NoLinkers on suicide watch

>Sergey actually sitting with big players
>tom gonser riding sergeys dick
>Perianne boring literally going all senpaiinnn ayhhhnnnn on sergey
>billions upon billions of dollars
>we are literally made of cheese
>adoption in 18 months

how does nolinkers cope?
show me one other chad CEO being bull prepared like sergey?

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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah bullshit...and i own 130k links

What was the full comment about cheese? I couldn’t hear what he said and want to get in on the meme.

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It was something like we're theoretically all made of cheese

do you want a little whine with your cheese?

Blockchain developer here.

>LinkChain have a small range of use cases
>It is not reliable or consistent
>developers will just prefer and feel more okay injecting data in the smart contract, and reading it from inside over using LinkChain

It is a meme with a dream, and nothing more.

> It is a meme with a dream, and nothing more.

Sure it is. But it is going to moon regardless. Just like all the other vaporware in this market. All you need is some great promises.

ALRIGHT, time to talk about ChainLink's price.

I've been crunching some numbers, researching how much api providers charge right now, looking into Oraclize and other oracle services customer-base and how much are they paying...

And I've came to the conclusion that LINK holders are completely out of their mind. The network just WON'T have nowhere near the fee revenue to justify the price predictions that are thrown around in this board.

If we're LUCKY, we might see a 10MM USD a YEAR at the beginning at the network. It's fucking ridiculous.

Even if we the network eventually gets adopted by a few banks for derivatives trading purposes (which WON'T happen in less than 03 years, you idiots have no idea how far away smart contracts are from being actually usable) it'll be HARD to get over 100 MM usd a YEAR in network fees. Shit just isn't that profitable.

So yeah, LINK is basically overinflated in price because delusional neets bought into the non-sense from a group of LARPERS and didnt actually do any research.

Hey a bit of new information I've found after doing some digging on Dimitri Roche's LinkedIn

Software Engineer
Company Name
Dates Employed
Nov 2017 – Present
Employment Duration
5 mos
Decentralized oracle networks bridging on and off chain communication.

Sure we have 'known' this for a while but straight from the horses mouth it is no longer the FUDders favourite "2 man team"

Everything is pasta now
>Living in a post-pasta world

I was going to buy chainLINK this week, but there are so many threads up exposing it as a fucking MEME.

and plus, there hasn't been any upward movement in 5 months....probably for the same reason.

How can you stinky linkies be so deluded? YOUR CEO LITRALLY THINKS EVERYONE IS MADE OF CHEESE! WAKE UP

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Except that i doubled my money from last month lmao

Definitely ChainLink have some actual use cases.

IMO it is a sketchy technology with a weak architecture.

But again big corporations regularly use sketchy technologies with weak architecture.

Maybe it will be usable in some crypto banking or someshit like that in some point.

Why was a Microsoft Azure dev playing about on the ChainLink GitHub a few days ago then?

Being a blockchain dev you sound like you know more than microsoft

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>adoption in 18 months
Where did he say that, at SXSW? I must’ve missed it

Who are you kidding, it's down 25% from a month ago. So don't lie

It wasn't Sergey that said it at SXSW.

It was the brown haired lawyer guy who said something along the lines of 'this is the future but will it happen in 20 years or 18 months'

I'm not sure if OP is referencing this though

You think blockchain devs value Microsoft or their products? exactly the opposite.

Actually ChainLink gives me Microsoft vibes, sketchy and with a weak architecture, but big corporations might use it anyway.

Also ChainLink is made by two devs by fusioning a bunch of existing technologies that don't go hand in hand... sketchy as hell and turn off to any open source dev which most blockchain developers are.

Also sorry for your loss. I hope Sergey will scam some big corporations and you can get you money back.

Also I hope he won't dump his personal Links and THEY ARE FREAKING A LOT.

Please someone make a cheese link fork cube

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>Actually ChainLink gives me Microsoft vibes, sketchy and with a weak architecture, but big corporations might use it anyway.
sounds like IOTA

2 devs = incorrect.

They have at least 4 employed devs.

Steve Ellis
Dimitri Roche
Thomas Hodges
Rory Piant.

>tom gonser riding sergeys dick
>Perianne boring literally going all senpaiinnn ayhhhnnnn on sergey

However one likes Sergiey, he seems not very socially well-adjusted. they were just being nice to the techie-autist.

Actually Rory's not a dev. So correct my statement to 3.

Sergey is not an autist, he is an alpha Chad and he absolutely dominated the panel seizing control in any opportunity.

>developers will just prefer and feel more okay injecting data in the smart contract

>caring what developers think, they are there to do their work properly
>trusting random data appearing in a smart contract

please disclose the project you're working on. it must be overbearingly shit

sounds like the lawyer made a huuuuuuge contribution given hes an ambulance chaser

>Not including Jason Parser in the payroll
It's as if you just buy whatever Veeky Forums shills to you without dyor

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I checked/tried ChainLink when it was released, it was only 2 devs back then.

Didn't follow it afterward so probably you are right.

you are talking to someone who got in during ICO
they shill it nonstop to raise the price to fulfill their sell orders to bagholders like you

what does Rory do apart from moon at macho man Sirgay?

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>being this oblivious
his speech pattern speak a completely different tale. than again, you don't differentiate those things as social skills are for normies, right?

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Random data?

It won't be random, it will be signed by whoever have the right to do so.

I get you wanna shill for ChainLink, but if it is that great what is isn't adopted yet? specially with a huge/massive increase in smart contracts.

I don't see it adopted if not by some kind of new players in the field. Maybe it will be like .NET and be a big corporations' thing...

For startups, I don't see them tolerating such a garbage.

I'm not actually sure. On LinkedIn fellow ChainLink members give him a reference saying "he does an excellent job of engaging with the community" HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

Whenever someone starts with "I'm a blah blah blah expert" or something similar, you know theyre just a narcissistic cocksucker at the bottom of the totem pole trying make themselves sound more important then theyll ever be. You have zero self worth, dont wait any longer, hang the rope faggot

>Whenever someone starts with "I'm a blah blah blah expert" or something similar, you know theyre just a narcissistic cocksucker at the bottom of the totem pole trying make themselves sound more important then theyll ever be

Do you have a source for this claim?

I empathize with you and I hope you won't be holding the bag forever.

>if it's so great why isn't it adopted yet?
>why isn't it 1000 dollars yet?

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My source? well you see im actually a CPA, and after preforming an audit on your comments i have found material misstatements of omission, after having not disclosed these omissions of your high-level faggotry, It is in the opinion of this auditor that there is reasonable assurance you are a cocksucking nobody

Olympus Labs (, soon to launch crypto derivatives, endorses ChainLink

Make money even in this bear market. We have all the tools you need,

discord dot gg/pbN4G73

how has nobody told you to kys yet?

Satoshi here, LINK is the future.

This guy is a fag and a liar.

In fact he actually is a chad
and Woman love him.

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>eastern european hotties love to couchsurf on sergeys dick and pretty much confirm his huge cock meanwhile some touchless autist on Veeky Forums tries to claim that sergey ain‘t alpha

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Nice find, always good to hear but they seem a 'chinky' in all their pictures. Are they a bit scammy?

Anyways it seems like they have some knowledge about Chainlink working towards using derivatives which is very promising.



Nah, you’re smart though


I've had a further autistic search into Rory, and I have actually found something a bit concerning.

His reddit profile 'theroryshow' has a lot of spamming about other DEX's and some gaming based ICO.

So what is Rory's role? Does he shill for a few companies? Surely he should only be concentrating on the company that pays his bills?

Or is he just like the guy from Office Space who has a desk but hasn't been paid in years?

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Pretty much what he does. He’s not just link’s community manager but also for some other project(s). He apparently gets paid in LINK too, kek.

Okay thanks for clarifying. Poor guy getting paid in Link.

Hopefully one day we will all be in that poor fucker's situation

Can't believe people didn't notice this kek

desu Tom acted like he was annoyed at Sergey

>injecting data in the smart contract and reading it from inside

Do you even know wtf you’re talking about you stupid pajeet?

I swear you sound like a retard who doesn’t know what he is talking about.

That's probably cause part of their team is Chinese (or Singaporean).

So far they delivered, I participated in the beta testing of their app and found it quite interesting.
Also they shared a stage with VB a couple times already.
In other words, DYOR!

Literally can be used for any agreement involving money. Fucking fantasy football can use it.

HAHA this is a good one

You guys seem a bit butthurt about ChinkLink...

I think there's too many bag holders here.

Remember kids, next time buy low and sell high and not the other way around.

Holding until I make it or lose it all

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At this rate most of Asia has shared a stage with VB

Add them to the list of sluts sergey has bred.
How can one man be this based?

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There is currently an ICO with Tom Gonser as an advisor.
Find it you autists

Shopin (SHPN)

Read her body language at the talk, she clearly prefers the lawyer sitting next to Sergey

WRONG she's trying to make sergey jealous.
It's obvious she wants a taste of his quarter pounder.

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Google "Tom gonser" "ico"


>panel consisted of 4 people
>CEO of the chamber of digital commerce
>founder and board chief of DocuSign
>Chief strategy officer and legal affairs of Docusign
>and no-name Sergey CEO of some company
and yet Sergey had 90% of the speaking time
what the fuck man


Show your "numbers."

rly maeks u think

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>LINK is basically overinflated in price because delusional neets bought

i think people think Veeky Forums has much more influence than it does.

Probably because Sergey literally writes smart contracts while the rest of them just talk about it

>Unironically responding to pasta from last night

25k link stack but it's a fucking long shot whether we make it.

nice fellow marine

are you autistic?
she was clearly into sergey, she knows how loaded he is + his big confirmed cock.

proceed to an hero larper dev

checked it

omfg, THIS, she was all sweaty and looking at his chainlink all the time

she also tried to grab his cock several times under the table

>grab his dick
HOLY SHIIEETTTT sergey is such a CHAD


Back to Brazil with you



You guys are so butthurt about a meme with a dream, lol...

Sorry for your losses, I hope you recover in the next big thing.

obligatory link FUD

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Big mac if true

no noLinker answered the two questions asked in the original post

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Hi sir,
Thank you for this post as many of my fellow co-worker have said the same opinion. They believe in using own code rather than rely on others when possible. Good luck to you in future endeavors!

Buy high sell low
You're the meme fren