Holy fucking shit bros. There are waiter in Toronto where I live making 80k/year. WTF. I went to university and got a degree in fucking business and make 65k and these CUNTS have the never to complaon about tips. Im literally fuming right now never been so angry in my life. im gonna go kill a hooker to calm my nevers
Holy fucking shit bros. There are waiter in Toronto where I live making 80k/year. WTF...
nerves apparently isnt a word according to my phone
>phone posting
This is why a waiter makes more than you.
look im angry i cant see my eyes are bleeding
Isn't there a free market in Toronto? How can they make so much money in a job almost anybody could perform. Where is the supply?
Waiter here, it's a pretty good job that nobody thinks pays well, but it does. I make around 50k
What restaurants? Gonna apply.
Does this person work in a very high-end steak house or something?
I know a waiter who works in a restaurant where you pay over $100 a plate and tip 20-40% and they make about $70k
its the restaurant of a 5 star hotel
Is it true black people and Indians don’t tip well?
I want to murder you
that's what every server makes at a higher end restuaruant.
I had a friend who worked at some shitty Chinese place and still average about 30 bucks an hour. Tipping is straight fucked, especially in Canada where their minimum wage is like 50 cents lower than everyone elses plus if they dont make it with tips they have to get paid more by their boss
Young black people don't tip well while older ones tend to be OK. Indians tip well but for some reason they all drink water with no ice. I have yet to figure out why.
Don't play my job for paying me well. Blame your job that's paying you subpar
>he didn’t go to plumbing school
this exactly
because everyone knows icecubes are the number one reason for infections
you disgusting restaurant people often touch them directly with your jerkhands
When I was travelling Asia I was told to order all drinks without ice. The water from their pipes is not clean and contains germs, thus you have to cook it before consuming. The lazy fucks in the bars dont cook the water they use for icecubes, they just freeze it so these icecubes will actually gift you with diarrhea... so these Indians might be used to order drinks w/o ice since that's just how they do it at home.
Because ice cubes are filthy. Never get ice cubes in your water
I make like 40k a year working three nights a week at a bar. lol
They make a lot because being a waiter blows. Go be one if you want, you whiny disgrace.
reminds them of home
how so? they seem happy and probably get free food
>a fucking leaf
Lol that’s what I make (roughly) as a bartender/waiter in my city. Went to college but why would I take a pay cut to do something else?
>this ignorant attitude
Yep. You would not last a busy waiter shift.
1. do you think im at all offended by this
2. 18 year old girls do your job it isnt difficult. oh no you have to run to the computer and type what i ordered before you forget!! and someone else will cook my meal and someone else will bring my food to the table and when I leave someone else will clean my table!!! what a hard job
You can become a waiter too. But if youre ugly/unlucky they will have you as a busboy for the first 2-3 years making 20k. But once youre serving 50-70k is average in any real city.
Working in resturaunts was one of the most demeaning jobs I've ever had. If you work in a high end resturaunt you have to deal with people looking down on you, if you work in a shit resturaunt you have to deal with white trash looking down on you.
Worked a 14 hour serving shift yesterday. You don't have the social skills or stamina to do what I do. You could probably learn them but from your tone it sounds like you have a long way to go
Bar owner here.Bay Area, CA. Let me tell you who tips like shit:
>Asians. ABC or FOB doesn't matter. Also the women are the worst complainers.
>Indians that are fresh off the boat, americanized ones seem to be fine. But Indians will bribe the doorguy for some reason.
>Jews, also the second whiniest female demographic.
>Anyone under 30 who doesn't work in the service industry.
AMA about bar stuff.
Why don't you just facture the tip into the price of every dish served so you never have to leave it to the costumer?
Because every place that tries gratuity free service has to pay staff more, and most experienced staff would rather make minimum plus cash tips and fuck over the gubmint.
Most of the places that experimented with that have gone under. We add a mandatory gratuity minimum for large credit card orders but that's about it.
The idea of mandatory gratuity is cray, lol. I was just wondering why you don't try the system the rest of the world besides some Anglo countries use. But like you said, it's the system the waiters prefer. I don't feel bad about my non American ways anymore lol.
i did the job for a year when i was 19. it sucked, so many people are assholes. doesnt matter how you treat them. fuck that job so happy i got fired from it.