Monthly reminder to stop neglecting your eyesight and get contact lenses. It's one of the biggest life improvements you can make. You are probably not aware just how bad your eyes are because you got used to it.
Do it.
The first week of wearing them sucks, just wait it out.
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For extreme autists, the place you get them is called an optometrist.
Monthly reminder to stop neglecting your eyesight and get contact lenses...
I do, they're a pain in the ass. They get dry as fuck when I'm driving or on the computer. I want to get lasik
>restricting airflow to your cornea
Are you fucking retarded? True Chads wear glasses when needed and take them off when not needed.
Get laser eye. Its even better. I had it done after wearing contacts, and now my eyesight is godlike eagle tier. Would do it again in a heartbeat. Well worth the money
Lasik master race reporting in
Contacts are for soyboys. Glasses are much better.
contact lenses fuck up your eyes, the pharma company puts chemicals in them and when they touch your eyes it makes them worse over time making you buy more contact lenses....
>Not wearing rigid gas permeable
Not going to make it
True chads get lasik. My vision went from 20/400 to 20/15 (better than 20/20)
Had minor rainbow vision in one eye but it went away after a few months
how much?