The fuck do you do with these things?

The fuck do you do with these things?

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Eat them?

Let them overripe and eat them like pussy put your whole face in it

play catch with my dogs


They leave your mouth feeling fuzzy and sandy.

shittiest fruit fucking ever

So, again like a vagina?

Try a watermelon or cantaloupe next time

That's only the over ripe ones. Try the younger, more green fruit. Much more pleasant.

Hachiya Persimmons: Incredibly Unique, Incredibly Delicious

Like a vagina

Persimmon (Diospyros-Greek for “fruit of the gods“)
Health Benefits of Persimmons.

Make cookies out of them

>for those interested in cooking with persimmons, the Fuyu variety is much better

Strange, pretty much everything I've been reading online has been saying that hachiyas are used pretty much exclusively for baking. The grocery stores around here are overflowing with them right now.

Persimmon Pudding is what we do in my family. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas. Shits delicious.

I havre recently eaten the hachiya and fuji persimmons. I like the hachiya

I just eat them raw like freshly bathed pussy, like other anons said before :)

Eat them, you fucking space.

If guys ever want to know what semen tastes like, without actually slurping cum, eat one of those while drinking latte.

had one for what i thought was the first time recently but after i tasted it i realized i grew up eating that shit as a kid.

i like them stemmed and peeled (the skin is nasty and can cause that weird mouth feeling) eaten thinly sliced raw.

because they're not super sweet they're good in salads / 10 minute pickles / in a light vinaigrette

Throw them in the bin.

I went to Korea, and in the South they eat truckloads of this shit. I don't understand why because it's the most bland, boring fruit I've ever had. It has the texture of Styrofoam.

I've only ever eaten them fresh, but their taste and texture seem like they'd be good in cakes or pies.

Really? I bought them few days ago because I've never seen them before (ex commie yuropoor, this shit is exotic) and they tasted kinda like apricots, but the texture was richer. I'd go to the store and buy some right now if they weren't fucking expensive.

Maybe I just got shit-tier persimmons - but honestly I was amazed how bland it was. Might try again.

Look for the soft ones, they're riper and have more flavor

Let them get super soft, then cut the tops off and spoon the insides out and eat it. Fucking delicious.

put 'em in your butt

>ex commie yuropoor, this shit is exotic
In Russia they're a super common winter fruit.

I thought the dog was chewing its prolapsed anus


Cut em in half and eat the inner flesh but not the skin

Eat it

Like a vagine

They're like melons. The American ones tend to be mediocre to bad but occasionally you get lucky.

But the only really good ones I've had were in Japan

I like to cut them into slices, caramelize them and then stack them in a glass with layers of raisins, thin marzipan sheets and some vanilla sauce with cinnamon inbetween them. Pour some rum over the last slice before topping it off with vanilla and cinnamon. Lasts a few days, great for heating up in the microwave.

sounds good, I'm going to try that.
I like to slice them and add to the salads mixing with lettuce and others veggies they give nice kick while eating veggies in salad

They're used in preserves. Other than that, they're just "eh". Plus, they're only good when partially ripe.


This. I finally had some for myself (in laws brought some, first thing I thought was cum because that's what you fucks said I tasted like).
It was sweet but flavorless, and really did remind me of sweet cum.

I tried them as the flatter, donut shape that you can eat while it;s hard, didn't try the big ones that you're supposed to wait for to soften like jelly because eww.

t. never had a good watermelon or melon

Watermelon has a delicious flavor, so does cantaloupe. Persimmons have no flavor, just a bland sweet semen taste.

>semen taste

Pray, do tell how you were able to make that anology.

I've seen it be said. Maybe my brain automatically said
>why, yes, it does taste like semen
due to the already preconceived notion of reading it prior to having tasted them.

>doesn't know what semen tastes like

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