If history repeats, we have about 2 years of shit before any meaningful growth returns.
But maybe the market is different now, maybe ETH can save us all. Whatever the case, this looks like a long slow road before we fully bottom out
If history repeats, we have about 2 years of shit before any meaningful growth returns.
But maybe the market is different now, maybe ETH can save us all. Whatever the case, this looks like a long slow road before we fully bottom out
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God is with us
biz gets more retarded everyday
Care to clarify? Or you can just stick to making vague statements based on nothing
Ethereum is what saved us last time. Why do you think things started picking up steam in late 2016 and early 2017? Ethereum became usable and people started using it to create tokens that had specific functions.
We’re going to need something as transformative as ethereum to repump the market. Won’t happen any time soon, if ever again.
ETH can save you, but only if you renounce your faith in BTC. When the flippening cometh, all whosever believeth in ETH shall be raised up and made whole. Shitcoins will fall into the fiery depths and a new age of prosperity for all coins and tokens of utility will come upon the earth.
what fucking history you dumb fagot ?
there were no market in 2013
it was a fucking shitshow
yeah basing decision on past performance is stock trading never fucking do that 101. either go to college or watch youtube. fuck.
>But maybe the market is different now
EOS is what I am waiting to see. Come June first we can see what happens when the coin either completely fucking flops or it becomes a completely new mania by itself.
What about ultility tokens actually being used irl. Like Request Network "pay with every crypto and you'll get fiat instead of the crypto" so that merchants can accept crypto without actually having to hold any. Or ChainLINK's Oracles connecting real world assets to Smart contracts.
I feel like both of these real world implementations are both singlehandedly as revolutionary as ETH's smart contract functionality.
Isn't the 'pay with any crypto' what Ark is trying to do?
You can't expect the future price to mimic the past, especially when it comes to the fucking timeframe.
It's retarded to say
>well last time it was 2 years when it consolidated doing nothing so it's probably gonna be another 2 years now doing this consolidation
Yeah because the markets cycle like fucking seasons, right...
also shows how so many shitcoins will not survive till next bull
That means people will be looking to pump altcoins while bitcoin is boring as fuck. Then people jealous of alt gains will come flocking back to buy more BTC and cycle repeats
IF Definition: introducing a conditional clause
'If' history repeats, then this is what will happen. History probably won't repeat, I never said it would, just that it might. Sheesh
EOS goes live on June first. If EOS turns out to be even half as good as it seems it will be then we will see a boom of decentralized applications built on the EOS blockchain. If even one of these dapps turns out to be halfway popular then EOS will dominate the market. It will have actual use cases well and beyond all other coins on the market.
EOS may also be complete fucking vaporware as well. Nobody knows how June first is going to play out. But EOS is no fucking joke looking like it will be super awesome and all it needs to do is not be complete shit.
Sink or swim, this shit is suspenseful as fuck as I have a lot tied up in EOS right now.
EOS isnt that special. I said it.
You are full of shit. All it will take is ONE fairly popular dapp and it GG. EOS is a platform for dapps, anyone can contribute new dapps. Like mod communities for video games. And it only takes ONE dapp to be popular. It could be a game or a social media page. Nobody knows what it will be.
But if one dapp gains actual traction based on its own merit. JUST FUCKING ONE of them. Game over man, game over!!
well, the growth in 2013 was artificial.
Now... Zilliqa will save you all...