just got a red onion (it's really purple though), chopped it up for my salad, and I'm wondering why it was so bitter tasting instead of sweet tasting like the ones they have in salad bars. How do I get a sweet purple onion?

- My salad in case you're curious contained lettuce, garbanzo beans, sliced black olives, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and red onions - but I didn't eat the onions because they're way too bitter and gross. If they were proper sweet red onions then it would be the best salad ever. It's addictive. No dressing needed or desired.

Answer me.


You got an american onion, you need a purebred canadian northern onion.

No, you need a wild purple Himalayan onion. Only the finest will do.

After slicing your onion, soak it in ice water for a few minutes. That will take away the harsh bite.

Red onions should have more of a spicy taste, not bitter or sweet

They're my favorite kind to eat raw and go great in salads and sandwiches imo

I've never had a sweet tasting red onion, that sounds weird

I'm not American and the concept of sweet red onions sounds bizarre to me.

Maybe it was pickled?

You need what is known as "Deep Field Red Onions" from Madagascar.

Unfortunately the entire crop is protected by a band of Fossa, a rare feline predator that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world.

Good luck.

red onions are sweeter than normal yellow onions. If you do find them still too bitter, soak them in vinegar for about 20 minutes and then add to your salad. The sourness negates the bitterness. I know it's weird but it's true.

I am American and it sounds weird to me too, I don't know where these people are getting sweet red onions

eurofag here. red onions are milder in taste here.. sweeter?. not really.
i use red or yellow on a fiddy/fiddy basis.

What you're looking for is an Israeli Semi-Sweet Onion. They're only sold in bulk to restaurants.

>he's scared of the Kevin Hart of feline predators

you obviously smoke as your taste buds are shot to shit. red onions are a lot sweeter than normal onions

amerifags are dilluting all their food with subsidied corn syrup, probably their onions too.

I'm an Amerifat and red onions have sort of a spicy bite that's a lot stronger than white/yellow onions

There must be different kinds of red onions as this whole thread has me confused

>Grow so much corn we can't eat it or even use it for livestock feed
>Shit bill what do we do
>Turn it into ethanol! We'll run our cars on the damn stuff!
>Wow good thinking bill
>Still have so much corn we can't eat it, feed it to animals, or literally burn it
>Shit bill what do we do

You're right about subsidied corn products, but the fuck are you smoking to think we put shit in our onions?

diluting their red onions with corn syryp??? wouldn't that make them sweeter?

i was responding to


Read carefully - slice thin




You're after the Alaskan grain fed, free range onion. Best I have ever had, they have a heard mentality so it's easy to corner them and nab a few. Just make sure they don't have a band. Last thing you want is to be in an Alaskan onion Gulag for onion rustling.

Maybe it had a really bad day :)

I already have a child. Do I have to teach an adult about Onions?

So much reddit.

t. Onion Pleb

There are so many trolls I don't even know if I can take these tips seriously but I guess I'll google.

And by sweet I mean like a little less sweet than snap peas but still sweet.

But this onion I got from the store was inedible it was so bitter. I figured there must be a reason. Maybe there would be a way to tell if an onion is going to be more bitter or sweet. Because I've bought too many onions from the grocery store that were inedibly bitter. It's a waste. I just tossed 2 bucks in the trash. I don't want to waste money on overly bitter onions anymore.

you need to add vinnegar or lemon to raw onion so it doesnt taste so bitter

Letting the onions sit in water or vinegar will do you right OP. Those posts are not wrong.

Might just be a shitty onion that didn't get enough water, user

i like onion

sub out your onion for some of these

Get out Fraggle.