>the absolute state of Veeky Forums
where some dumb roastie can post and get 130 replies in under an hour.
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Men are slaves to the pussy
The absolute state of NEETcucks
Bitches are learning to exploit rich crypto NEETS lolcow
Fuck bitches, get money.
I haven't had sex in over a year. And the last time I did was with a prostitute. And the last time I was with a civilian was almost 2 years ago.
Not long after the last time I had sex, I started making a full-time income with crypto trading. And soon started earning at a six figure pace. Now with the recent bear market, my earning pace has slowed down but I'm still making good money.
When you disregard roasties, you can focus your energies towards more productive matters and self-improvement. MGTOW Monk Mode is legit.
first day on the internet friend?
Do you do foreplay with your hand or just go for it?
Pretty sure if it was a male user who was getting kicked out of his house there would have been as many reply. Gender doesn't matter, that kind of thing sucks.
nothing wrong with self-love user
it is cheaper and less time consuming than a girlfriend
The thing I hate about roasties is that all they have to do is suck a dick and they avoid homelessness automatically. vast majority of homeless people are actually men. whenever you see a hooker on backpage, that is likely to be a poor woman who resorted to sucking/fucking dick to avoid homelessness
this is why i can't help but cheer when some Robert Pickton type kills prostitutes. Prostitutes are parasites that deserve it
That's like least of the board's problems, it's filled with /pol/acks and robots that literally cannot stop talking about identity politics and women on a board titled "business and finance" (that's effectively about shitcoins but whatever)
You may be part of the problem
Also this
>m-muh pol
/pol/ is the only board on this site that at least holds a glimmer of the glory days of Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums was not always far-right. In 2007-2008, Veeky Forums was libertarian. Anonymous started out on Veeky Forums. And they are left-wing antifa cucks. Veeky Forums's culture has always been contrarian. When Bush was in power, being left-wing was seen as contrarian. And in 2015-2018, being alt-right is seen as contrarian. Even with Trump being in power now, being openly racist is still seen as edgy. Being a leftist cuck is no longer seen as edgy. It's seen as virtue signalling.
>glory days
/pol/ has nothing to do with pre-2009 Veeky Forums at any level. I wouldn't give a fuck about /pol/ if you didn't make it painfully obvious you come from one specific board regardless which board they're currently posting on.
I never implied Veeky Forums was always far right, I completely agree with you that Veeky Forums is contrarian and the contrarian thing in most areas of the western world now is to be alt-right. All I'm saying is that people trying to force normality on Veeky Forums, and mock opinions which are not commonly accepted in the mainstream are cancer
we need women to get into crypto if we want to sell our bags
/pol/ is the /b/ of 2018 in more ways than just traffic. I am not /pol/ btw, I have probably posted on /pol/ a dozen times since Trump's election
Funny thing is /pol/ actually thinks they are contrarian. But in reality they are lapdogs for an establishment politician (Trump) who got cucked by a jew (Jared Kushner is married to Ivanka Trump). lmao.
I am not a leftist. I feel apathetic towards both sides. At the end of the day politicians are self-serving. They just have different factions they pander to. Liberals pander towards feminists and racial minorities (and a lot of black and latino men are realizing that they aren't getting much of a deal under the liberals anyways). Conservatives pander towards big business and white working class men. But in reality they aren't actually doing anything to better our lives. I don't have a dog in this fight. It's just funny to see SJWs cry after Trump won.
you're a faggot, /pol/ was /pol/ before trump rolled in and its because of masses of newfags and brainlets that he was able to harness them as a global 24/7 thinktank just by reposting pepe
/pol/ probably is filled contrarians. I would wager the majority of /pol/tards are upper-middle class high-school or college students. In that demographic supporting donald trump is contrarian, even if at the end of the day you're supporting the same globalist elites
I'm ready to dump on niggers, but we all know that's like throwing in a nickel. Guess i'm gonna save a massive shit for women.
old Veeky Forums
>nigger/hitler joke
>lol dude its a joke deal with it
pol Veeky Forums
>nigger/hitler tirade
>spam pie graphs
/pol/ claimed Donald Trump as their guy. Donald Trump was never their guy. Trump is part of the establishment globalist elites. The IRS under Trump's America is cracking down on crypto traders. The Republican's military-industrial complex and prison-industrial complex isn't going to pay for itself. Politics is nothing but a puppet show and /pol/acks are the GOP's puppet.
I am a libertarian. And it sickens me that libertarians like Stefan Molyneux sold out and jumped on the alt-right Trump bandwagon. Peter Schiff, Jeff Berwick, etc. have stayed true to their libertarian values.
Ideally I want lower taxes and more freedom (including freedom of speech, which both the liberals and conservatives are hostile towards. Trump talks about political correctness yet he is a thin-skinned faggot who threatens to sue people for defamation like a fucking kike. He throws tantrums constantly because of how he is represented in the media.) Neither the Republican or Democrat Party or the conservative and liberal equivalents in my country provide what I need. Politics is a complete gong show. It makes me sick that /pol/ is shilling for this neo-conservative jew cuck while the Republican-run IRS is going after crypto traders.
A true libertarian would not support the Republican Party. Stefan Molyneux, Mike Cernovich, Lauren Southern, Black Pigeon Speaks, Turd Flinging Monkey, Sandman, etc. are all frauds.
You forgot to mention you support open borders
They're not frauds, they're realists.
"True libertarianism" is fundamentally incompatible with democracy.
No no. You're supposed to fuck bitches, and also acquire money. What you're doing is just not having sex, which is beta.
the IRS would be cracking down on crypto traders regardless
even more so under clinton most likely considering trump invested in blockchain tech a year or two ago
>Ideally I want lower taxes and more freedom
good luck with that kek
>He throws tantrums constantly because of how he is represented in the media.
The mainstream media is overwhelmingly progressive and acts as a propaganda medium. This was evident before he called CNN fake news, most especially to anyone that can remember OWS. They literally fake interviews and technical difficulties, they're nothing but a private propaganda medium.
>while the Republican-run IRS is going after crypto traders.
IRS would be going nuts regardless of whos the president
except maybe ron paul
>A true libertarian would not support the Republican Party.
Ron Paul was denied the presidency via corrupt practices observable even today.
All you have to do is take a dick in your ass though. There's plenty of ads on craigslist and backpage from men that will pay you good money to let them do this to you.
Wait is this a JNT thread in camouflage?
Nice one, user.
>No no. You're supposed to fuck bitches, and also acquire money. What you're doing is just not having sex, which is beta.
As if Chads even bother to hang out on Veeky Forums in the first place. lol
Someone give this man some req. check out that Id
Take away the gibsmedats and the third world leeches wouldn't even bother coming here. Notice how most of the "refugees" immigrated to Germany, Sweden, etc? They wanted nothing to do with Italy, Greece, Hungary, etc. because those countries don't have much in the way of gibsmedats.
If you support the so-called "lesser of two evils", at the end of the day you still get evil.
I'm a Canadian and I have lived through a Harper Conservative government and a Cuckdeau Liberal government. And it is a complete gong show all round. Even under Harper, they would still crack down on crypto traders. And they would still tax me up the ass. Just like they did in the past when I used to be a wage cuck under a Harper government. So what difference does it make? It's all shit.
No, he meant disregard females acquire currency, to spell it out for you. This is obvious because women are a waste of money and they always drain you of it.
ron paul was not an evil. he was the true bernie/trump/gary johnson/obama
obama, a black guy, was rolled out in response to libertarians arching up
had to promise change to believe in
and now the same thing for the right wing with trump
While I am not a purist libertarian (I want much smaller government and low taxes but I don't want 0 government and 0 taxes. I'm not an Anarcho-Capitalist), I respected Ron Paul. And I was a Ron Paul supporter in 2008. There are very few politicians that I can say that I respect. Bernie Sanders was too much to the left for me obviously but he seemed like a principled man. But then he stood in the corner and watched the DNC and two #blacklivesmatter bamboo bitches fuck his wife like a true cuckold. I lost respect for him after that. I felt disgusted that Bernie endorsed Hillary. Ron Paul to my knowledge has never endorsed McCain/Palin or Romney. I don't even think Rand Paul endorsed Trump.
Exactly. Men invest all of this time and money into women. Just to stick their penis in a warm tight wet hole for 15 minutes and then ejaculate. It's absolutely retarded. It is the biggest waste of time and money. Highly over-rated.
I've had a couple relationships. I've been with numerous hookers. I just don't see how it is worth it. Girlfriends are very demanding of your time. And often times they want you to financially pamper them anyways. And hookers are a huge waste of money for what you get. Sticking your cock in and out for 15 minutes with a condom, feeling up and sucking her body and cumming in a condom is not worth the $120-160 that these bitches command. It is a huge waste of money. After I see a hooker, I think back to how much food I could have bought for that much money. Think of how many shitcoins you could buy with $120-160. Compared to just throwing that money down the drain.
bernie was an obvious manipulative millionaire riding the waves that ron paul made years prior from the start
romney was the nobody they used to usurp ron paul when he had legitimate candidacy
they switched up some rules last minute to make sure he didnt get through
they also created the tea party to redirect a lot of his support back into the republican party
Hookers are a waste of time, how do you even meet one though? I imagine back street alleys are not in style.
That thread is unbelievable. I scrolled all the way down and couldn't find a pair of tits anywhere.
It proves beyond doubt that reddit is also using this board. It's a fucking joke.
>That's like least of the board's problems, it's filled with /pol/acks
You're pathetic trash
Fuck off back to rebbit you cancerous cunt
>Gender doesn't matter
Clearly it does.
Anonymous has been fucking dead since the disaster that was lulzsec you stupid faggot, what'd you do read some crap on KYM and think you know things?
I never said that anonymous was still relevant. Anonymous has been a joke for years. They are basically SJW cyber-antifas today. I made the point that Anonymous was born out of Veeky Forums and they were never neo-nazi edgelords.
they werent exactly "lets replace our own demographics with the third world" antifa either
just liked free speech and trolling
Your new is showing. You haven't been here anymore than a few months. If you've browsed here for more than 6+months than you're a confirmed idiot.
So let me explain it to you:
>Leftist politics require thought restrictions.
Certain thoughts need to be branded "racist", "sexist", "homophobic" or "misogynist" in order for people to be unable to express themselves this way. These thoughts are enforced by an ever stringent social pressure, allowing the current ideology to be upheld.
However, you're on an anonymous image board. That means that said thought restrictions not only don't exist here. but you're free to think and express yourself however you want. There's nobody stopping you.
What you haven't worked out is that pol isn't some Nazi "containment" board like all the butthurt redditors claim. But rather a genuine place to discuss politics in an anonymous manner. Pol is a large collection of fascist, identitrians, libertarians, classic liberals and other largely "individualist minded" political ideologies.
So it doesn't matter if pol started out as "left". What matter is the end result of being able to discuss politics with no social codes. Which is exactly how pol is now. The best reading material and ideas surfaced, and that's the end result.
Everybody who comes here starts off far left and gradually finds themselves eventually.
do you actually believe this shit? /pol/ is about pushing a neo-nazi agenda. it has nothing to do with free discussion of politics. lol. I have been banned from /pol/ just for posting a picture of a black male/white female couple. lmao
Go back
>pol is about a neo nazi agenda
No. No it isn't you brainlet. Any body that has spent anytime there properly knows this.
he started off alright but then suggested that its because of a battle of ideas that national socialists won out in the end (dominating /pol/) when in reality its because white supremacist groups like stormfront and TRS chimped out over the dorner getting pegged as a folk hero, which led to media sensationalism and high levels of exacerbation surrounding the zimmerman case turning it into this generations rodney king, fuelling divisive bullshit like black lives matters whereas before all nationalists and race realists were united in the belief that corrupt government was fucking us all over
true story
> I have been banned from /pol/ just for posting a picture of a black male/white female couple.
Sounds like you were baiting retard.
oh the guys a cuck spammer? I feel dirty for having even responded to him
>true story
Not really
There are so many libertarians and small government enthusiasts on pol. How did Ron Paul become ourguy if it was dominated by fascists?
Even the hardcore Trumpers during the election weren't impressed with the way he abused Rand during the debates.
You just get overwhelmed by the Nazis insignia and falsely proclaim that the board is filled to the brim with the aryan brotherhood lmao
/pol/acks are not in favor of free speech. They jack off to this fantasy in their mind of a Man in the High Castle-esque Nazi-ruled America where Tyrone isn't allowed to have sex with their precious white women. And where every /pol/ack has a nice traditional white aryan waifu goddess. The truth is you /pol/acks are a bunch of fucking losers that will never reproduce and thank God for that. That is why you fantasize about a world in which Tyrone is beneath you and you fantasize about being a Chad. The red pill is that Chads don't post on neo-nazi forums bitching about niggers fucking their women and jews pimping out their women. Chads are too preoccupied with slaying white and brown pussy to give a shit. And you suck Donald Trump's dick when Trump hasn't done jack shit for you. Trump is part of the establishment. America is going to continue to become more and more brown under the Republicans. Stop living in fantasy land. You /pol/ack cucks are a bunch of fucking losers who should just kill yourselves already with a shotgun mouthwash. This is why you need your little neo-nazi hugbox on /pol/ to protect yourself from reality. The reality that you are pathetic and aren't worth shit.
You know what I did when I saw Chad and Tyrone fuck all the thots? I focused on doing something that I'm good at (crypto trading), disregarded roasties and focused on self-improvement, MGTOW enlightenment, etc. All you /pol/acks do is whine, whine, whine about niggers and Jews. And you ban anyone who triggers you and calls you out.
When you witness America getting browner and browner even under the Republicans, hopefully you realize how futile it is to support the GOP and give yourself a shotgun mouthwash. Good riddance to genetic trash.
a femanon thread died for this
>They jack off to this fantasy in their mind of a Man in the High Castle-esque Nazi-ruled America where Tyrone isn't allowed to have sex with their precious white women. And where every /pol/ack has a nice traditional white aryan waifu goddess
>Oh my god they want utopia! How dare them!!!
I can smell the soy through the screen
Israel is behind this post
Did you even read what I wrote? I am saying stormfront is a vocal minority
Daily reminder this guy will be raising a half black child not of his own blood in a few years
Tell that to Darryl McAdams.
>pol/acks are not in favor of free speech
Wrong. A lot are in favour of free speech.
>losers that will never reproduce
Wrong again. I'm an oldfag engineer with three kids. Living a very stable and comfortable life.
>And you suck Donald Trump's dick
Wrong again. We enjoyed riding the highs of the election because Hillary is a criminal and we wanted to piss people like you off. No regrets at all. I still browse YouTube for 2016 election fallout videos. They're the best. Watching degenerate trash such as yourself cry over having an election loss was beautiful.
>neo-nazi hugbox on /pol/
Again. There's a lot of individualism on pol. Not necessarily nazism. Read posts above.
>All you /pol/acks do is whine, whine, whine about niggers and Jews
Guilty. But you're making it out as if this is a bad thing.
Meanwhile daddy Trump supports Jizzrael. Jared Kushner is fucking his daughter Ivanka balls deep every night with his mutilated Jew cock.
I have been going MGTOW Monk Mode for over a year.
I'm not a Democrat, I'm a libertarian. Are you going to love Daddy Trump when the Republican-run IRS bends you over on crypto taxes? lmao.
Yeah I re-read your post after replying to you and realised I read it incorrectly lmao
The newfag low IQ plebbitors also fail to understand that Veeky Forums has been using nigger and loving Hitler long before pol, even if just ironically. We literally coined the phrase Hitler did nothing wrong out of edge for competitions like naming the newest Mountain Dew flavor and shit. Of course it’s just total coincidence that we grew up and unironically starting using Hitler did nothing wrong because he really didn’t and today’s western ‘’liberals’’ are mirroring Weimar Republic levels of degeneracy, apathy, and delusion led by Kosher propaganda. But this is biz we stop there.
>even if just ironically
That's the thing, it used to be ironic to troll and bait people. A lot of /pol/ says it unironically.
Yeah well it is unironic reddit
its used as a troll until people say you cant say it
then you start to say it to spite them and they start saying things that are pretty unreasonable because they think you're a nazi and they're trying to trigger you over racial concerns
but they end up radicalising people that were otherwise on the fence considering most of it is pretty racist anti white rhetoric meant to provoke
then people start saying it with the belief that yes, there is a problem
not all turn into nazis
but they are creating a shitload of sympathisers
Is this what r*ddit actually believes? Kind of sad I wasted time reading this. Funny enough, everyone of my friends that browses pol, including myself is normal tier if not full chad. Most of my upper chad friends are all right leaning and love Trump. Fuck it’s sad seeing soynigger beta orbiters so out of touch with reality. Most if not all chads are right wing in there beliefs, it comes with the high T. Something you could never relate too.
Real Chads don't whine about niggers fucking their women. lmao.
I am not reddit. I'm a libertarian. It's funny how reddit always lumps me in with the alt-right. And the alt-right always lumps me in with reddit. rofl
>browses reddit
Yeah you belong on reddit alright
>Real Chads don't whine about niggers fucking their women
wait a minute
this guy is a gay black user that is deciding on being a trap or not
he cuck spams out of necessity, because he obviously has issues with fulfilling the role of masculinity, hence being a trap
There is nothing masculine about alt-right cucks whining about niggers fucking their aryan goddesses. lol
I got banned from r/buttcoin for triggering the SJWs on there
I am the true contrarian edgelord. Both the alt-right and liberal cucks hate me
>A lot of /pol/ says it unironically
Ok. And? A lot of people are shocked by Jewish actions.
I admit we're drifting from the original topic that being that biz is filled to the brim with utter fuckwits.....
Read Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald. It'll shock you.
It used to be a troll and then you realize Hitler only became a thing because communists were ruining Germany and trying to take over, and then most of the communists were actually Jewish, which is why he went after them. And then like I said in the last part of the post you replied to: there are a fuck ton of parallels to draw from Weimar Republic Germany to radical liberalism today and even if you aren’t an actual Nazi it’s hard not to relate on some level. Nazis in 1920-30s Germany were people too. If you think it was total coincidence and chance that Hitler came to power instead of legitimate (((issues))) that needed solving then IDK go back to high school level world history class. He was right about most things it’s just his methods were exteme and he ended up turning the greatest liberation story into a crusade.
the thing is, you're the only one that really brings it up
noone makes cucks threads but you and people like you
and just because people call it as it is, cuck BS, does not mean they are feminine or beta
just that they reject cuck shit
why do you waste your life here user?
the alt-right are the ones who made "cuck" into a meme. They are obsessed with this idea of the black man threatening their masculinity
>he thinks I think chads are worried about niggers taking their woman when it’s just chads don’t give a fuck about being politically correct and will tell you to your face that 70 IQ niggers from sub Sahara Africa and the ME are a total detriment to a functioning society
Lol. Trust me. Spics, Niggers, and Sandniggers aren’t taking chads girls and that’s not even close to the real issue.
>they're realists
Until it comes time to name the Jew.
Chad gets so much pussy that he doesn't give a fuck if Tyrone his runningback team mate fucks a hot coal burner. It's the /pol/fags who are whining about coal burning thots fucking niggers. They are not Chads
The GOP will not name the Jew. They support Israel. Donald Trump is getting cucked by a Jew (Jared Kushner fucking and knocking up his Aryan goddess daughter)
You will never make it
cuck doesnt instantly mean black men stealing women
it actually started as a means of explaining the psychological phenomena of someone that would self hate and push to have themselves replaced by foreigners
as in
come fuck my wife please
as in
cultural cuckold
if anything it started off referring to masses of arabs coming in to places like sweden, cuck sheds etc
its obvious you got hurt X amount of years ago and have been lashing out ever since
I am just here to tell you
you're doing nothing but shitting up a board where none of this even matters
and you're making it matter
Ok you faggot lolbertarian. You are all retards and don't know shit. You think trump has any sway on the IRS??? You think trump isn't just another shabbos goy??? Nice wall of text you cuck
>has no argument so will just direct me to /pol/
guess what retard
Veeky Forums is an offshoot of /pol/ to begin with
hence the amount of /pol/acks that have been here for years
cry more about it ;^)
>I used to post time-stamped cleavage on Veeky Forums along with my Kik username. You wouldn't be able to tell from the replies to the thread but I would always get a TON of messages, like over 100 at a time sometimes and basically you just have to find whoever seems the most lonely, rich, and desperate and string them along on false hope. I had one 18-year-old British kid who sent me $1000+ because I kept telling him I would buy plane tickets to visit with it kek
>he thinks ivanka is a female
Look at her hands next time you see "her", that's a man you faggot. Look at "her" fake as fuck pregnancy pics, and how "she" looked totally unchanged after carrying a baby for 9 months and giving birth.
Unfortunately for you, Chad can tell the difference between his running back teammate and 70 IQ sub Saharan niggers with AIDS. Even if the former and latter aren’t far off from each other - having more of the latter threatens society and it’s just objectively true. A friend of mine was a captain/line backer for one of the best country. I’m aware of the opinions of these types of people, statistically and anecdotally. Plus, most nigger chads are pro Trump too. I don’t even know how to tell you how fucking far off from reality you are. Even those running back types you allude to do want all of Africa and Mexico to come to the US.
>Female attention and emotional labor is a commodity and can be marketed, in the same way that prostitutes sell their sexual labor. The most successful sugar babies know this inherently. Men like to be coddled by women and will pay for the privilege, even better if it's someone pretty and apparently sexually available. /theory
>I really admire the ability to scam and hustle men like this desu, I wish I could but I find the smile-nod-laugh, keeping my mouth shut, ego stroking charade absolutely exhausting.
You mean the IRS that was politicized and used as a weapon against conservatives much like the DOJ/FBI? He thinks Trump controls (((them)))? Lol.
>You think trump isn't just another shabbos goy???
Exactly, Trump is just another shabbos goy. This is why the IRS is going after crypto traders. I don't understand the enthusiasm that /pol/acks have with Trump.
I had more respect for the neo-nazis when they were equally critical of the GOP. Now they have become GOP shills.
I know about the Jew (I have some distant Sephardic Jewish ancestry. But that part of my family tree converted to Catholicism centuries ago. And I have an intact foreskin. Baby dick cutting is barbaric). I don't want to wage cuck hard to enrich (((Mr. Shekelstein))) and the (((tax man))).
I would identify primarily as a MGTOW. Second as a libertarian.
I just want the government and SJWs to leave me the fuck alone. I worked hard for these crypto gainz. I'm not going to let the government tax me and give my hard-earned gains to Stacys knocked up by Chad and Tyrone. To give to refugee Abdul. To give to overpaid government parasites. Fuck that shit.
>Also it's relevant. It's completely true that any girl who plays CSGO will get flooded with attention like flies on shit.
>When I look at their steam profiles they have hundreds of friends, tons of comments, expensive DLC they get for free as gifts from white knights, etc. These stupid betas have some kind of delusion that they're going to get sex from a girl they met through Steam who is already flooded with other male attention.
Faggot fuck, that's not Obama doing that shit, the (((government))) does what ISRAEL tells them too. Netanyahu might have ordered the IRS to go after the tea party cus they were gonna go 1488 bit I doubt it, they just wanted to drum up conflict. Trump isn't in charge of anything except fulfilling Talmudic prophecy: order out of chaos
And did I say I think trump controls them?? No you idiot lolbertarian highschool nigger dog, I said trump is just an ornament for us to be distracted by while the Christmas tree burns and the jews buy up as many real assets as they can before the US dollar collapses from hyperinflation
Faggots like you who lack total nuance are embarrassing and give pol a bad name. Though (((them))) and Obama are two separate parties their goals at one point were one in the same on some levels. What (((they))) want are open borders, death to our infrastructure, death to our economy, and censorship via political correctness. Does that sound like Trump to you? (((They))) want chaos in the Middle East - not for Trump to stop the arms flows to ISIS, AQ, etc. Yes he has to give a little here and there because of the influence of (((them))) but you have to see this objectively; we can’t rip away we have to slowly ween off their bullshit to prevent their Sampson option; total chaos. Grow the fuck up.
Did I say you said that? Or did I say the guy you replied to did?
There's no choice for you but full 1488 stop pussyfooting around. JEWS MUST BE EXTERMINATED, THE RACES MUST BE SEPARATED
You think you are awake and aware but you're still falling for jewish tricks. Trump isn't doing anything the jews don't want him to. Nothing is gonna change, we are going down crashing and burning BECAUSE ITS ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN. go look up Albert Pike and the 3 world wars you ignoramus, fuck pol, its a boomer fest Now, and I never liked it anyway. You're the dumb faggot buying into the Sampson option nonsense, do you even know for a fact if nuclear bombs exist? No you fucking don't, because nukes are a jewish hoax
How about not doing meta replies when I'm the one getting the (you), brain dead fuck