5 PHELI for the first 5 ERC20 Adresses
Do I get a t-shirt too?
thank u mister
Come to our meeting in Berlin in december and i will give you as t-shirt.
what's the project?
plz kind sir
Checkout t.me/OpheliaToken for News and t.me/OpheliaAirdrop for the Chat. Also have a look at opheliacrypto.wixsite.com/ophelia (look at it on PC/Desktop, the Mobile Version isnt ready). Ophelia is a young Blockchain Startup from Berlin/Germany. Im a lawyer and the second Guy is a very talented computer scientist. We start the Work on the Whitepaper on Mid April after my Exams. You can check all the Dates in the Roadmap we will have a bigger Team, a Whitepaper, Public Advertising and a Meeting Event in Berlin. Im doing Airdrops like this because we need attention- its not that easy to advertise if your capital isnt that big.
And of course we will have a better spelling in the Whitepaper-haha. Im very busy right now and i takes me to long to check it twice. Sorry for that.
>shit token with no real use or plan
No thanks
And this is the Tshirt we are talking about.
Your welcome
got it, Thx OP!
project sounds good let's see how it develops
damn am i late?
So guys i sent everyones PHELI. If you want more just checkout the news channel and follow the development or come to the group. We have a challenge right now where you can win more PHELI and a T-Shirt of course. You can also check out /biz from time to time this wasn't the last thread we made. If you just want free money and give a fuck about projects and Ophelia- keep in mind PHELI will hit at least two exchanges this year. Im a lawyer and im working together with german financial authorities to make this a legit project.
If you are in Berlin- meet us here.
You are number 6- but i sent it to you anyway.
awsome thank you user