Why the fuck would someone pay 780k to fuck a virgin whore?

why the fuck would someone pay 780k to fuck a virgin whore?

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Buying someones virginity is a total power move.
You force yourself pyshical and mental in someone's life after fucking her the first time. She will never forget, meaning you created some sort of legacy.

Like about virgin to girls
Works every time

jesus christ. What psychological midget would actually expend 780k for essentially a dopamine effect. just lol

who would pay 3k for male virignity?

It's anal virginity I suppose


it was some dubai sheikh im 100% sure

Someone with to much money. Some bored one percenter that made money off your back.

Wow look at that wage gap society should fix this.


You faggots can pay some whore your scamcoins to suck you off or
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the real question why would someone pay 3000 to fuck a virgin creatura

Everything we spend money on is for a dopamine rush

for people to be frugal, they must have ample supply of dopamine already.

The dopamine meme is wholly misunderstood. People think dopamine is some neurochemical that activates when you get super high but in reality you get a measurable dopamine response even from the most mundane things.

So most of things you do are for the "dopamine effect", taking a shit has "a dopamine effect", so does talking with other people or eating a piece of bread.

would you pay 3k to fuck that virgin pussy?

Virgin sex is the worst sex.

So we know it's definitely not for the enjoyment.

but you gain a tolerence and a will for a greater and greater rush. That's why everyone is in this race to "make it" and have access to more money > more dopamine

yep. that's what makes impulsive people impulsive. they don't get the dopamine anywhere, but from the mundane things.

People secure in their dopamine supply can chose to ignore low-class dopamine boosters. I know I operated like a machine for a few days after I've done some proper partying. never was able to recreate this, even with nootropics.

I guarantee most of these whores aren't even virgins.

Yeah I dont get why people want virgins so much. I took the virginity of 2 girls and itwasnt great, so whats going on? Is it just insecurities?




how much for a slightly overweight neet weeb age 29 who lives by himself

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cool links


is fascinating

Anything scarce in a society has the potential to increase in value.


That's a typical roastie shaming technique. The more roasties that exist, the greater the value that's placed on a non blown out vagina. Although, paying that much for it is fucking ridiculous.

yeah why not. it's only 3k

2$ dose of kratom if you have virgin receptors is more fun.

You're rewarding her for simply existing.

Money should be earned by taking risks or doing hard work.

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or doing mundane shit everybody finds boring, like something women are usually delegated to do

>mundane shit everybody finds boring
That goes to the hard work category.

It's mentally hard work.

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given the amount of shit women get, I severely doubt it's really appreciated.


Pure fantasy. Everyone on Veeky Forums is constantly talking about finding a virgin qt because all women are whores, but by pump and dumping virgins they are creating whores. It becomes a cycle where you create more of what you hate. Not even worth unpacking the psychology behind it desu.

You can bang virgin girls for cheaper. The auctions usually start from 20k if it's an average looking girl so you end up spending around 20k-50k max which isn't a lot if you are a millionaire

pick one

a whore means selling yourself for sex

Because money is a coping mechanism about the fact that Chad fucked every 8+ prime virgin goddess during highschool while you rotted. Richcels want to get a retarded version of that through money.

Remember, cards dealt at birth, you can't win.

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>Paying 780k for the worst sex of your life

jews didnt really do anything wrong.
theyre just the middleman for stupid shit like this

haha, Zuck's only 5'7" ?!?!

So glad I'm a perfect 5'11"

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Hymen reconstruction is a thing. This could be repeat gains for smart hoes.

probably still quite a lot knowing the amount of old as fuck rich widows who wanna experience a young man again (even if that man is fucking gross)

Because he bought it day one with the GOTY, ya jealous sonygger