Aside from the usual whales are accumulating meme (observed, but not reported here), here's some notable activity:

>Sent 10,111,888 to Binance 7 days ago

>4 days ago sends 250k, eventually goes to Binance

>new in top 50 since 8 days ago

Also of interest:

>eventual recipient of the 2,000,000 LINK sent from dev wallet 23 days ago
>continues making transfers, some goes to Binance

Just kidding about the exist scam. Is #2 a wallet owned by Sergey? Almost certainly. Maybe he needs to sell so he can pay his rent in the new office, or hire the marketing manager finally.

Attached: comfy_link_pepe.jpg (280x180, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Just kidding about the exist scam.
No your not.

Attached: Sartre_1967_crop.jpg (873x873, 331K)


Exit scaaam !!!!!!
Sell you poor souls !!!

Attached: Screenshot_20180314-190949.jpg (1080x1920, 200K)

Thanks walletautism bro

I dont understand what any of this activity implies.

it implies we is kangs


It means the gears are turning behind the scenes; the singularity will soon be upon us.

It’s been argued that top wallets may not be wealthy individuals but institutions looking to run a node in future.
Also, funds moving from CL to Binance is obviously muh exit scam. And funds moving from the dev wallet to other wallets could be private sales

It’s at 44 cents... it went up faggot

so...incoming dump?

I recall wallet 2 was binance itself. Wallet 1 is Sergey

If you look at the volume right now, the sell is probably already going on.

It means Sergey and his friends are dumping on you.

How the fuck are you the guy updating us on wallet activity when u can't even see that wallet #2 is CLEARLY binance

It literally even says "token holder - Binance"

It doesn’t say that

Attached: A5EBAB09-9AD7-4E21-97A8-9A5EF2B6F2CC.png (640x1136, 273K)


wallet 9 is binance

I weckon its Wowy

Attached: mty.jpg (275x183, 6K)

Distributing more tokens so prices stay low huh


this is smart. why would sergey want his coin to massively pump only to dump causing big dollar investors to get burned and turn away from his technology?

Hey WA thanks for this again.

Do you do this for any similar tokens?

In my opinion their doesn't seem to be too much movement in/out even in this bearish market.

I'd be interested to know if the owners of other coins top 20 wallets are panicking

but if some team members are getting paid in Link (I believe they are) then surely the CEO intentionally keeping the price down would be a contentious issue.


Holy fuck, he already made it. Any info on who he could be?

I'm all in on LINK

they could be paid in a dollar amount, converted to links. that way, with the price staying down, they get more link

It's the Binance cold wallet you mongs.

Why else would Binance hot wallet be sending it 47,000 ETH multiple times.

Kinda fucked that Binance holds 96,000,000 LINK

Attached: mah-nigga.jpg (318x248, 13K)

>double dubs

>all in on LINK


Yeah but even if that is the case, I believe it would be interesting to know if our top 20 wallets have stronger hands than others

nigger people have told you this multiple times. The #2 Wallet is binance's cold storage and they send millions in and out every once in a while to the hot wallet. No it's not labeled but it's painfully obvious

This is like the 16th time you've failed to realize this and it makes you look like an idiot and link holders as well.

Kek the thing is I don't know where deluded or Sergey is playing 6d chess

Moving funds from devs -> Binance

Possible Goal : Slowly cashing out
Possible Goal : Give institutions / big investors the change to buy without releaving their name
Possible Goal : Keeping the price low so that it won't premature moons (and dumps)
Possible Goal : ?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Actually you might be right there, especially since #2 wasn't created at the same time as #1



I'm 100% right there, #2 wallet holds over 500K Ether and $2b+ in tokens

Literally never posted about #2 wallet, since I wasnt posting 37 days ago

But yeah, thanks for pointing it out

So it looks like only 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are they link wallets, making 65% of total supply (minus the 1% that was distributed from 8)


Attached: 1509015511538.jpg (325x325, 36K)

Yo bro, how do you harvest those data? I can do some fast data analysis if you provide me a full list of all wallets ID + amount of token. I could for example provide boxplot, trend reports etc.

Allah damn it I laughed too hard at this

is this real wallet autist. im very pick about my wallet autism watching...
someone please confirm

It is

>Is #2 a wallet owned by Sergey?
That's Binance, they are transfering from one wallet to another.

how bout an update on top BTC wallets what are they doing ? Do you ever see significant action from the winkleFag twins wallets ?

I appreciate what you do but you might have brain damage. We had this exact same back and fort a few weeks ago senpai.

thanks walletautism sergey blesses you

I've got daily reports of top wallets in PDF form dating back to mid Feb. Do you want to use these user? pic related

Attached: daily.jpg (569x618, 123K)


Thanks for sharing.
Binance cold wallet moving millions of link to hot wallet is a sign that people are buying and taking their link out of binance. Bullish af

You think?

So ugh guys, how do I look at the top 20 wallets?

Here you go anons

Gracias. Will see what I can get done before my next patient


Attached: 1505594099116.png (888x1025, 1.72M)

Every $750 now is $1.74 million EOY

TY user. Please share any interesting results you find

>all in on link

Attached: spitlinks2.gif (480x360, 974K)

I don't see what else it could mean:
>Link supply on hot wallet getting low
>Transfer more from cold wallet to meet demand

Eh you’re right I guess lol. Was trying to tinfoil hat something but I got nothing

Absolutely stinky

sexually Identify as a stinky linky. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of delivering tamper-free smart contracts for individuals and institutions alike . People say to me that a person being a smart contract is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install 6 flat sides, a big mac and a permanent plaid shirt on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Linky” and respect my right to provide middleman free agreements and immediate resolution. If you can’t accept me you’re a linkophobe and need to check your blockchain privilege. Thank you for being so understanding

The ONLY alternate explanation is that the wallet doesn't belong to Binance and it's some whale or dev dumping bags. Obviously these two possibilities propose exact opposite market movement indications, so the owner of the wallet matters a whole lot.

BUT we’re talking about the #2 wallet which is binance

I had to doublecheck the tripcodes from before because I remember this conversation from before, and back then I was suprised that WA would be confused about this. Guess he really is an autist. Big up.

>make him think it's the bottom
>he bought more
>dump it again

we are all made of LINK

comfy :)