Any tips
I want to daytrade 1000$
buy low sell high
make sure to check all timeframes before setting a position
easiest way to turn $1000 into $100, no doubt
Don't be greedy. Always better to miss some gains than take a loss.
This is amazing, never seen this one before
Check all time frames to see where you are in the cycle. Check your EMA and RSI. Elliott Wave is great to learn also. I just shorted the fuck out of STORM. Easiest .6 BTC ever made.
100x long on bitcoin right now
Dont do it. Lost 1k yesterday at trades because (((they))) wanted to stop me from making money.
she is delicious
>tfw have gf like that but she refuses to wear anything hot
first post worst post
bitmex with leverage under 10x
>>tfw have gf
boo hoo hoo how terrible that must be.
I have a girlfriend to but only cuz I’m rich I got 5k in the bank and 5k ven
Use tradingviews paper trade function before doing anything with real money. Even if 1k doesn't matter you will probably lose it. By paper trading you will realize that you suck and not lose money. Keep doing that till you don't suck.
For the love of god take profits
Watching something go up 50% past when you sold it is not nearly as bad as watching it fall 50% where you bought it
Hodl moron. Ure gonna lose it trading
hard work for a few shekels
working mcdonalds might be easier
Just because you suck doesn't mean that he does too.
It only looks good in pictures. Irl you just want to take that shit off and start fucking.
How do you short shitcoins?
idk lol
Go on binance and try your luck trading any of the USDT pairs. I swing BNB and Eth there. High volatility is best. I say use USDT because it'll be easier for a beginner to keep track of their spending using dollar values.
Bow before the Bogdanoffs
you're a fucking retard who longed at the top of a 5th wave
A big green would be funnier and noobs wouldn't get it.