red pill me on le creuset
Red pill me on le creuset
nice, but expensive.
you can get a lodge enameled cast iron dutch oven for 1/4 the price
this. got mine for $45 shipped, it's worth it
Not as good as staub
Dutch ovens are gangster. I use mine for a lot of stuff...especially deep frying.
It's really good, and in my opinion worth the money if you're buying it for life, but solely based on the fact that you started this thread, you wouldn't notice or care about the difference in quality between it and enameled Lodge. Don't waste your money.
lodge. i've had mine for five years and other than slight discoloration on the inside, it's perfect. just don't slam it around or anything. i got it for like fifty bucks.
>poor people smell
Also it's important to remember that cast iron is, as a rule, pretty shit tier for general-purpose cookery. These things are really at their best with oven use, low and slow. This is true whether it's enameled or not. There's a misconception that iron (which is an insulator, relatively speaking) somehow has desirable properties for cooking, but nothing could be further from the truth. There is a reason it is used in handles for copper cookware - it's because it conducts heat so badly that it's an ideal handle material.
>a misconception that iron somehow has desirable properties for cooking, but nothing could be further from the truth
>it conducts heat so badly
Cast iron heats slowly and evenly, which is exactly what makes it so desirable for cooking.
If you need an explanation... You do not need any.
Anyone try Tramontina?
Saw them at Wally World for next to nothing.
that's not how physics works
slow response to applied heat = uneven heating
I realize if you only ever cook pork chops and bacon you probably won't notice the difference, but for some applications you actually can tell
>falling for this meme in 2017
>slow response to applied heat = uneven heating
That actually doesn't make any sense. The more conductivity means the spots of the pan directly over the heating element are going to be hotter.
Cast iron fans showing their typical poor grasp of physics
Dunno about their cookware but their knives are good stuff for the money asked.
It does have good qualities needed for cooking.
mainly, it has superior volumetric heat capacity (needed for searing) and emissivity of radiation. Emissivity allows you to cook through a product rather than just the surface.
Explain it then. I'm only going on a decade plus of first hand cooking experience.
That's why its best to learn pan roasting techniques. Preheat oven to 500 with cast iron in it. Move the pan to the stovetop burner to sear one side. flip product, return to oven to roast to temp. pull pan then baste with butter/herbs.
Pan roasting is an old restaurant technique; so not a lot of home cooks use it.
Wow, great explanation. That physics degree really did you well.
even heating is a function of thermal conductivity. Cast iron as a material has poor thermal conductivity.
brotip: science is based on observation, not wishful thinking
>product starts with le
nope, can't do it
I've already said that I have years worth of observation to back up cast iron having even heating, and have presented my own theory as to why iron's lower thermal conductivity contributes to it's qualities as a good cooking material.
I'm not a physics major, and was accused of not understanding physics, which I admittedly don't. So once again, actually explain it.
when heat doesn't want to move through an object it sits in one area, this would manifest as a hotspot in cooking. Hotspots in cooking are frowned upon. It's actually the opposite of you "observation"
This is why people heat up their cast iron pans to the correct temperature prior to cooking things in them.
Additionally, they will benefit from a reduced loss of heat in the pan compared ot users of copper pans, as the cast iron pan will retain more heat, due to its poor thermal conductivity.
Copper pan fags BTFO 4lyf
They are the best. Spent $170 on a 3.5qt and $350 on a 7qt.. do not regret
Pretty much exactly what I was going to say.
As I said in my original post, you heat up a cast iron pan slowly and evenly when you use - which is exactly what makes it so desirable.
get oval. it's more versatile.
not for sauce making. You want to be able to quickly control your temps.
cooking on cast iron is like cooking on an electric element stove. You turn down the heat and 15 minutes later you get what you want.
>you heat up a cast iron pan slowly and evenly
I think what you meant to say is "you heat up a cast iron pan slowly SO THAT it will heat evenly"
The problem is when it crashes due to something going into the pan, you get a cold spot, and it takes minutes - MINUTES - to recover. The way around this is to heat it up to an absolutely insane temperature, which is kind of retarded because it creates clouds of smoke when cooking steak, and the leidenfrost effect makes for a shitty crust
I've stopped using cast iron for steak since my thick aluminum pans do so much better. They respond faster, they don't develop cold spots, and they produce an outstanding crust
But that was after maybe 20 years of using cast iron because "that's how you're supposed to do it"
Sometimes, you have to question the popular wisdom, because it can be wrong
I use a cast iron skillet that cost me $9 from kmart, and I'm going to get one of my dad's old dutch ovens that he used to use for camping
Well why the fuck are you sing a cast iron frying pan YOU FUCKING SPASTIC CUNT?!?!?!?!?!?!? YES I MAD!!!!!!!!!!!
i think cook's illustrated said they were great
>he actually fell for a memetic metal
I'd normally assume you were trying to be funny, but this is Veeky Forums home of good boy points and people with an irrational fascination with watching their fictional girlfriends get penetrated by black dicks, so hey, maybe you're actually serious, in which case, commit suicide immediately
Le Creuset is le meme cookware of le hipsters.
Sure, its quality made but its also marked up like 3-500% for a famous name.
I wouldn't use a cast iron anything.
you mean it's "marked up" because it's made in a first world country
poor people are hilarious, they buy cheap stuff made in china, and then they get butthurt when they lost their manufacturing jobs and elect crazy people because they said something racist so therefore they must be just like them
It's mom tier cookware, dum dum. Leave your basement once in a bleu moon.
so fucking mad
yes, sure, I didn't get my fee-fees triggered by an indefinite article in the wrong language that signaled "snob" in my hollywood-damaged brain, so I'm the mad one
I bet you think evil henchmen always have british accents too
why are you even on the four chins lad
because I've been shitposting here for 11 years, and it's relaxing
did you come here when Time put the pepe on the cover?
no i've been shitposting here since based /sp/ 7 years ago
what boards do you hang out on lad?
this one, /g/, and some boards that actually don't completely suck yet, so I'm not gonna tell you neener neener neener
yep, definitely brain damaged
this is off-topic conversation, take it to /trash/ you fucking fags
>i need my shitty dying hugbox boards
fucking knew it
there is a reason we cucked this website from you
sorry to break it to you but 4chins is now owned by a slant-eyed dangerous jap, how does that make you feel?
which means __literally__ nothing because the board culture is defined by /pol/, /int/, and other boards like /tv/
We are the website that elected trump
That is this websites culture and meaning.
That's why these boards continue to grow and your continue to die.
what color is that le creuset?
yes, it's a safe space for you now, I understand that and I wouldn't be here if it bothered me that much
don't get too confused, demographics are not looking good for you, this election is a symptom that you've finally recognized the writing on the wall and mobilized in a last-ditch effort. but the coal jobs are gone, sorry but it's too late for your kind :(
the official name is "Bane-mask grey"
Hey guy,
Okay so me and my neighbors really like cookies. The distance to my big pantry from the front door is short so I can take a lot of cookies in fast. The pavement to my neighbors is also smooth and short so even when I get tons of cookies I can take them right over. It's easy to evenly distribute cookies between all of us.
My colleague has a huge pantry at the back of his house. It takes a while to move them back there. They all make it back there fine but when we take a bunch out it takes a while to stock back up. All of his neighbors have huge pantries too like him at the back of their houses. There's no pavement to their houses and it's farther. He can stock up big but getting them out to the neighbors is really tough. With time his neighborhood can have a lot of cookies. Though, if someone two blocks over is running low it's pretty difficult to get them over and in a timely manner.
We like different types of cookies too. It's nice to sit down with a greatly leavened snicker doodle and post on a Cantonese poetry forum
Terrible analogy.
A for effort, F for quality. Don't ever try to teach science.
If he needs an analogy to understand how cast iron heats slowly but retains heat well then he's a retard of the highest caliber and not worth saving anyway.
>if he needs an analogy to understand how cast iron heats slowly but retains heat well
That's backwards though.
not it's 100% correct. Excellent volumetric heat capacity (retains heat for searing), but shitty thermal conductivity (its shit for heating up quickly)
I meant he was the one saying that cast iron heats slowly and retains heat well.
Literal retard. This thread is infested with illiterate mongoloids, mods please delete.
Target had some relatively cheap enameled cast iron skillets before. Are they really that bad for searing steak though?
Just stir your fucking food for it to cook evenly. Is it that hard?
>misreads the thread and makes a mistake
>spazzes out and calls everyone else illiterate mongoloids before asking for the thread to be deleted
Trump, is that you?
>bleu moon.
I have a tramontina dutch oven, literally the exact one from your photo. Shit's cash brah.
>I buy worse stuff because I know the workaround! It's not a bug it's a feature!
I have a 20qt Stock Pot from them and its pretty fantastic. I only got it because it was 120 bucks on sale, its bright orange though which looks weird. Worth it though
One of the better Gundam antagonists.
>it's expensive
plens, I have about £800 worth of new pots that I got for ~£50
Looks like this test was done on maximum heat.
are two different anons. Dumbfuck doesn't know how to meme arrow.
What's to say, they're a premium product with a premium price tag. They're extremely well made and will last a lifetime if properly looked after. If you can afford it, get it. If not, get something cheap for now.