I hate that girls get everything they want with zero effort. Im unironically going to commit suicide eventually and this is the sole reason. Ive never been to an F1 race and these cunts get a paid for trip to Monaco and are spending it sunbathing instead of watching the race. Im done
I hate that girls get everything they want with zero effort...
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you watch too much tv and porn and dont understand its meaning no wonder youre not religious how could you be
the mental institution is your mind and break free from it my friend dont let (((((them))))) put you there
who's the qt with the petite tits in that last chair?
let the girls sunbathe man
Why wait with that suicide? Do it today OP. You'll show them.
She tan dat pussy good
Nah if you were serious you would’ve been gone already
And nothing of value was lost.
Formula is fucking boring. I would sunbathe too.
They wouldnt be able to appreciate it even if they were watching it user.
>appreciate 100 same cars going vroom vroom for 3 hours
> I hate that girls get everything they want with zero effort.
correction: HOT GIRLS get everything they want with zero effort.
nice just bought 100k
Fucken eurotrash activity. Have fun looking like a leather bag in your 30s
dude, it's 2005/6
current F1 ain't worth it,
2008 was the last good season
Some vroom vroom slightly differently and are different colors.
And of course there is some gynecomastia skinny fat speedo wearing French faggot doing it too
ya only if they're hot
at least they don't go in a circle like this american shit
Alonso would've schooled them last year had his engine not blown up
>Writes goodbye note specifying he did it because of those cunts sunbathing at a F1 race
unironically this
ugly/fat girls get shit on just like men
fking beta bitches
They have to suck dick for it though.
there is not that many ugly bitches out there, great majority of them are in the 5-7/10 range, and that's more than enough to have a line of beta orbiters waiting for orders
also 80/20
80% bet cucks fights for the 20% leftovers of ugly bitches anyway.
The jews won, it's over
Nope it was weak spineless manchildren who let it happen
Daycare generation, participation trophy generation, raised by single mothers and/or castrated fathers generation
Women ruined everything but it was those numales who let it happen.
F1 sucks, that's why.
nope its social media
celebrities in my city fuck normal 7/10 girls
every girl here has fucked at least one celebrity
why would she settle for you when she can literally fuck Chris Brown or some other instafamous/youtube famous guy who has lots of money and status?
normal men are FUCKED
>friend is an ugly flat short girl
>loves anime and introvert as fuck
>alone and desperate for a partner but never goes out
having a vagina means jack shit if you cant interact with people
>mfw not believing in invisible beings is a sign of mental instability
dude, go see a f1 race. it's amazing
I’m willing to bet that these girls never had a strong father figure in their life. You can’t blame women for being women. It was men who failed to guide them.
>implying you're normal and not a creepy autist
>/r9k/ wants traditional monogamy but rejects the religion that invented traditional monogamy
How profound. Are you a professional quote maker?
Why are you larping as christians on a site for degenerates?
You should meditate, after meditating for a while everything about the material world looks roughly equivalent. It's all ultimately unsatisfying, impermanent shit, some of it is just gold-covered shit.
I like making money. Despite the memes and the faggotry the biz hive mind can be spot on when it comes to forseeing or interpreting trends. You just need to filter out all the crap. Honest answer
ive always found it strange that tanlines on cratch is good but tanlines on boobs is bad.
What city? Probably LA/Miami/NYC?
thats insane. boob tanlines are sexy AF
Those girls are the fucktoys of the drivers and team owners. they know why they're there, and it isn't the race.
yet euros always take off their bikini like ops pic
nah, many are qts who go to church and all that
doesnt matter, we're in the same boat retard
LA. Lots of comedians fucking all the decent looking girls
Women can easily move up the desirability chart a few notches by simply eating an appropriate amount and exercising, along with being submissive to their partner.
>Sunbathing at 140db
Fucking hardcore
Same with men but being dominant
Funny how neckbeards cannot wrap that one around their head, they just complain about girls having it easy
Fucking all of them are obsessed with femdom, which isn't a real thing outside of porn or prostitution
Basically the female equivalent of being a gym rat.
Alternatively they have a ticking clock on their estimated value...somewhere around 30. If they don't provide value for themselves and just snag someone and it ends poorly while at the wall, then what? Meanwhile, as a man you should be constantly increasing your value in a variety of ways. It seems easier on the surface but I'd never want to be a woman in a million years.
Her tits are actually pretty big. When women lay down on their back they look smaller.