So I'm thinking of making a revenge porn site

So I'm thinking of making a revenge porn site.

Revenge porn is illegal in US and a few other countries. I want people to be able to post pictures of their girlfriends, I don't want to moderate it.

What Domain and Webhosting should I apply for? Something that will not show my real name?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You are a fucking retard

>dedicating your life to degeneracy and the misery of others
What did he mean by this?

Such constructive criticism, I'm impressed

name it 'Thots-for-hire'
Set it up on Tor
And make your domain name 'Thor'

Whatever. Just want to make some cash

>constructive criticism
I offer you none because I don't want to aid you in the spread of degeneracy

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Don't want to hide it in the deepshit-web

Vpn + domains4bitcoin

Moralfags on this site... reddit's calling you

Then you must surely enjoy Tyrone’s dick in your ass.

And cloudflare for hiding your ass
Also a dedicated offshore server or a vps from russia or other easteuropean countries
Buy them also with crypto

>having no morals
You ever wondered why nobody likes you?

check out sporestack, it is an anonymous VPS service, you can pay in BCH and your name will not be attached.

Spotted the FBI shill

>having basic moral code is a bad thing
kek how old are you user?

Roasties deserve to be humiliated white knight faggot

Some shitty nudes < basic morals

Never been kissed?

>bcash lol

I’m married bro

What a lucky woman to be married to you

You're a gift to society.
Karma is a bitch.
Everything you do has an echo throughout the universe.


u mad bro?

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I hope u end up like the girls gone wild dude (he was raped)

I don't care one way or the other, but Veeky Forums being the moral police is fucking hilarious.
Guess we got to the point where there's enough reddit-fags now to spaz out over basic shit. Top kek

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if you hide it behind so much shit, it'll never gain traction

She’s not a roastie whore that’s why I married her dumbfuck

Sure she isn't

user, I...

Whose the dumb fuck , your the one that got married kek

Also make some kind of crypto token that people get rewarded in for uploading and have to pay with for hd, downloads, or premium vids or something and you got a solid business plan.

Yes I want to reproduce my genes and a married two parent household produces the best offspring

And with such wonderful morals what a lovely father I'm sure you'll turn out to be

Please don't have any children but if you do no doubt you will have a daughter

Lol here you go with morals again. Maybe roasties should be less hypergamous sluts not having sex with dirtbags on film instead? You talk about morals. I’m more morally outraged by the ubiquity of casual sex these days. I see no moral dilemma with promiscuous roasties getting humiliated.

What happens when your daughter inevitably rebels against daddy's hardline stance and ends up on OP's site?

>You talk about morals. I’m more morally outraged by the ubiquity of casual sex these days. I see no moral dilemma with promiscuous roasties getting humiliated.
Holy fuck the bitter autism levels are off the charts.
So she's female(male)?
>Yes I want to reproduce my genes and a married two parent household produces the best offspring
Please be real and not real at the same time.
As if anyone gets a family without wanting family life, not to "reproduce genes". Are you that oblivious about your own emotions and desires?

Double digit IQ detected fuck off retard.

You’ve outed yourself as a degenerate by the sheer fact you believe it’s impossible for a female to be a good natured sexually conservative person.

I’m sorry your mother was a whore

you're so incredibly retarded you don't deserve a single piece of help

kek you clearly have no experience working with teenagers. I heartily encourage you to push your 'conservatism' on your children as strongly as possible and wait for the inevitable consequences when they reach 15/16.
>I’m sorry your mother was a whore
So pleasant. You will be a wonderful father :^)

Fucking newfag, you've probably been here for 3 or 4 years tops

It’s really not hard to not have a rebellious slut for a daughter.

Yes, it's easy. But it requires balance and decency when bringing them up, which are both qualities that you seem to be entirely lacking. The more you aggressively push an agenda on your children, I guarantee the greater the backlash will be.

this faggot is so god damn triggered

DEX revenge porn site using IPFS
Do an ICO
Blockchain those bitches for life

Kek at all these redditor newfags who thinks they get laid by defending sluts.
Protip: women are nothing but objects for real men to use and toss aside. You'll never survive in this world if you disagree.

> being this new
Yeah, my bad. Veeky Forums never hacked Trayvon Martin's email, made the swastika top google search, convinced a fuckton of angsty teens to an hero (some live on cam - for the lulz), bullied a little 9 year old harassed her family and made her dad into a meme, telling mass shooters to (and I quote) "do it faggot"... what am I missing? Oh the dude in /b/ that posted pictures of his murder victim. Countless other harmful pranks I can't recall off the top of my head, but yeah clearly I'm the newfag that just never realized Veeky Forums was a bastion of morality and hope. kys

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unironically sounds like a use case for blockchain for private domains

>want to do something illegal
>want to do it publicly
Go for it, OP.

I sense you are going to have a very happy and fulfilling life.

That's what I got the moment I took the redpill. A reason to fight and live by taking down the enemy that has been nothing but a parasite on men. You'll mature one day and will wake up too if you got the intellect for it.

It's not illegal in my country, so why should I care about some western sluts

This is why the West will fall. Kill yourself you faggot. Spreading degeneracy like this you're probably a jew, aren't you?


What shithole country is that?

Assuming it's not Israel, of course.

you dingus, we literally have IDs and you still managed to frick it up

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>Veeky Forums is one person

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>A reason to fight and live by taking down the enemy that has been nothing but a parasite on man
Presumably the 'Jews' who have undermined traditional western values and broken down the home by spreading degeneracy etc?
>Women are nothing but objects for real men to use and toss aside
So what's your ideal vision of society once the 'enemy' have been routed? Women are presumably no more than fuck-toys in this wonderful world?

> What is context
> What is basic English reading comprehension

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The weak will fall to degeneracy, why not profit from it. Have a boring, grinding job, fuck that, quick cash. Be the jew, outjew the jew

That is correct. Women are nothing but breeding machines. This is what nature intended, this is what we work to return to. Don't give a shit about da joos. Focus on one enemy at a time.

Your ideas seem confused. What is your actual end vision for this perfect society? Women removed from all public life and kept for 'breeding', with social hierarchies determined by overt displays of aggression sounds pretty close to a hardline Islamic system to me. I presume this is what you're going for?

Islam would be cool if it was created by whites, but it's not, it's a hostile enemy religion. Only thing they did right was keeping women in their place. Our ideal world, women will not be allowed any choice or freedom. Men get to select their partners and any ugly woman nobody wants will be executed. Their job is to raise kids and do menial work like cooking and cleaning, things below male status.

op is an autistic larp who is angry because his sister won’t give him a handy; i’d almost feel bad for you if you weren’t 15!

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And this sounds absolutely nothing like any white society which has existed in the last 3000 years, so I'm not sure why you seek to defend 'whites' when the historical record shows they have never organised their society in such a way.

Stop believing liberal revisionism. That is exactly like how society ran until 1900s.

>my country
this is a white website, please leave rakeesh

Cripplechan already has a board for that. Also there's no real way to monetize it, and people most likely will find out that you run it. It's the kind of thing that would ruin your chances at getting a job, so don't bother.

Dude if you aren't 14 and trolling then you really need help. There are millions of women who are 10x more intelligent and capable than you'll ever be. If you haven't met them then you either live in a shitty area with just as many idiot men, or you just aren't looking.

Stop projecting yourself on me. I have a proven iq of 145. Not a single woman is anywhere close.

Maybe read some books that came out pre-1900 then, to realise this is categorically untrue. Also, isn't modern 'liberal revisionism' solely concerned with telling us how hard it was for women in the past? Why would they deliberately underplay this fact?

No you don't

They fear the truth. They know that when men wake up and see how it used to be, they'll want to return to that utopian time. Of course the vile women in power won't allow it, they fear the day they lose all power over men.

What is the point of this site user, you won't be able to monetise it and if it gets good traffic they come after you and probably get you. Retarded idea.

So why not read books from pre-1900 and learn for yourself how society worked, rather than assume you know everything because you read it in a /pol/ infographic? I absolutely guarantee it operated nothing like you claim.

I have. I've read lots of Greek classics. Spartans lived exactly like I described, and they only lost power thanks to liberal women.

Spartan society stood out from the other Mediterranean states precisely because it operated this way, so to suggest that they represent how whites have always organised themselves ('until the 1900s') is deluded and frankly embarrassing.

How greasy is your vagina?

Holy shit there’s some good fucking people on this lebanese carpentry board. Gg biz.

You still don't understand. Why would the revisionists not make it worse than it is, it would be more effective propaganda. The truth of the matter is women were not treated that badly in the past, they often were treated more like children than anything else. The worst thing they had to deal with was rape, if that. They were usually spared fates like dying in battle or slaughter, compared to men. It's always been that way in history. The reason societies fell is because women were given power they weren't supposed to have.

Precisely how a petulant child would end a debate, a far cry from the strong and assertive man you pretend to be. I hope you find some joy in life user, because the path you're following certainly won't bring you any.

what is wrong with any of those things you list?

Faggot cuck

half the people here would unironically press the button on the doomsday device that would wipe this planet out of existence

I have no time to waste debating a brainwashed woman.

You haven't explained with evidence any of your points (other than 'muh Spartans' which I gave you context for and you ignored). You have been unable to adequately refute any of my points and seem confused about basic historical truths. Your entire understanding of the world, as I can tell, is derived from infographics and purity-spiralling on /pol/. One of us is brainwashed user, but it's certainly not me.

That would be merciful compared to what OP is doing. Humanity really doesn't deserve to live at this point. We've hit peak degeneracy.

I hope you do it, are discovered, then executed in the middle of the street.

Good luck

>agenda indoctrination and encouraging rational thinking are synonymous
jew level sophistry detected

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fucking kekd. this is beyond autistic

Man, respect, that was some good Argumentation on your side (tips fedora)

Bizarre. You seem to have misunderstood my point. Encouraging rational thinking means exposing children to a range of ideas and allowing them to make up their own mind, rather than forcing them to behave in a way that personally satisfies your politics. My point was that the latter will almost certainly lead to teenagers pushing back in the other direction.

Fuck off you cunt

Everything I said was true. I suppose it would be better if we all just shouted baseless opinions around and the loudest one wins though?

Yeah that user had some Very weird points I don't agree with but I couldn't have disproven him like you did, respect (nohomo though)

Sorry, thought you were being sarcastic. Maybe you are. Considering some of the retards in this thread, I can't even tell any more.

If you actually read the fucking reply chain you'd know I was just pointing out how hilarious it is that Veeky Forums fell so far that the majority in this thread is now playing moral police. Fucking snowflakes.

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