I fucking suck at the GRE lads. How the fuck am I supposed to score 160+ in quantitative and verbal...

I fucking suck at the GRE lads. How the fuck am I supposed to score 160+ in quantitative and verbal? I got a 151 and a 152 respectively. My writing was God-tier, I got a 5.0/6 which is better than Harvard's average. But everything else fucking SUCKS. I'll never get into a PhD program. All my ex girlfriends are lawyers and executives now. I'm just a brainlet with a master's degree.

Who here will never make it? The GRE holds me back. I graduated #1 in my undergrad program and my master's program (both in economics) but I CAN'T FUCKING GET A HIGH SCORE ON THE GRE. I've practiced hours!


Destined for mediocre management for the rest of my life unfortunately...

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Magoosh you bitch. GRE is a a learnable test, there's a certain way you gotta take it.

>Oh god I'm only a genius and not a super prodigy genius
Fuck off, we don't all get to have the luxury of being born with IQs like yours, don't get spoiled. You think you're a brainlet? Ha if you went from how smart you are now to my position you'd kill yourself from the stress of knowing you can't even think of a plan to help yourself.

Link $1000 EOY

There's no point in being only decently smart. That's like being able to bench 225lbs for 5 reps. There's no point. Woopdeefreakingdoo.

I did Magoosh before and am doing it now too. It's hard when you're working 40 hours a week tho plus all the other shit crammed into life.

>There's no point in being only decently smart. That's like being able to bench 225lbs for 5 reps. There's no point. Woopdeefreakingdoo.
You spoiled cunt, It doesn't matter how smart you get because there is no "enough" just like money you clearly want to be acknowledged and jerked off for being a big brain nibba.

i got 167/170 first try without ever studying. It's mostly an IQ test lad, just make sure you review plane geometry and get flashcards for vocab if you're struggling

now the physics GRE on the other hand...
>get 990 by ~10 raw score on 3 practice tests
>take real test
>get 680

>willingly wanting to pay jews to tell you you are an expert at something

Lol. Why the fuck would you ever want to do that?

HOW?! You fucking cunt. Am I just bad at standardized tests? I had a knockout application besides these fucking scores. How the fuck can I do better? Should I just yolo it and not take it seriously? Should I treat it like a shitty IQ test? I remember the second time I took the ACT in high school I jumped 10 points because it was my third time taking it and I didn't give a fuck anymore. Maybe that's it? Or luck? Who the fuck knows.

You're right there is no enough. But when you're ex gets into a PhD program and you can't even crack 160 on the verbal, it feels like SHIT

I'm good with math, I majored in physics after all. I usually do better in English/reading than math, too, surprised I didn't on the GRE as well. I don't know, I read a lot? I just yolo'd it, I didn't know anything about the test structure. I would just try doing a practice test or two to get used to it and reviewing plane geometry, since you don't really see that stuff much after high school desu

Where are you now? What do you do? Did you get a PhD or masters? I need more info lad. I should have studied mathematics or something instead of shitty econ.

No I gave up on graduate school because I got JUSTed by the physics GRE, hence why I am on Veeky Forums.

Man with that high of a quant/verbal you could get into a lot of programs. Fak.

>when you're ex gets into a PhD program and you can't even crack 160 on the verbal, it feels like SHIT
Who cares what some bitch does, women don't even give a fuck about knowledge or learning most times, they just use that shit to signal or to give them an excuse to be more picky in the dating world.

It took me 3 tries to get an 850 on that test and that's too shitty for a top US school. In econ you have really good opportunities after graduating. In physics/math you will get JUSTed in the job market (both academic and not) if you are not at a top 10-15 school, actually more like "not at Harvard/MIT/Princeton/Stanford/Caltech/Berkeley/UChicago" desu

Nah, no one cares about the GRE general, getting a 170 is assumed.

Took them last Tuesday and got a 168 on the verbal section and a 165 on the quantitative section. I also got a 5.5 on the essay.

Jesus Christ... I am a brainlet...

Fucking kill me.

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Don't feel bad. If you sat the entirety of the Fortune 500 CEOs down and had them take the GRE general, you would probably get close to the standard distribution of the general population. People who test well are often exploited by those who are gifted social engineers. Do you want to be a Steve Jobs or a Steve Wozniak?

GRE doesn't mean anything if you have a good undergrad record + research experience

t. Berkeley Chem Ph.D candidate who flunked my Chem GRE

interesting, I heard rumors that UC Berkeley physics basically trashes your application if you get

>GRE doesn't mean anything if you have a good undergrad record + research experience
I helped get a econ paper published and I got a 3.82 in undergrad and a 4.0 in my masters. I guess I could still apply. One of the schools im applying to is my old professor/boss's old school. She graduated #1 at her school and is the current chair of the econ dept at my old school. I figure that's the best fucking reference you can get.

I don't know. Now I'm just getting depressed drunk. Shieeet.

You're obviously not that smart, now that you realize it you can adjust your expectations accordingly

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What is the GRE? Why do you need it? I got my CS PhD program position because my master's supervisor wanted to continue the research we were doing. Can't you get a PhD position at the institution you did your master's at?

my school doesn't have an econ phd program otherwise i would.

GRE is some retarded test by a for profit company that for some reason all schools accept as a metric for your capabilities. You need it because nearly all schools require it.

Why would you waste money going to a school that requires it if you can't into college English and math desu? Get a job ya worthless hippy.

Surprisingly enough I work for the US Government. Idk if that's a good thing or a bad thing based on my current brainlet status.

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Thats crazy, you would imagine that your ability to do good research would be much more important than your ability to sit a standardised test. Sure its important to make sure you're not a complete dingus; but being able to answer simply framed questions, no matter how hard, says nothing about your ability to reason about something that will take you years to complete. That's madness...

Yeah, the paper I worked hard on a professor with was how environmental regulations affect foreign direct investment. Obviously heavy amounts of econometrics. I literally built the fucking excel table and compiled the date to run our regressions on.

Granted I haven't applied to any programs yet... but I can imagine the committee just laughing at my scores.

Might be true. I had a 3.9 undergrad GPA with a paper publication. Guessing that compensated for the GRE I didn't study at all for.