should I just pull the trigger and get a 2018 rs5?
Should I just pull the trigger and get a 2018 rs5?
Get a used R8
Only if you have a net worth over 600k
I have 1.4 million in my fidelity trading account
Nice Volkswagen
i would lease it. european cars are garbage and expensive as fuck to maintain. BUT they look nice
Jag f type SVR if you're serious. Control and acceleration are my top two components I look for and it has both.
that shits nice dude
>not buying American
dumb libtard
>buying an asset that literally loses 1/5 or more of its value as soon as it leaves the show room
I will never understand car cucks. You should spend at MOST 5% of your net worth on your car, ideally 1-2%
t. 3k civic driver
American cars are shit
Some people like cars you bus riding numale soy drinking limp wristed uber faggot
>numale soy drinking limp wristed uber faggot
The Veeky Forums in me says don't buy a brand new car... such a stupid investment
The Veeky Forums in me says it's an awesome car but don't buy, lease. Audis are notorious lease queens and essentially turn into gremlins after 60k miles... and that's for the regular models. The hot models are even worse and cost a ton to fix
I really dislike people who dislike cars, sorry user
Yep if that’s the car you want go for it user enjoy your success
This. Just lease it and write it off.
Veeky Forums can only afford Corollas now, don't get too excited
Chads getting tripple bj in his Corolla. I am unironically not even jealous of lambo tards. I hung out with manlets driving Gallardo. It's heartbreaking.
Lease it. Buying a rapidly depreciating asset is a brainlet move. Also cashing out crypto for a car when we have a year's worth of bullrun left is stupid. Can't you live like a poorfag one more year?
dont diss my corolla s its 5 spd stick and has a spoiler, fog lights and body kit. get rekt. i even have bluetooth
>No because I was relying on crypto to moon so I invested more than I could afford to lose.
Why not get one with 50 miles on the clock?
Buying a brand new car is completely fucking retarded.
get an M6 imo, that being said RS5s are solid cars.
Jaguar Ftype as the other faggot said are really sick cars too
nonono Im not in crypto. I have 1.4 million in stocks
Currently in the process of pulling the trigger on one myself. Nice choice OP.
the exhaust on the f type
Buy High - Sell Lpw
you are used to that anyway so go ahead
I’m thinking of getting the petrol A7 anyone have an opinion on them?
Fair enough. But I wouldn't buy or lease a $70k car until I have at least $2M net worth. Good pick on the car though. Hoping I can get an RS5 in 1-2 years
Do you own a home or condo ?
Im in university/live with parents
OP yes
If you're young, enjoy your fucking life. Tomorrow you could be shot or a fucking bridge could fall down on your ass. Don't wait till your 50, your fat and your dick don't work to buy nice shit.
Enjoy your life.
haha right
Caption is probably best use of the wojaks I've ever seen
This so fucking much, it's good to enjoy your success but don't over do it.
Why wouldn’t you get an rs3 or a ttrs with that awesome I5 so you don’t have a shitty V6 under the hood?
Screw the car. Buy a rental property.
Trust an oldfag on this
Downgrade to a lease, buy a nice watch, nice clothes, nice shoes - if it's quality, it'll be with you for life.
not a fan of the tt rs shape and rear. And rs5 > rs3
It's the first of this generation so there's no used ones yet
buy it. one of my dream cars but propably never going to afford it.
black cars look like shit unless you spend every saturday polishing the fucking thing
loser mentality. a car is not an asset and not supposed to be one. it´s a luxury good you enjoy.
leasing is just paying for the depreciation of the car and some plus you have to obey your lease contract which enforces limitations on how you drive
you can always buy the car and sell it when you get bored
>a car is not an asset
nigger you stupid
eh luxury coupes are for girls. go w/ and r8 or an s7
how to swing trade weekly options to get to your amount of cash?
no, new cars are great for like a month. Then you're like FUCK why did I waste my money on this shit it literally means shit.
American cars are garbage
I see no reason not to just save and get the BMW M8 when it releases next year. Best design in a decade. Will drop panties
god damn that car is fucking gorgeous, about time bmw caught up in the looks department
if you live in a city when you can actually drive this car then it's fine. I personally from 700k city and I cringe when I see people buying M / RS / AMG since we have almost no roads longer than 200m before traffic lights and all streets are narrow as fuck, also almost nothing around the city to take a ride for 100km
Not for long......
Holy shit RIP
How long have you been trading stocks?
Saw one of these broken down in the middle of a freeway in SF lol
And theirs no country or mountain roads to enjoy 30min or so away? Gtfo with this poorfag talk.
thats a sweet car user! buy and post pics
It literally came out yesterday. Nice try. lol
how does leasing a car actually work? what does that even mean? what are the pros and cons?