
5 PHELI for the first 5 ERC20 Adresses

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Do I get a t-shirt too?

thank u mister

Come to our meeting in Berlin in december and i will give you as t-shirt.



what's the project?

plz kind sir

Checkout t.me/OpheliaToken for News and t.me/OpheliaAirdrop for the Chat. Also have a look at opheliacrypto.wixsite.com/ophelia (look at it on PC/Desktop, the Mobile Version isnt ready). Ophelia is a young Blockchain Startup from Berlin/Germany. Im a lawyer and the second Guy is a very talented computer scientist. We start the Work on the Whitepaper on Mid April after my Exams. You can check all the Dates in the Roadmap we will have a bigger Team, a Whitepaper, Public Advertising and a Meeting Event in Berlin. Im doing Airdrops like this because we need attention- its not that easy to advertise if your capital isnt that big.

And of course we will have a better spelling in the Whitepaper-haha. Im very busy right now and i takes me to long to check it twice. Sorry for that.

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>shit token with no real use or plan
No thanks

And this is the Tshirt we are talking about.

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Your welcome

got it, Thx OP!

project sounds good let's see how it develops

damn am i late?

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So guys i sent everyones PHELI. If you want more just checkout the news channel and follow the development or come to the group. We have a challenge right now where you can win more PHELI and a T-Shirt of course. You can also check out /biz from time to time this wasn't the last thread we made. If you just want free money and give a fuck about projects and Ophelia- keep in mind PHELI will hit at least two exchanges this year. Im a lawyer and im working together with german financial authorities to make this a legit project.
If you are in Berlin- meet us here.

You are number 6- but i sent it to you anyway.

awsome thank you user