1k, gone, just like that. All i had, in 10 minutes.
I thought that I could
Live for no one else
But now, through all the hurt & loss
It's time for me to respect
The whales running this shit
1k, gone, just like that. All i had, in 10 minutes
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Kill your self like that kid from R9K. Use a unique gun too if possible. Gonna grab one of those Kal Techs now just because. I’ve always been a Mossberg man but shit, I just gotta have one of those space age looking thjngys
Thats why you start off small. I can literally put in 10k but margin trading is really risky.
I hate whales so much. If i had the adress to a single one, i would go there and kill him, slowly. My life is now worthless. A year of savings from hard work burned. I got nothing to lose, but they do, oh yes they certainly do...
no one told you to gamble. it's your fault, period. jesus christ.
Wait, are you saying that was all your money? and you gambled it into margin trade?
Margin trade in crypto?
all in?
No, this is not my fault. This is the jews fault. Who would dump literally the moment i buy in unless they have it out for me? I will find them, and i will murder them, and with their dying moments i will let them know what it feels like to be a white male in an anti white male world caused by them. They will regret fucking with me,.
This. It's a zero sum game opie faggot. You made the decision, you SHOULD have known the risks. Kill yourself.
OK this is just a larp now.
Keep dreaming kike. You took my money, its only fair i take your life in return. You destroyed mine, so i will destroy yours. None of you are safe.
I'm not a kike but come and take it m8
I made 200% in this. But ((they)) waited, and i put in the rest of my money on this. And when i did, they literally dumped on me despite futures and news saying it was a safe bet. These fucking pricks are sharking us. We need to rise up NOW or let them win. I know what side i'll be on.
Hint: It's not natural for btc to drop 200 bucks in a minute unless they can win on it by eliminating hard working innocent white people.
You're on the side of poor losers. Go back to McDonald's and make me a burger faggot.
stop gambling. how are you that adicted? you know whales are wash trading for the sole purpose of baiting your logns and shorts but you are still doing it?
thats a new level of stupid or addiction. seriously user, whales are going to be wash trading people like you for a few months till your all dried up then bull run. you will feel so stupid. The whales only want to do this.
mmm I'm liking the look of where this is going
>he went long instead of short
Don't fight the market, go alongside it numbnuts
Futures show optimism you fucking kike faggot. The value would have risen had you not fucked us over for making money
ok Sergey
1000 is your life savings?
where do you live? india?
he baitin dude
Norway. Despite what you might read, this anti white """""country""""" activly supress white males while giving money to literally everyone else who is not.
honestly just shutup and eat the 10k loss, you learned a valuable lesson about not going against the trend. stop making excuses, own it like a man
Look up the term "bucket shop"
They dumped the price because you made it profitable for them.
Learn your lesson and move on. Leverage is evil and you should never use it.
How am i supposed to be a cuck enough to "own" it to literal market manipulators of jewish decent? Sorry, but i don't drink soy like you.
If i only knew before my brother.. If only...
I lost $800k in the past 2 weeks.
Don't come cry here, we're all pink wojaks.
You cant be serious. , show proof.
use this as a lesson anyone else who trades bitmex and is a low key gambler.
The whales are wash trading you specifically. They even made the pattern consistent for a couple weeks so you retards would get more confident and increase your leverage, and jsut after they trained you they change their pattern and fuck you like OP. wipe out all your gains.
cba, portfolio was $1.8m, now it's barely $1m (I tear up a little everytime it goes below). Heavy alt portfolio.
Better to get rekt early with a relatively small amount then later-- youve been baptized in blood!
Yes, because dozens of individual whales have a mental connection to each other. Fuck off. This shows signs of clear jew manipulation. No other could have pulled this scam on me.
The whales are playing games against each other. You were just caught in the middle, part of the amount of consistent income they get from playing their game.
>Year of hard work
>$1000 in savings
>Decided to gamble with it
lol. you don't think whales coordiante in groups? you have no idea mate.
There are loads of whales, and some coordinate. some don't. a lot are competing with each other to get idiots like you to short and long and wash trade. they are competing for your coins. thats why shit happens like that pump tonight. some whales are going long to get the shorters, some are going short to get the longers. They even create fake volume to trick you. you fall for it becase you are a low key gambling addict.
all you had to do was sell wait for them to wash trade and accumulate and then buy back in once we are forming a bullish pattern or try buy bottom if u want.
>I made 200% in this
No you didn't
Fucking look at it you piece of shit kike. Your filth is why i lost everything the moment i put in my savings. You must die. I will make sure of it.
Dam the feels man... One thing I can recommend, though, is checking out p3d.pw
>No, this is not my fault. This is the jews fault.
This really sums it all up lmfao. It's never your fault. It's always a boogeyman that is making you do things to ruin your life. The ultimate sign of weakness.
lol your a bitch tho
Explain to me how a cordinated attack that push the price down 200 ISN'T made by the sole white hate group we call jews?
Back to /pol/ you broke ass white trash retard
>longing in a massive downtrend
if not a larp, you fucking deserve it you idiot
BTC failed to make a higher high, a sell signal for many people.
>Literally rose 500 in a day
Fucking kys my good kike.
Wait...you seriously longed after we had 5 waves up? I didn't take any position because the waves were a bit unclear, but longing at a potential lower high is suicide. You literally longed the top.
"hurr 3 waves shows a trend"
"hurr 4 waves means a trend
"Depr ogga see 5 waves"
When will you brainlet ever learn that TA is shit?
look at my loss 5 btc