Isn't Belarus the cashout heaven?

Isn't Belarus the cashout heaven?
I mean you can visit it without visa for 3 days, localbitcoins is working properly and all cryptocurrency operations are tax-free by the law
Why not?

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Other urls found in this thread:,20.1622285,3a,75y,217.59h,94.17t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1zyWSDw0EJDHarcAyIaDpw!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656?hl=hu


pay your taxes dingus

Localbitcoins in slavic mafia run country. What could go wrong?

Attached: 1510599151683.jpg (640x640, 78K)

>Goes to the shit hole of eastern Europe.
>Has access to mad cash looking to "Cash out."
>Gets abducted by poor gangs or mafia.
>Get saved. Brings cash back to U.S.
>Gets denied entry because he's carrying more than $10,000 back into the U.S.
>Still thinks he can use some "Loop hole" to cash out.

Doesn't know about Crypto-Debit cards with no KYC. Spend $1,000 per each. Go to ATM wearing a Hat/Sunglasses and max that bitch out. Toss card, done.

russian localbitcoin users don't speak a lick of English, never been to belarus but I'd bet my life savings that they're even more backwards peasants than regular russians.

Lol at your ignorance. I am from Belarus, it's one of the top 10 safest countries in the world (just after Japan, I think):

America is much more of a shithole than Belarus.

I'd rather have a nignog as a neighbour in my well maintained picket fenced house making 60k/y than live in a sea of derelict commie block social housing rectangles making 4k/year

You owe your taxes where your residence is (at least 183 days a year). If you're from US you're fucked because you would have to pay taxes to US fags even if your residence is somewhere else. USA and a shithole country in africa are the only countrys wich have their tax bound to the citizenship.

Can I get a safety deposit box to store my gains? I want to pay for a Russian girls university (yes I know I will get made fun of but I met her on an ACTUAL trip to Baikal and across Russia)

But what if i trade on Binance without KYC? Limit is 2 BTC per day. Just wait couple of days to withdraw everything and then cashout

Yeah sure that works. Either you pay your taxes or not, but you don't have to travel to evade taxes.

N. Kore is pretty safe too Im sure. Enjoy your Stalinist dictatorship honey, and remember you are there forever

>America is much more of a shithole than Belarus

Attached: DXmsSAHWsAAlKG9.jpg (420x310, 17K)

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Yeah, there's pretty shitty and corrupt government, but it isn't some 1984-style dictatorship. If goverment wants to fuck you - they fuck you with some stupid laws. You don't just get shot on the street because someone wants to shoot at people (US, lol).
Also IT and crypto jobs have pretty nice salaries and almost no taxes here, so you can just make enough money in this sector and immigrate. Nobody will hold you as a prisoner.
Check your stereotypes.

>liberal utopia

what mafia? Belarus is more save than Western Europe invaded by shitskins, and US with niggers. Like literally, i was in Minsk in 2008, thats was SAFE as fuck if you dont break their laws.

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Cтaниcлaв, please disclose the specific number of this high salary, maybe i will move to belarus and buy a tesla with my commie IT wagecuck gains

Attached: tesla_in_russia.jpg (1136x640, 130K)

come бpaтaн is veri save cantri is no problem

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Why are so.many eastern euros so delusional? In the shithole I live in(Romania) there are people that genuinely believe we have it better than people in the west. Jfc communism really fucks up people.

Actually kind of jelly of you Belarussians. I'm from Russia and living in Poland so you're right in the middle. Every Belarus person I've met has been super chill.

you will never get into such area like on pic, if you are tourist

you will never get into such area like on pic, if you were not born into eastern european shitholes

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Easter Europe is the shithole, really? Leave your country for once, learn a language.

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There's more to life than money.
>t.romanian living in the West

Din punct de vedere finaciar ai mai multi bani dar nu totul se rezuma la bani.

Hungarian in Italy: I went from the second most corrupt country to the third in EU. Life seems kinda the same.


Hahaha, that's called winter and it's not a place!,20.1622285,3a,75y,217.59h,94.17t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1zyWSDw0EJDHarcAyIaDpw!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656?hl=hu

Attached: sum.png (1382x768, 1.59M)

lol what the hell

I think is very good move. For the next 5 years every transaction with Crypto is tax free. Thats great for new companies operating on crypto to be born in Belarus. When companies will become huge, after 5 years they can put some tax, companies will stay there and Balorus gaverment will make good money and good connections. Think about it

how to flee the US and live in belarus and become a citizen

Its the same with English small isands like Guernsey, Jersey ot Giblartar. They are tax free and i can tell you For example Guernsey is so small that you could cross entire island in few hours walking. There are more than 2000 compnies register. Huge companies like Oracle, Gambling online sites etc.

You can marry a women from there. You will find for sure, a lot of them want to be citizen of USA

I took this down street from where you took your picture. What are you trying to prove user?

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the alphabet isn't even Cyrillic

It's Hungary, they don't use cyrillic. It's still a Eastern European, City17 looking shithole

US/AU dual citizen here. This isnt true.
I live in Australia and I dont have to pay any tax in the US. The US only wants you to report your income, but you dont even HAVE to.

I went to the US for 4 months last year having never even looked at a US tax form and I wasn't given any trouble.

looks comfy

aesthetically pleasing images

>Not cashing out in 500€ bills then exchanging them for use back home at Pajeets exchange.

Albania is also a good option

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