>wins literally every American dairy award for decades in a row
>has the most variety out of any state
>better than Vermont in every way
>has cheese from all types of cultures and does it better than the places of origin
Best state thread?
>wins literally every American dairy award for decades in a row
>has the most variety out of any state
>better than Vermont in every way
>has cheese from all types of cultures and does it better than the places of origin
Best state thread?
Vermont has baller candy stores though.
Enjoy underage ban
>and does it better than the places of origin
this is what corn syrup enriched americans actually believe
>no sales taxes
>a man can live off the land, selling firewood, mushrooms, meat and fish
> crabbing and shellfish
I think we got a shot at the top 5 list, at least.
Fuck forgot pic
All those arguments are true about beer too
"best stayte in da youn-yin, don'tcha knowwwww"
>tfw you will never be a white flyover
close OP! but the best state is to the left of you my man
Portland is the only thing that keeps your shithole of a state out of fly-over tier.
Oregon is a nice state, but there's very few places I'd actually want to live outside of Portland. Eastern OR is pretty much hicksville.
>better than Vermont
please user, you're embarrassing yourself
>europe still makes good food
this is what stuck up yuropoors actually believe
sorry fampai but charleston is probably the best food city in the US and anyone who says otherwise is a jew york faggot or a west coast avacado sucking hipster
>anyone who disagrees with me must come from somewhere with an actual food scene
it is good and underrated but not the best, not nearly big enough to have the variety of international cuisines like bigger cities.
Then I guess I'll settle for being a flyover.
Portland is nothing but literal garbage steaming in a shit stew of Somalians and faggots. Their only popular food is a result of "lol marijuana".
I'm looking at you, voodoo donuts. It's hipster garbage.
>their only popular food
>voodoo donuts
Oh, so you've never actually been to Portland.
Lived there for 3 years.
Beaverton, to be more precise.
It's a shit hole.
Beaverton, in fact all of Washington County, is an absolute shithole devoid of any kind of culture, civil community, or even urban planning. It is a suburban hellscape crafted willy-nilly out of once productive farmland to accommodate the throngs of Californian refugees that descended upon Oregon like locusts once they had turned their own state into a shitshow and wanted to get away from the Mexicans.
As a Northern Illinoisan who grew up within 15 minutes of the Wisconsin border, I have to level with you: Wisconsin is p. cool, but Vermont is superior in most respects. Not as many indoor water parks, but the grub is generally better, and they have more than one food group to be proud of.
Beaverton is a short bus ride away from downtown portland. It is a part of portland, whether you like it or not. You're trying way too hard to defend a shitty place.
shitty roads though
That's great and all but I'm from California.
Pffffftt HAHAHA
ey ese
>short bus ride away from downtown portland
>part of portland
You could make the same argument about New Jersey in relationship to NYC and you'd be just as wrong.
Beaverton is tract houses, conservative soccer moms, and chain restaurants in strip malls. The cultures are diametrically opposed.
t. went to college in Portland and have a cousin raising her family in Beaverton.
I used to live in california. It's garbage, man. Do yourself a favor and move anywhere else, and you'll see what I mean. you're paying way too much, and the only redeeming quality is the weather. The people are horrible, and the liberal bullshit that goes on there is suffocating, and this is coming from a man who voted for Obama.
>short bus ride to DOWNTOWN portland
You don't know anything about city limits or towns. The part of beaverton I lived in was right on the edge of downtown portland. It was considered beaverton by way of zip code only. The fact that you think a minor discrepancy like that would mean that I have no idea about the shittiness of portland is laughable.
>do yourself a favor and move anywhere else, and you'll see what I mean
Different user here. I've spent the past 15 years living pretty much all over the country (aside from the South, but I don't need to live in a shithole to know I don't want to live in a shithole), and just moved to California for the first time for more than a month. I always said I don't really like the people (Northern California is definitely better), which is still kind of true, but I don't really like the people anywhere, and I honestly like California more than pretty much anywhere else I've lived, and will probably be staying here.
>liberal bullshit
What exactly are you even talking about? Calling it suffocating sounds like a Texan's exaggerated, Fox News, completely made up image of what things are really like based on some random YT video of some random undergrad SJW protesting something ridiculous at UC Berkeley.
I've been harassed by police and border patrol at checkpoints (not mexican checkpoints, but random checkpoints in the US) more than I care to count for having a concealed weapons permit.
Once at dennys I was criticized by a waitress for using the term "waitress". I wasn't even speaking to her or about her. Finally, after listening to her babble, I told her I would refer to her as "cunt" for the remainder of my visit, and I did. No manager was called, and no tip was left.
And the fucking people. Goddamned hippie vegan bullshit clogging my Facebook feed. Old high school girlfriends posting nonstop videos of them protesting for the meme of the day.
>waaah, people want to check that i actually have a permit for the gun i carry around with me for no reason
>i was being a dick to a waitress and she got mad at me
>i'm facebook friends with some annoying girl
>i'm on facebook to begin with
Yeah, sounds like it's California's fault and has nothing to do with you in particular...
just went to Superior a few minutes ago
it's nice that they have a supercenter but it's such a depressing town =(
Wow you sure showed him.
It had nothing to do with "checking to see if I had a permit".
They detained me and asked me why, told me I didn't need it,when I did, and continuously hassled and scolded me.
As for the waitress, I was talking to my son, and told him that his mother was a waitress when I met her in high school. That's when our waitress came up and said that they prefer to be called "servers", and that I was disrespectful.
I sure disrespected the fuck out of her after that, I assure you.
As for facebook, you got me. I like keeping in touch with family and old friends, and sometimes I accept requests from people I shouldnt associate with. But facebook, if nothing else, shows you the true intent and feelings of people. There's a whole fucking Facebook stereotype of "creepy political people flooding propaganda".
I was born and raised in california, and Im telling you it's a complete shithole.
Also, ellipsis' are for children. Type like a fucking adult.
what type of person cares about being "fly over"
terrible place
It sounds like you were just stereotyped for whatever reason. Iv'e been pulled over literally every time I've driven through Ohio on made-up reasons just for having California plates. One time my entire care was packed full of shit because I was moving to the East Coast for school. They asked if they could search my car and when I said no they put me in the back of the cop car for no reason (my first and only time), made me wait for a drug dog, and then claim the dog smelled drugs (which it didn't). Then they proceeded to empty all my shit on the side of the road, not finding anything but prescription medicine, with the prescriptions, and leave me to repack my car (which I spent two days meticulously packing in my garage to make everything fit).
It's just fuckwad cops stereotyping people they don't like. They saw a single guy in a hatch back with CA plates and assumed I Must be transporting drugs, so despite all evidence to the contrary they ended up busting my balls anyway just for wasting their time or whatever.
It sounds like CA border cops and female servers probably deal with assholes like you all the time. And it's "ellipses".
>Also, ellipsis' are for children. Type like a fucking adult.
Yeah, only children use full grammar and language tools, ignorance and simplicity is totally adult, guys!
No faggot, there was no reason for one.
Finish your thought or fuck off.
Ellipsis' are stupid
Sorry, sort of.....
So you continually referred to a young woman as a cunt, in the presence of a child, whilst carrying a gun.
You sound cool.
>American dairy award
Isnt that a bit like winning the 'cleanest street in India' award?
>can't take minor correction without calling the waitress "cunt" in front of his child
>cries like an infant because the police were doing their job by asking why someone is going back and forth across the border with a weapon
I dont think its the guy using ellipses that's acting like child here.
Reread the original post.
Sorry, heres a correction:
>cries like an infant because the police were mean to him at a checkpoint in a state with high levels of illegal immigration and gun violence
Charlestonian here, ur full of shit. Barring a few good examples all our food is fucking soulfood shrimpn grits meme shit or overpriced mediocre garbage on king street. Don't even get me started on the complete lack of good chinese food around here.
>>wins literally every American dairy award for decades in a row
>>has the most variety out of any state
>>better than Vermont in every way
Aiming pretty low there I see
>wanting chinks in your city
Nah I'll pass
>(aside from the South, but I don't need to live in a shithole to know I don't want to live in a shithole)
Pls tell your friends to stop moving here as well thx
Sounds a lot like the same entitled perpetually offended and holier than thou bullshit that I despise Californians for. I couldn't stand living there. I havnt ever met a Californian I actually liked.
Rather a keep to themselves chink than a muzzie or illegal 2bhm8
>it's a midwest flyover shithole thinks it's relevant episode again
Please keep flying over. Don't want you here.
Now that you put it that way, that dude sounds like a pretty cool guy. I'd hang out with him.
Fuck Californians though. Stay the hell out of best state.
I believe you. People in this site are even cuntier because it makes them feel badass or something
Hey at least Wisconsinites like me are smart enough not to get baited by anons and shit up a thread about the best flyover.
Wisconsin has the best craft beer 'scene' too.
I went to Great Taste of the Midwest this year and it was fucking awesome.
Sorry, I only know people getting the fuck out of that part of the country. Literally never heard of anyone from the West Coast moving to the South, and I assume it's about as rare as an American joining Al-Qaeda.
oy gevalt i sure love the cheese
The soon to be completed saputo blue cheese factory in almena will be the largest producer in the world.
I like the accent that comes with eating the cheese
Not to mention fantastic trout fishing, monster bucks, loads of turkeys & pheasant, morels and chanterelles and chicken of the woods, ginseng and ginger and great hiking, biking, kayaking. And beer. And brats.
You calitards you stay in your cali shitland.
Remind me who flies over us?
Maybe MN but that's it.
Also spotted cow.
Portland is great. It's the nexus of Oregon's yupies, hippies, hipsters, rednecks and white trash. It's fun to watch them interact.
I bet you're an eastern Oregon sand person.
Beaverton is basically a suburb of Portland. It's a neighborhood, a million used car lots and an asian grocer.
>he thinks beaverton is part of glorious portland
Have fun trying to keep your snapback with the sticker on while you fistfight your cousin