
>500k in a low cost of living area

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500k cents?

Enjoy breathing in those toxic fumes

>TBC investor
>1.5M net worth
>at the age of 20
>tfw ready to retire

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Scuba welders can easily make 6 figures, but that shit is dangerous as fuck

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Welding looks fun as fuck. At least if you do your own thing.
Is it fun as fuck lads?

>he thinks he will belong to that 1% that actually makes that much

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Even if you dont die, you might otherwise get fucked up. That said one should get Masters in stem if he wants big bucks

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does low cost of living area mean that you are in the middle of nowhere and literally work your life away for a few measly dollars?

how does one become a welder?

>Retire on what's essentially 15yrs of 100k/yr.
Uh, dude...

The welder I know makes 800 dollars on a good week OP is a LARPing trade monkey, blue collar work is for apes anyways

>goes blind from staring at bright light all day

this retard doesnt know what compound interest is

Its still fucking nothing

Should make 2.5m for compound, desu.

>doesn't know safe withdrawal limits

it's nearly $50,000 a year for early retirees with a time line of 60+ years (4% is safe-ish for 30 year retirement horizons, I'm assuming 3.25% for more than 60 years)

he should start with 20-30% bonds, and spend only bonds while holding stocks which will give the stocks enough time to work through a recession or two

yeah thats not even possible to make 500k welding even in a union. 120k tops best of the best job

Not true Union Iron Workers in NYC make 120 and hour I'm not a welder but work with them doing a different aspect I make 200k on years with decent over time

easier said than done

which is fucking ridiculous, this next depression is going to halt construction in most east coast cities because all of the labor, material, and transport costs have exploded

Aerospace welder here
Pipe welders get 30+ an hour because their bodies get fucked up.
It will age you 10x easily
My cousins were all part of the boiler union and they told me to avoid that type of welding.
Aerospace is super chill though, no body breaking shit

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How the fuck does one become a welder?

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t. sour grapes

What's so strenuous about welding? Don't you just point and hold a laser?

#1: welders do not make that much, ever.

#2: welders who do make a good salary work ungodly hours and have very little free time

When it comes down to it, you’re a wagecuck who is literally spending your life away doing work for people who wouldn’t give a shit if you got in a car accident and died on the way home.

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>work in oil and gas
>make 100k a year
>all in LINK
stay mad neets.

>Bragging about being in oil at $60 bbl

Take a few TIG weld classes at ur local community college.
Get hired for a entry level position.

>What's so strenuous about welding? Don't you just point and hold a laser?
The pipe fitters lift heavy shit, 100+ lbs all day.
Welding in a dirty environment, inhaling toxic fumes.
Being in awkward positions all day
90F areas
Getting burned all the time
Shit isn't fun man

What do you weld? Ti? Chamber?

Trolled. You fucking imbecile.

Maybe but New York City still does alright the union is small we bring people in from out of town unions to work when it booms then send them home when it slows down also we work on multi billion dollar projects until that happens I'll enjoy my fat pay checks.

I'm TIG certified to weld titanium, inconol, stainless, and Cobalt.
Including Auto welders and Bubble welding.
I unfortunately only get $10 an hour because I don't have Welders title.
They like to have people do a $30 job with a garbage title.
Good way to set myself for the future though.

Used to do aero titanium. Got bored and started doing food grade ss and alum. Make more now too but yeah 500k is def meme lvl.
Pic is an engine part in a chamber after welding in the oval patches.

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But a welding gun and do a online test to be certified for a permit to use the welding gun.

whats with al the broke welders posting here from their trailers

#14 welders lense fucking brainlet

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That's an air bus part right?
Or at least part of the plug and nozzle?
I'm pretty sure I've seen it

>got doctorate in medicine
>decide to become a garbage man in rural midwest
>960k plus benefits
No one wants to be garbo these days.

is this real?
how there are so huge salaries in america for such professions? in my country 0,01% of whole population makes over milliion in year, and they are mostly entrepeneurs and ceo´s of listed companies

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Did you mean to type 96k?

the garbage man benefits aren't that good only worth 30k or so a year.

we all make fun of them because they don't make a million a year, losers

I'm in plumbing pre apprenticeship and they make us take one welding course as part of the program
Fuck I suck at it, it's tougher than it looks, making it even throughout and keeping a good pace and distance etc

Union pipe welders make 100 k if they work steady with some overtime

Everyone taking this bait YOU DUMB AS FUCK NIGGA

Not bait

You show me a check for 500k and I quit my job right now

And I come work for you

>kebab chef
>750k EUR in a low cost of living area

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>basically walk around and clean stuff a lot of the time

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>Paperboy on Mars
>Make $1,000,000,000,000,000 per hour.
>Get on my level nubz

That’s pretty good for a low IQ wageslave job

>leaf dollars
>pension scam

The welders that make the most are downhill pipeliners with their own welding rig truck. Have to work long hours and away from home alot but can make 100k a year easy maybe in 4-6 months a year

>t. sams club

I live near a city and almost moved to a rural area. I make ~$170k/year now. I had a job offer in a rural area for similar position for $80k, but I could have a huge ass house with massive land with that salary. A house which would cost $1mil+ anywhere within an hour commute from where I currently work.

I almost did it, accepted the offer but backed out. Instead I bought this shitty condo in cash for $110,000. I walk to work and literally saved $90k last year, more than the entire salary I would have made in that rural area. I think I made the right decision.

>mfw people going to college to get their $15 an hour "professional" jobs

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I knew a guy who was a deep sea welder doing jobs for oil rigs. He retired at 40. Deep sea welders make shitloads of money, but it's dangerous as fuck. One of his co-workers got dementia at 35 because he resurfaced to fast or some shit like that...

>Age 23
>I get $75k just sitting on a computer
>I'm on Veeky Forums at work right now while I wait for a program to run

Why would you ever become a welder?

Canadian plumber here. 500-700k.

Is thus why all the manhole steel covers literally say India in nyc? Cause the (((unions))) drove wages to unaffordable price?

American elementary school maintenance man, 600k starting since it's a highly classified job dealing with so many small untrained robot children in a training prison.


thats more than Phd, Maths