Is there a service where I can sign-up and pay 100% of my income and they decide all my financial matters for me?

Is there a service where I can sign-up and pay 100% of my income and they decide all my financial matters for me?

I just want to work and invest, actually spending the money is a hassle. They could send a weekly care package to my doorstep that has food, clothes etc. depending on my needs and I wouldn't have to worry about anything.

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That would be dope user

I would invest in the ico


If this service doesn't yet exist some of you more entrepreneurial folks could create it.

I'd sign up instantly.

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Yeah it’s called growing up

Sure thing user how much are you willing to pay for this service?

Let's say 90% of my net income (about 3000€ / month).

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THEre are plenty of companies that do this. Mutual IRAs like Vanguard fb Charles schwab will pick your portfolio but that’s all retirement funds. There are funds for ETFs and we’ll, even “coin pickers” who will build out investment crypto portfolios for u. Keep in mind, since they’re doing the footwork, you’ll be charged fees, opposed to doing it yourself.

You don't understand. This user wants NEET services, not boomer retirement packages. He wants someone to buy him clothes, get his groceries delivered to his doorstep, and cummies.

I don't mean an investment fund.

I mean someone who I give all my money to and they decide what to use it for.


You need a husband, faggot.

In the US there are services like that for food, clothes, alcohol, etc. You can also use amazon subscriptions for shit like toothpaste and toilet paper

I agree. I think OP wants to give someone all their money to have them pay his bills/rent, and get all this done automatically without their interaction. I don't know if this is possible because this sounds like the job of a fiduciary which comes with a laundry list of legal responsibilities.

The problem is that my income is much much larger than my expenses. I don't want to up my expenses so I've just invested most of the extra, but all that results in even more money I have no use of.

I wish I could voluntarily pay more taxes or something.

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You could just save up money until you have enough to buy your parents a new fancy house or yacht or something, you know.

But yeah, donating a little regularly to a charity would be nice too.

They already have a house and don't need a yacht.

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a mother

You need a wife...

Being reliant on your mother for those things is kinda embarrassing.

I'd rather pay someone to do it and not depend on my parents.

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Lol husbands don't manage household affairs, if he works and makes the money, he's the husband you fucking backwards ass fucking faggot

My dream is to form a brony death squads and cleanse the planet from you furry fucks. Especially those who belong to both.

I actually believe we will have something like in the near future. It's genius. An AI system that regulates the flow of your income based on your needs. There will be "presets" that you could choose from, like telling your system to buy you clothes of a specific trend or fashion, or to actively invest or trade some of your money, etc. We will first see this technology in military. This system will control swarms of drones and robots and coordinate execution of specific tasks and missions. This system will be able to wage wars by itself, completely autonomously and with efficiency we never seen before. Then governments will use this system, which will monitor the various government bodies and public environments in order to efficiently allocate funds and collect taxes. This will revolutionize how governments work, cutting taxes and removing corruption almost entirely. Lastly we will see this technology in every house. This system will manage your finances so good you'd save a lot of money, eventually cutting working hours and letting people spend more time at home. There are so many possibilities of what it could do.

It's called having a wife in charge of the finances.
Just get married

>actively invest or trade some of your money
If everybody users such system who will lose money from the market? Lol


Just order online it's not like people need to shop anymore

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>Live 30 years frugally saving an impressive amount of wealth
>Get married
>Wife goes on spending spree / wants a divorce.
>Lose everything

Am I deluded thinking this could happen.

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I can't order everything online here. We don't even have Amazon where I live.

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It's a distinct possibility if you marry the wrong woman. Just wait until 30 years from now when they've got genetically engineered demure cat girls to be your cock sleeve.

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Your post isn't clear, are you 30 now and have been living frugally all your life? I don't think it would really count up until you were 18, because up until you were 16 you couldn't work legally so you lacked income and your living circumstances were out of your control.
Or, are you talking about getting married 30 years from now after having already saved your money for the next 30 years.
In which case I would ask why are you getting married so late, and you're missing the point of my statement.

get a pre-nup, keep mostly seperate bank accounts

I still need someone else to manage all my money matters until then.

that defeats the purpose of having a woman in charge of his finances.

That's actually a great idea.

For some reason I didn't even know such agreements existed but apparently they're quite common. Thanks for educating me.


I that case it wasn't such a great idea.

I need to find a partner who's honest, non-greedy and very loyal.

This would be so much easier if I could just pay someone to do it but such services doesn't seem to exist.

Yes, presumably then you could look into groups of women who have the lowest divorce rates.

Pre-nups are useless in many places

>woman decides to divorce you for LITERALLY NO REASON and take all of your shit, and the kids
>fast forward to court
>"I signed that under duress/false pretenses, your honor!"

There's a reason for the term "divorce rape"

Does this actually happen or is it just a incel rage fantasy.

sauce on these pics?

This thread reminded me that I should go see my mother this weekend.

She's old and would be happy to see me. It's been awhile since I last saw her.

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I can be the only furry on Veeky Forums, you homo

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Go to trash you fag, it's literally the furry board.
How does fur faggotry remind you of your mother?

Get a boywife, bitches ain't loyal

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Oh my God, user told me to leave. I better do so.

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I found out recently you don't actually have to listen


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It's a furry board.

Speaking of my mother reminded me.

GOOD idea.

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Figures. I think crypto is the only way to live a autistic furry masterrace lifestyle. How's your holdings going?

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Tails is so fucking adorably cute

Damn right, he was my gateway drug to furry.

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Good, considering I started late 2016.

I'm thinking about buying some low-caps at the moment. Still doing research about what exactly to buy.

If cryptos go up this summer I'll buy tickets to the US and attend Midwest FurFest.

Also a fursuit, not sure if full or partial.

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That's called joining a cult user

I'll step up to the plate and take all your money but it won't be an easy task, I want 2%.

What's your email, skype?

Recommend some good cults to me.

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Templar Knights

2% is ok, but I'd be crazy to trust some random guy on Veeky Forums on this

Kemono suits are the only good suits

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>I'm thinking about buying some low-caps at the moment.
Similar situation here. Though I'd rather wait for ETH and BTC to stabilize a little, it's been a crazy year so far.

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That looks good.

Currently the only low cap I'm thinking about is (unironically) more LINK. Stuff like REQ and AMB and ADA and Enigma aren't that convincing.

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Swing trading with EOS is also an option. Buy now and sell just before the platform gets released when the hype is maximum.

I'm all in on LINK at the moment, but don't tell anybody, it's a secret.

kawaii as shit nigga

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US Army

I'm obsessed with Japanese fursuiters

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I'm not the violent type. Nor do I want a job that indirectly results in death of people.

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I NEED a suit like that user. Thanks for giving me ideas on how to blow my savings.

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Damn, that's very good looking actually, and that's coming from someone who's not much into suiting.

Life goals man

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I was going to help you, but you're a furfaggot

Your words pierce through my soft fur, hitting squarely in my softer heart.

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you hooked me on the cummies part

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Its been said already, but this is 100% what a wife/husband could do for you. Manage finances, shopping, preparing meals, hiring out to prepare meals if you're wealthy.

>b-but what if she spends all the money on clothes
You could sign up for some company or church to manage your money and they could also spend it all on clothes or steal it from you and not deliver.

>b-but what if she spends all the money on clothes
That's why I date men.
Or 'man' rather, only had one in my whole life

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Put him in a leash and if he cooks the books he gets a pounding

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This is exactly the kind of content I like to see on Veeky Forums.

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Hmm, let's just say it's not him that usually gets pounded around here.

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Imagine his shock when you switch it up on him for misusing your hard earned money

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Are you attracted to masculine or feminine men?

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It's called prison, OP.



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