Nick Szabo following Satoshi now. Or is Satoshi following Sergey?

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Hey, thats new, I dont think they followed each other before.

It's fucking real.

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Steve and too

Im telling you guys, investing in Link is like reading a mystery novel, all these little clues, but never a smoking gun, just so everything is gonna be revealed in the last minute and it will all make sense. What a rush.

I'm already in too deep anyways

Yeah, me too, either rags or riches.

Just sold boomer stocks and went all in on LINK

Who is this


c'mon, maaaaaaaaaaaaaan

"The phrase and concept of "smart contracts" was developed by Szabo..."

Hal Finney was the real deal.
Nick Szabo is just an ideas man.

It’s real
The memes are real
It’s all real

We are all gonna make it, brah

It’s Satoshi Nakamoto. He just followed Sergey, link and another dev of link

The granddaddy of ((((Satoshi's Vision))))

Nick szabo is Satoshi you fuckwit

He joined Chainlink as an advisor a few days ago. They just met at the SXSW FYI.

Get fucked. Seriously?

small if untrue

Said in other thread and am gonna repeat here:

My theory is that Nick, who is a lawyer, saw Sergeys SXSW panel on youtube yesterday, thought it was interesting, did some research on Sergey, saw that he is the real deal and decided to follow him. It explain why he also followed

He also followed Steve, which means he looked into chainlink.

So yeah, we have Satoshi's seal of approval.

>who is nick szabo xd
The absolute state of nu-crypto/biz/.

this. I hope they make a movie out of this in like 2030 or whenever smart contracts are a part of our every day life.

I can't fucking believe I'm about to buy this meme token. For fuck sake, Veeky Forums

Quote from Szabo's twitter bio:
>(RT/Fav/Follow does not imply endorsement)

I said it in the other delusional thread

Thats like the founder of netscape following


get. the fuck. out.

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>it's a coincidence that he followed Sergey, and steve, in quick succession

He had to make quite a few clicks, he definitely looked into it and was interested.

Neck yourself.
Nick Szabo cant code for shit.

Just relax and enjoy the cheap Linkies. It won't be forever.

Include me in the screenplay

>Implying LINK is
How do I sage an entire person?

He also has a CS graduation, you know.

But yeah, he is not an expert coder, which is why Bitcoin is such a shitcoin and there are better blockchain coders nowadays.

link 1000$ eoy


What is this stupid shit

Dude no joke, I’ve been thinking the EXACT same thing.. there’s so much shit going on behind the scenes and it’s all probably going to just be thrown at us all in one glorious day where Sergey completely corners the oracle market and Link skyrockets to $20+ in minutes

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Thats the price singularity, my man.

>mfw I i just realised that I somehow participate in cult thinking and am okay with it

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IMO Szabo has known Sergey a long time. Also think Sergey either is Satoshi or is part of the "team" that is Satoshi. The entire issue around the renewal of smartcontracts domain taking place 5 days BEFORE Satoshi shared Bitcoin white paper is too big of a coincidence. Then a few years later Sergey purchases the domain.

I think we've reached the meme singularity, where link memes will self-sustain even if the company closes down.

IMO your an absolute utter retard
i can't find enough words for your stupidity

Ladies and gentlemen s total Sergey and Link hater has been identified. Probably all in on Mobius.

Sorry but Sergey is actually Satoshi prove that he's not you can't sorry that you have to loose again sweaty

were hitting levels of lore that shouldnt even be possible


Alright but why should i buy?

Holyshit, link will become huge in couple of years time, just bought 5000 more.

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this entire thread makes me hard

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nope wrong

I want to do this too...

great argument

Look up the r9k guy who shot himself in the head and copy it irl

the original bitcoin code was really bad

They'd be following each other way back when if they created bitcoin. They wouldn't just now be getting around to follow each other would they,?

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a thread died for this

>implying they would be so conspicuous