With so many Good coins at a bargain right now which ones are you buying during this FUD dip ?
Kepe Buying the Dip /Bros/
Went in on eth at $600, feeling comfy af
I love this movie.
I bought some eth ark and nano
stinky linkies all the way
ZIL, looking tasty and primed for a pump.
I'm actually shocked anyone else even knows about it.
Only reason I opened the thread
Probably RLX.
Some way somehow this needs to become a Veeky Forums meme
Can we work it into Link somehow ? Maybe sergy as Rell ?
I bought some TKR. Working apps and marketcap is under 1mil. Ridiculously undervalued lol.
I just got myself to 30k REQ
That emerald wizard dude could fit into the culture here pretty easily. Or the lady of the web. Fuck there's so many characters really. The weapon itself could be dubbed with a shit coin over it (Link) when he throws it at the beast.
Or you could make it look like bitcoin logo and make the beast le happy merchant.
possibilities endless
what an absolutely based pic. krull was so fucking good and i totally forgot about it, i'm gonna watch it right now
This was probably my favorite all time movie growing up the entire reason for this thread is really just to bump these Krull Pics as Coin Memes
Definable Meme Materials
fuck off shill, nobody is falling for that shitcoin a second time
Someone photo shop please
but user REQ is going to dump after the mainnet you should have bought then
This is Colwyn now. Can you believe it?
i'm so fucking old. i need to /makeit/ by 2020 or it's genuinely over
I'm only here for Krull posting
lets see... i bought another 1000 ENG, 100 ARK and 50 OMG. I'm going to buy a shitload of Digitalnote and Burst next.
I love a good dip, it's 2014 all over again. Buy now folks...