ITT: Post the most nasty and racist thing you could say about this nigger

Attached: Ian_14_fn-550x550[1].jpg (550x550, 29K)

He's more successful than you

t. A filthy black nigger


He held his ICX when it was worth almost 2 mill and sold for less than 500k.

Nothing, he's a chad

Good thread OP. Fuck this piece of fucking shit nigger. I'll be more successful than this fucking nigger, mark my fucking words.

has to go back

Why would he do that? I don't get it.

probably more successful than half of this board from what I've seen

Because niggers are fucking stupid.

Ian the ico shill and bitmex ceo send the dead shit broke ass racists into a mad frenzy every time

he's a genuinely good guy and is more successful than you will ever be, get fucked faggot.

Boy got some pretty big lips on 'im.

its what makes my days a lot brighter, seeing the shitfucks panic and cry

Either he's a relatively handsome guy who chose to go with the pocket square-tie combo for his company photo, or he's a relatively average stock photo model.


Team called him a shill.

Seems like a nice fellow, I wish him the best.

Euro here, So people hate this guy cause he’s black? He seems very different from the average black guy. Smart & succesful. Am I missing something he did or is just cause he’s black?

timing made him. if he started his youtube platform today he'd have 5 viewers. he made a great move at the right time and capitalized. above average nigger, but still a nigger.

He is a puppet
nice digits

Met him a couple times

He’s literally a turbo-manlet

The most racist thing I can say about this guy is "his kerchief is a little ruffled, probably should have refolded that bad boy before he got ready for the camera"

Hey nigger why are you so nigger monkey nigger
I don't know man I'm tired.

He got a bad color scheme. Everyone knows that black skin goes better with white suits the same way white skins fit gray/black suits better.

The bitmex CEO is a legit BBC Tyrone tho. The guy in the OP is a Carlton

Attached: arthur-photo.jpg (250x250, 20K)

He is a greedy and dumb nigger who made it in crypto and seems like he is going to unmake it soon too.

So he's just like everyone on Veeky Forums but black? I guess that makes sense.

That’s horrible


>he's just like everyone on Veeky Forums but black
Here is your winner.

Yes most of the biztards are still holding their bags and waiting for recovery that will not come and they will capitulate at some point.

Tfw you are so insecure of the idea of ONE black guy making a better life for himself becuase you believe no black person should be successful.

hes a double nigger

Shut up, Ian Balina is great. He was one of the first people to recommend Chainlink. If it wasn't for his spreadsheet, Veeky Forums wouldn't have any linkies.

Back in his prime, Mike Tyson was the baddest man in the world.

What would you call Mike Tyson with no arms and no legs?

A Nigger

So he's the one to blame for that fucking pajeet tier coin?

>ITT: Reddit normies come and defend this nigger because they worship black cock

Extremely successful crypto investor and is a advisor to many crypto ICOs, he has more money than all this board combined.

indisputable racist logic right here

Because Balina made me rich by buying ICOs like ICX and WABI during the bull run.

I'm jealous of his ability to wear yellow tie

>Made me rich
Lmao doubt it faggot

also took advisory % on his projects and shilled for them. his token metrics are a complete set of shit for the market we are in and he gets paid to evangelize them at conferences. he also didn't sell icx at 10-12$, rather waited until they told him to fuck off to dump his 200k tokens all at once on binance.


You could say the same thing about any early adopter. kys

Attached: gh.png (279x253, 91K)

I agree his metrics won't help much for this market. When everything was pumping though he had a good system for picking out the ones that would get hyped and pump the most. Any shilling he did helped with that. The ICX thing is weird to me, but considering it was 0.11 during the ICO it's not the end of the world.

bet you his grandparents cleaned my grandparents bed pans.

Doubtful, he moved here from Uganda apparently. Unless your grandparents are Ugandans.

I dislike him but he's more likeable than 90% of Veeky Forums and he's less of a hateful fucking faggot whose only way to not feel like absolute trash is to obsessively de-individualize groups and blanket assign them traits in order to feel superior to every individual within that group and then get triggered because one's feeble brain can't handle that they're actually individuals and some of them will actually be better than oneself even if a lot of them are not.