Making dividends from buyers/sellers

making dividends from buyers/sellers
and masternodes

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-16 at 7.55.29 AM.png (1078x868, 74K)

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Drop the shitcoins and get in on this before it blows up. Youtubers are already starting to shill it.

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the fuck is this

Your retirement fund in crypto form.

Early retirement fund, here is the Ethereum contract exchange

Also direct link for 30% masternode

And here’s a wojack

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is this legit? what is the risk involved,

why would I buy into this now after you posted those charts going to the fucking moon?

Attached: 112 - 1HUd9Lq.png (638x547, 20K)

The worlds first 3-dimensional cryptocurrency investment that generates you income just for owning the currency!

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lol pajeet shilling at its finest

hahaha new fag

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Because it's primed for exponential growth due to the masternode/staking system. It's literally one of the only cryptos that has been mooning for days now.

Because we're not at the moon yet, not even the clouds.

Hahaha what a pajeet shiller
Terminate contract quantum fomo

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> Calling your own post out for being a newfag

hahaha new fag

Pajeet shillers and brainlets unite. These pajeets are not going to stop, get used to seeing a few of these threads a day, it’s a smart contract on Ethereum. Unstoppable.
And brainlets will continue to see red on portfolio. This couldn’t have come out at a perfect timing. The market is looking for solice, meanwhile this contract just raking in dividends for all the shillers masternodes 30%

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where does the money for dividends come from?

The only investment that grows in these hard times, GET IN BOYZ

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forgetting to change proxy and shitting on your tribe's laptop

10% transaction free on every buy, sell, or transfer.

>inb4 poorfag
holy shit, the snake is going up fast

Attached: dividends.png (619x257, 19K)

It doesn't matter when you get in, 10% divs taken on buys and sells distributed to all token holders. You make dividends even when weak hands sell, hence the name

>not trying to manipulate people or anything!
absolutely shameless, OP.

Defapbitch is biggest gayhole in world
And powh3D is biggest investment opportunity in world
Do you all want to miss again

well ethphoenix is better but this one is cool too. be nice to each other.

why people just talk about it in p3d threads, I don't get it. it's not like fight or something

Goys hate money confirmed