> Sorry not sorry

Attached: Cryptocurrencies__Last_Week_Tonight_with_John_Oliver__HBO__-_YouTube.png (968x595, 688K)

friendly reminder

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you can thank the nazis for inventing this

Why are normies so smug about crypto? They go around like "lol I'm such an nerd i love star wars xD" but anytime the nerds are into something they don't understand they get all condescending and dismissive about it

thank you for ruining bitcoin jew oliver

hahahaha this is so so fucking dumb

>days after this airs, leftist friend on facebook starts mocking bitcoin

woah mind blown

t. normie

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I just don't get how people find his show funny. I'm not even talking content. Just delivery.

Holy shit. Thanks user, crazy when you look at it this way

I truly do believe leftism should be acknowledged by psychologists everywhere as a mental illness.

excellent post if your intention was what I think it was

itt vergin bagholders that bought the top

Couldn't have put it in better words myself. It's a horrible mix of NowThis videos and yo gabba gabba.


It's kind of funny that every time someone posts about a John Oliver video something similar to this is posted.
>"well obviously it's a leftist ploy to brainwash the populace so you should just disregard what he said fellow smart people :^) "

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As a Brazilian, I can tell you that it is a pretty good show if you want to get some information and understand how half of the USA thinks.

Not sure I understand the uproar. His overall advice, just like everyone else's advice, is generally to use caution investing in cryptos. How is this either wrong or bad?

Notice how he spends a lot of time mocking them but doesn't spend anytime saying which ones have potential?

He doesn't even need to be a shill. At this point Ethereum has established itself to do some cool things. You don't even need to shill it. Yet no mention of it?

He's more subtle than his American counterparts so I guess he puts in more effort.

idk I think he helped EOS quite a bit. lost that brock guy and now everyone knows the name.

dubs and he dies of aids

wubba lubba dub dubs

>As a Brazilian

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nazis invented comedy shows pushing the (((globalist))) worldview?