Do you guys still use sponges?

Do you guys still use sponges?
I'm looking into how to cook and apparently people use a "dishbrush" to clean their dishes now?
never heard of this before so i'd just like to hear you guys input on this

I dont get tamago. Like that guy from the jiro movie was making a fucking egg for three years straight. No one likes the fucking egg sushi its bullshit

I use these. If you remember they don't last forever and fill with bacteria and change them out often it isn't bad.

I use a sponge sometimes but usually I jut use those stainless steel scrapers because of caked on food.

I don't know how they can call them stainless steel though because they still rust.

Went to jiros with some homies. Two things talked about the most were the tamago and the Mellon they gave us at the end.

I've never used sponges. My parents' pots and pans were already all damaged by my them scraping off the coating with silver wire scrubbies and green scrubbies, and I have been given some of those dishes. I've since bought stainless steel (which blow hard ass) and kept the old pans because they rather cook very well.

I use dish cloths, and both kinds of scrubbies like an idiot. What I've come to realize is just rinse as you go, there will be no need for using damaging items on the dishes. Just please don't use sponges, eww.

I have a pan by Thomas Rosenthal and OH. MY. GLOB. I don't know what it's made out of but it's pretty much non stick and doesn't scratch, but it's not coasted in anything. It's all a solid metal.

I use these kind of sponges. They last much longer than regular ones like the one in the OP, and are great for scrubbing without scratching

so from your experience, dish cloths are the way to go?
aren't dish cloths just kind of like reusable sponges?

are they microfiber or something?
they're not reusable are they

yeah from the kitchen's ive been to most people just use these
how often do you change them?

if you use metal abrasive scrubbers you should only use a soft metal like brass

I keep two on rotation for a week and throw them away after. Some people say you can microwave them and kill the bacteria but they burn the crap out of your hands after you microwave them then they smell funny. It's like $4 per month to use 2 per week

I use a dish brush, much easier to clean between uses, and you can get different stiffnesses depending on what you like. Used to use sponges, now the only thing I use a sponge for is lightly rinsing cast iron.

man thinking of all those thrown away sponges tho, i might look into a reusable method first
i'm not even one of those environmentally conscious people either lol
maybe i'm turning into one

i'm assuming a dishbrush needs to be changed at some point too right?

They may actually work for longer without being filthy with bacteria especially since it's hot water anyways but I just figure $4 per's not worth risking. I know some who use just one for a month or so until they are wore down and can't scrub or anything any longer because they've worn down so much.

I microwave my sponges for 2mins. They're fine afterwards. Just let them cool for a bit before handling them lol

Shit. I never thought about letting them cool down first. That's a great idea, actually.

I use a large steel wool (not the fine stuff that rusts) and a sponge. I just store them in the freezer after a vinegar rinse.

I uh...
I change mine like...
Every other month or so?
I think that's kinda bad, after reading the thread a bit

For the trickier (read: solidified) stuff I have a kind of brush, apparently it's commonly referred to as a "dish brush" in English

Also, I let my dishes "soak" because no room for dishwasher
>dat stench after a week
>inb4 debate about soaking vs not soaking

makes sense

so if you microwave them, how long should it last
like a month?

I use the scotch brite sponges from above and pre soak in dawn platinum and 140F water in the kitchen sink. I don't have a dish washer either other than my own hands. Works pretty good unless you burn sugar or something to a pan.

Yeah, but not very often. I change mine out maybe once a year. They're similar to toothbrushes except they don't fray as easily and you also don't shove them in your mouth.

In a way, sure, anything can count as a sponge. Though, there's way less places for the ickies to sit and breed. I rinse my towels out with fresh soap water and wring them out to the last drop so they dry fast. I've just seen people who use sponges leave them very damp or soaking. I guess it's just the way you put them away after each wash.

y'all niggas need to step it up and get with the 21st century of kitchen supplies

i have one of these but i've never used it
what makes it better than the handlebrush?


never thought of that, good point

the whole point of the thing is being able to squirt soap right out of your brush, which is super handy. additionally you can get some HIGH TORQUE scrubbing because you grip it right by the bristles.

granted it cant really do bottle shaped things, but neither can a sponge

dude, bottle shapes are impossible
even if you have a handlebrush, that would only get the sides, not the bottom
that's why i blend my protein shakes now, straight to the glass, no bottle shaking.

sponges are fucking disgusting and bacteria ridden , why the fuck would anyone ever use one?

people are talking about different sponges for pots and pans, what's the reasoning for that?

people keep saying that but desu im having a hard time seeing how it's much different from other cleaners

i use these

most other cleaners can be washed, sponges hold bacteria inside them

I heard rags are a good alternative to sponges, I've been using them to clean my knives so they don't get banged up in the dishwasher

what i picture when i see a sponge in a kitchen

That's bordering on animal abuse right there bruh