All-considered is Theranos a succesful company?

All-considered is Theranos a succesful company?

- 15 years old
- a once 9$Billion evaluation
- however primarily based on a fallacy
- Elizabeth Holmes gone from $5 billion to $0
- Theranos currently dependent on a $100 million loan saving them from declaring bankruptcy.

I mean.. interesting track record so far..

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What funny is for a pretty long time, Holmes has been hailed as THE token of women intelligence and success. Even one of my female friend who works at Google idolizes this woman. Its interesting to see how everything pans out

>female tech CEO

How does no one see the pattern?

I bet she regrets not getting into crypto. She could obviously talk a pretty good game and in crypto no one even expects a working product.

> even

She was one if the most succesful women in silicon valley and a certified billionaire.
Personally i also find her appealing but thats not relevant. Anyway her initiative should be admired.

Imagine her wearing tight leather and whipping your balls while she calls you a bad boy with that deep velvety voice.

>Anyway her initiative should be admired.
She scammed her investors by lying about technology she didn't have.


What? How? The people are going to fucking jail

...this is most likely what will happen to creators of many cryptos as well

that voice

No that wasn't her intention.
She fucked up one way or another but the biggest blow of all is dealt to herself because she diid not scam her investors.

Who's going to jail?

The thing is her entire career revolves around fraud and so everything she said should only be taken with a grain of salt. But since no one had a clue about this whole thing for such a long time that millions of women around the world has been adopting whatever doctrine this woman was preaching.

She will be running against Trump in the next presidential election. Interesting to see how it plays out.

ya she was like one tech industry trend too early

Pretty sure that turtleneck is hiding an adam's apple

she sounds like a man. i think shes attractive too

I bet she's got a fat fucking dick. Imagine all the SanFran soyboy assholes she left gaping and bloody.

She higher testosterone than half of biz, it's why she's so motivated and successful

She almost sounds like a man.

Or it revolves around her ignorance.
It's not exactly known when exactly she realized that she bit off more than she could chew. Seems that in some attempt at buying more time they burried the lead.
Then a whistleblower blew off the lid, and suppose rn it depends on wether they manage to make good on those promises given more time,

A company eligable for $100 million loan is unquestionably successful

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Damn she really defends herself incredibly well. I can't believe she was lying so much there or was she

yeah successful at defrauding retard investors lmfao

>But since no one had a clue about this whole thing for such a long time
i'm not even /pol, but i honestly beleve that women should not be in the world place and should not be allowed to vote.

yeah, 3edgy2me, but it's true. what women have now is the product of a veyr short expoeriment, and one which is obviosly failing on every level and by every metric conceivable.

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choose one

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hrt can't change your voice

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I love how because she's pretty, she gets a pass. If it was a man, he'd be in jail already. But no, it's a woman, so she isn't a fraud, she just 'made some mistakes'.

I can be her sugar daddy

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See: Martin Shkreli

He actually made his "victims" money, (over 4x I believe) yet is now facing 7 years

Thefuck has that got to do with a mental capacity for adequately defending yourself against targeted claims

For sure a judge went easy on her because she's cute. Not at all the fact that she did the wrong thing with, clearly, right intentions gone south

CMS suggested months earlier Holmes might be banned from the industry for a time and now it seems that time has come.

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So did this bitch actually think her tests worked or is she a bonafide conartist? I think she's just a dumbass who did shitty lab work and thought everything was working. I find it difficult to believe she knowingly engaged in fraud. I think if it was a true blue scam she would have fled with the money before getting caught (or at least attempted to). If you think she's a criminal and not a sloppy dumdum in the lab then what's your reasoning?

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Holy shit I'd never actually heard her voice before
https :// lol wtf is she gurgaling testosterone every morning, hahaha

I think she drank the Kool Aid on all that "30 Under 30" "The New Female Steve Jobs" "10 Companies That Will Change the World" bullshit and honestly believed that if she could just keep anyone from looking behind the curtain for a little while longer her team of pajeet engineers would figure everything out for her.

Damn, she got only hit by a 500k fraud charge 2 days ago. Was a long time coming, long time under scrutiny having to face all that backlash. Serious claims, too.
The fact that unreliable test-results were distributed is insane.

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You're not the only one thinking that

How does someone actually have a net worth if 0 DOLLARS? (that's a capital zero btw)
What if she just picks a penny up off the street?

She only did what every crypto shill has done to scam people out of money. Tron and Iota are way worse than Theranos.

Her $4.5 Billion net worth was estimated in stocks, which she lost 100% roughly 81 million of which she cashed in before losing them, and now needs to repay, plus a $500.000 fine for fraudulation.. safe to say she's kinda strapped for cash, relatively speaking you can't even imagine..

Her voice (and her face) is so hot

>no jail time
>investors lose money
>shrkeli 7 years in prison
>investors didn't lose money

this is what makes me rage what the fuck is going on when they steal shkreli's $$$ and put him in jail but this arrogant bitch gets no jail time after putting on this elaborate ruse for years...

anyone with a brain could tell she was full of shit... she claimed to be selling compilers (PLURAL) to Chinese universities as a high school student

>implying she could write a compiler
>implying a university would BUY (kek) a compiler (((from a high school student)))

unreal autism

fuck these arrogant stanford people who think they can just do whatever they want. Glad all her money is gone but if shkreli's going to prison she should be headed there as well

But what are you asserting that the difference here is?
Please don't meme me with
>she's a woman, the judge go ez on her becuz he want da poontang deep down in his


Poor Kramer, he probably lost a shit ton of money on this.

Are we sure she's a woman?

for a second i thought you said krager

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She owes people a lot of money, and has to pay those debts.
>What if she just picks a penny up off the street?
Doesn't count towards her net worth, because she's legally obliged to give it up to pay her debts. So while it's in her possession, it's not actually hers anymore.

it was obvious she was scamming if you understiod the technology and the claims being made. COMPLETELY obvious

she was scamming you idiot, it is called fraud you brainlet, not initative, not successful


True, but then her net worth would be negative, not exactly zero

Oo. There's one thing she did, is show the integrity and competence of research and reporting on how she Theranos would own the future

Her whole career was a scam, her business model was pretending she was female steve jobs, and convincing everyone it was true.

She is not that cute anymore

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Apparently she wrote articles to Huffington Post as well:

She seems to have taken refuge or something since she's broke. No trace of her anywhere so you wouldn't know how she looked today

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You know what it can't be this simple, it can-not be that she sold everybody straight up lies and reckruited $700 Million in investments.
There were skeptics all along and yet investors were convinced.

I wonder if the "women can do it too" narrative made people look through their fingers on this one.

It was obviously a scam but nobody wanted to acknowledge it because of "muh women power".

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Well she is well connected.
Hired Fusion GPS before they worked on the whole Russia collusion narrative.
Her lawyers are connected to Obama. She herself is well connected to Obama and Clintons.
FusionGPS, Tanya Chutkan, David Boies. The Fortress Investment Group who saved them from going bankrupt are also connected to the Democrats/Obama/Clinton.

Not sure what is going on and why she is being 'protected'. Maybe somebody is protecting their failed investment, looking for idiots to invest and then cash out. Maybe because DNC is broke, a tit for tat for fundraising, using her company to for money laundering, maybe as an intermediary for big donations.

That's a joke. The economic damage is in the range of 1 billion, yet she only gets a 500k fine. This bitch should be in prison.

Calm down moralfag, nobody cares

I cared.

That is such hypocritical bs. All the people who believe that multimillionairs -who worked hard for their money, btw- would just take a chance on her because of s9me misguided idea of female inequality , or a judge that could even afford to go easy on her because of her gender, without serious serious consequences.
All you douchebag hypocrites should think 2x before setteling on that bandwagon because you're not trolling and it's pathetic


Seeing injustice makes me angry.

It was the money used to fund Clinton's
That's why she got a small fine
Those billions were never there

Of course they wouldn't publicly acknowledge that they're letting her go easy because she's a woman.

But implicitly that could be the case. They wanted her to succeed and they wanted her to be the "next steve jobs" so the fact that she turned out to be a scammer is really awkward.

i care.

shkreli's investors made 3x-4x but court said he did 10 million (not B B B Billion) in damages and got 7 years in federal prison.

Why the double standard?

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Also she was used as a figure of inspiration for women in STEM. If their inspiration is a con artist it makes things even more awkward.

she was a legit con artists and absolute liar

there is nothing to be admired you clown

so continues the long line of 'new visionary female CEOs' that crash companies.

They were charged by the SEC you fucking retard. They can't sentence people to prison


She was suposed to /make it/ and show the world that women can be STEM leaders as well. She was set as an example how women do things when the "glass ceiling" is no longer in place.

Like I said, I don't know why this is happening.

If you want her to go down and punished accordingly for her crimes just use the Cinton/Obama/Democrats card.
Hype up her connections and let all the MAGA journalists dig up some more dirt, at the end maybe people start screaming "Lock her up!" once again.

They can't make good on the promises they made because they don't have the tech they said they did and lied about their revenue. They also have had all their ability to run the main portion of the company stripped by having licenses revoked. So she and the company are fucked. And she and other officers that were complicit in the deception should go to prison for fraud.

The ignorance excuse could work at the start but when you continually lie it becomes fraud. Theranos also highlights how awful VCs are. Most VC are led by people with engineering backgrounds yet all rationality flies out the window when a startup is hyped.

The doctors that sat on the board and backed her are complicit too.

Fucking disgusting desu. Martin Skhreli did the exactly same thing except with 30x less money AND his investors profited and he goes to jail for 7 years while this whore gets a slap on the wrist. Great legal system you have there burgers.

Nobody either knows how she pulled off all the investment money.
Her relatively merciful punishment i think is based on her intentions behind the fraud

>we should admire con artists and liars who prey on the sick and dying

i dont think calling it a legal system is acurate. the courts are for kangaroos and lawyers to get rich from American suffering there is very little to no reason or law practicied in us courts. mostly jews and catholic judges with old crony lawyer freinds gettin paid to fuck over citizens

Theranos is the ChinkLink of pharma/tech industry.

what intentions

Could you tell me what type of consumers were invested in his hedge fund? He didn't go to prison for totally legally raising the price of a niche orphan drug.

His total damages were 10mil - sentencing guidelines put that at around 9 years. Her damages were hundreds of millions. If this isn't female privilege, what is?

Normalizing white collar crime makes legal enforcement less likely

Okay her intention can't be proven 100%
I think her approach resembled nothing like what any maliscious scam artist would've done.
1st off She herself payed the biggest price of all.
2nd all the money from investors has been put into the company, as far as the charges to.
She isn't charged for scamming her investors, she is charged for holding back the truth.
Which isn't acceptable but most of the money is still there ready to be reclaimed, and it's only big names that took a hit, no everyday normal person that would be financially impacted by this.

I think these are all points a defense could lobby for being considered. And i don't even know all that much about it,. Man, there are Hundreds of Millions on the playing field here, we can't get near to what lenghts the game extends to in those circumstances.

Pharma bro scams people
>Fucking based
Woman scams Hollywood and political elites
>Fucking dumb bitch.

You guys have problems.

>She herself payed the biggest price of all.
What does this mean? She literally paid a pittance (500k) and is pocketing millions of dollars against her investors losing hundreds of millions. Shkreli paid 7.5million and his investors made 2-3x gains.
>She isn't charged for scamming her investors, she is charged for holding back the truth.
She cost them hundreds of millions of dollars by intentionally altering/lying about test results and endangering the lives of people who relying on those results to be accurate. Shkreli's trades failed, and he lied about the performance and took the money from elsewhere.
>Which isn't acceptable but most of the money is still there ready to be reclaimed, and it's only big names that took a hit
Are you implying non-institutional investors parked their money with Shkreli as opposed to her company? Same groups of individuals were hurt in both cases, which is still fraud (in both cases). So I guess Shkreli should've invested in a male-to-female operation to attain a more leniant sentencing, huh?

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It's incredible she got off so slightly. Billions lost by a fraudulent company she,set up and ead, yet she pays 500k and gets off relatively scot-free. She will also probanly be hired as a consultant for some dumb muh wymyn in tech thinktank.

more Shrekli cucks need to watch this. There are multiple investigations going on with the company and her. The SEC charge could spur a criminal inquiry

Problem is we don't know either cases in detail, and you're clearly biased to blame Elizabeth getting off relatively easy on the fact that she is a female, which never can be a legal justification-

We ought to get. A lawyer to give its 2 cents here to shake up all you dense mfers who sincerely think their ready judgement over this media-distributed outcome of a lawsuit holds any merrit whatsoever..

>She literally paid a pittance (500k) and is pocketing millions of dollars against her investors losing hundreds of millions
Her salary was only about $275k or so (probably less now) and her equity is literally worthless. At this point, her net worth is probably less than $1M, if not close to zero or even negative. In contrast, Shkreli has a confirmed net worth of $27.1M, which will be reduced to $19.7M after all of the court ordered fines and forfeitures.

Whats with the need to defend that little Shkreli worm? Is it because you imagine you could be succesful like him? Does he remind you of yourself? lmao

She didn't face criminal charges. She was being sued civilly by the SEC, who don't do criminal charges, they only do civil. She settled that lawsuit, because the criminal aspect of the investigation that led to this lawsuit was handed off to the DOJ, who's still investigating her. She settled, because she and her lawyer need to be ready for when the DOJ charges her with fraud, and that's when she goes to jail. She's fucked. All they have to do is prove she knew that the tech she claimed wasn't there, she didn't have it, and took money from investors anyway.

The judge in the lawsuit she settled was a civil judge. He/she just can't decide to throw legal charges at her. Learn how the law works, and read a couple of fucking articles about what's actually fucking happening, before making your pissy little comments about judges.

She fucked up. She dropped out of school, with no real practical experience running a company, and tried to be the Apple Computers of blood testing. A+ for passion, F for execution. If she'd stayed in school, finished her Ph.D, got some practical experience running labs under someone else, and developed her tech the whole way, she'd probably be making the first steps towards a company right now, legally. Instead, she got so much smoke blown up her ass as the pretty princess of Stanford, she dropped out, and this was what we got - smoke and mirrors. Her parents are deep state lifers, and hooked her up with old white Republicans, who invested, and no doubt were behind the "fake it or make it" mission her company went on when her promised tech failed to materialize.

My hope is that when the criminal charges finally get laid on her by the DOJ, she sends some of those fat cat Washington fucks to jail with her.