If we cure aging won't money be worthless?

If we cure aging won't money be worthless?

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not until we cure dieing as well

Are you fucking retarded?

No, because you'll still want material possessions

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None that you know of shit for brains!

Agelessness means massive population increase without corresponding increase of natural resources. The resulting scarcity might to an even greater divide between the powerful and the exploited - money might actually matter MORE. It’s also not immortality - someone could fucking shoot you dead for your food and water. People could still starve to death.

You’re a moron.

Seneca - Great Greek Philosopher on Shortness of Life —>


the strive for material wealth becomes a thing of the past and a look for spiritual need becomes apparent.

this is why rich people start reading books and look into themselves because they see material wealth as a scam, a dead end.



Jesus. I hadn't really considered the population resource problem and advancing medicine and tech. It makes Alex Jones sound more legit.


OP, you're a faggot.

too many people already to be sustainable

Rich people are already immortal. Look at Keanu Reeves

If you live forever you will want to do fun stuff and not work every day. You work until you get enough money to not work and then spend your time doing hobbies.

made me reply

Go watch Altered Carbon

I'd really rather we didn't. Being mortal is the whole point of humanity. We'd be shit if we didn't die. Unless you mean curing aging without curing dying, which would be cool. Imagine still living the normal lifespan but not getting old.

Why did German and Japan start a war?

Not enough food user

Money will be more important. It's already a severe financial problem that people retire at age 65 and live to 85, imagine if people retire at age 65 and live to 200 or some shit. How will you afford that?

fuck off op

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But what if the cure for aging wasn't freely available to everyone?
Like what if it cost 21 BTC for a single person's treatment?
I don't see that having much impact on the population.

Although I can imagine people would start revolting as the wealthy and powerful live hundreds or thousands of years, while middle class and poor people die after a normal lifespan.

Yeah, but take their money away and it becomes preoccupying real fucking quick.

Who else noticed?


And you. You noticed.

You'll need more money because you'll still live and get sick.

congrats, you just made altered carbon

curing aging wont stop dead.

Mind Uploading is the only way to achieve true immortality. You need to be wealthy to buy it.






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mommy no

Even if we could stall it I'd still get old before I die, though the extra decade or two of youth would be nice. Being immortal sounds miserable with a humans memory span, as does joining the machine hivemind.

This makes no damn sense

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why would it cost 21 BTC? Why wouldn't someone else give you the same service for 20 BTC. And then the markets continues until it is at its true value

OP, you're a faggot.

fuck you

hold on, that looks like balls and not puffy lips

>has never seen a closeup upskirt in real life
its a fat cunt

you're just afraid you're attracted to balls


There are quite a few ChainLink holders
There is no Oracle problem

That tells you everything you need to know about the value of ChainLink vs money

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fuck you

How are you gonna buy your aging cure if you have no money?

>is gay and wants everyone else to be too
no user I am sorry
its quite easy to tell its a plump cunt
stop jerking off to traps and maybe you can revert back from the brink of insanity


no u

There are quite a few Nolinkers
They think there is no Oracle problem

That tells you everything you need to know about the value of these people's opinions.


I can't remember why, just don't.

i want to fuck imogen

Not always true though.
For example, HIV medication (e.g. Truvada et.al) costs around $1300 per month.

Or just basically american healthcare being expensive af.

Or maybe it's just a bitch to manufacture, or like HIV medication, it would be a continuous expensive treatment, and aging sets back in when you stop.

Or people in power could basically put in tons of regulation (or lobby for it) against making it expensive and not accessible to just anybody, citing possible population issues. And they could put in an "immortality fee", basically you have to pay hundreds of thousands if not millions as "tax" to have access to the medication (which works even better if it's a continuous treatment and not a one-time thing).

So back to my original question > what if the cure for aging wasn't freely available to everyone?
> Like what if it cost 21 BTC for a single person's treatment?

fucking hell i got baited

>Harari, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
>society has been held together by inventing 'fictions', such as religion, money and the idea of fundamental human rights.

Suprise, suprise, Jew doesn't believe in religion or the idea of fundamental human rights. Just can't wait for his cyborg body so he can rule over the filthy goyim

pls let me mommy life

Shame on you


you will just be a slave forever

They became millionaires by using their time wisely