What's the best airdrop tracker? Tired of missing on all this free money

What's the best airdrop tracker? Tired of missing on all this free money.

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airdrops are like 20 cents worth..

right until it moons and it's worth 50x that and you're rich

if there was a tracker literally everyone would be using it, you have to find them manually. best place to find out about them is in telegram chats.

HAV airdrop was worth 10$, PAR airdrop was worth 60$ if you sold them now, this shit could be worth 10x or more if the market recovers. That's just two recent airdrops.

This, but there are a lot of pajeets on Telegram and you have to wade through all the shit.

Which ones? All I see is fucking referral links.

Pajeets pretty much ruined airdrops. They shit post to the devs in telegram, twitter etc. And then immediately dump when they can. Sir when airdrop sir. Sell my token be happy (: thank you sir. It's not worth airdropping a significant portion anymore. A couple of years ago every airdrop was worth at least 10 dollars and sometimes 1000 dollars. Now you're lucky if you get a few bucks.

Will never forget the EXRN airdrop. Made $500 off that shit

ONT airdrop was fucking beautiful...

I made 1400 on eBTC. Most Veeky Forums drops use to sell for over 100. Someone filled my ridiculously high sell order for FENX for over 2 grand. Remember that one gut who made 40k just by swing trading eBTC? He made that in like 5 hours. Fuck Pajeets man.

Good times.

That’s still not a lot of money. Pajeet tier shit.

boo hoo ima lazy faggot that wont actually put in the effort to make money long term I just want it spoon fed to me like my whole life has been. plz gib monies

that's how you sad you sad pathetic loser. Take the time and effort to get the reward not just beg like a female for it.

Sad pathetic unman

Are you insecure? Because it shows through the internet KEK

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oh wow a nice projection as a counter. Keep begging for free handouts and learning nothing peon... I hear a site that rhymes with plebbit would be more your speed with all your plz gib free handouts I deserve it mindset.

run along lil socialist men are here making money and collecting coins all the free handout fags hang on that plebbit rhyme site

making money collecting 2 dollar airdrops?
hourly rate?
you must be a highschooler, even then, bad time allocation

Basically this.

That's your subpar opinion and that's ok. And g user you collect enough coins in enough number and that 2$ coin suddenly isnt just a 2$ coin.

and nice throw in the underage and suddenly you think you win. Nah thats not how reality works. Keep making wrong assumptions I will keep racking up coin and cash.

run along now lil soy men are making money

You're so fucking retarded it's hilarious. We know about airdrops because we're on Telegram. Doesn't mean we spend our day chasing airdrops like OP.

subpar opinion?
i understand when you are a 3rd world shitholer
otherwise you are retard
i make 120/hour roughly
with a real job, you know, the adults have

I'm not op you stupid idiot... nor am I retarded. The person retarded is you since you seem to get upset and arguementive when people do things you dont do. You must be another one of those locker shoved kids that shows up talking a big game behind his moniter and thinking yuh im so badass he cant do shit to me.

Oh well not like I will change my life over the opinions of some /b/tard that can't handle others living different. Run along lil soy

kek having to bring your bf in to white knight cuz you're not man enough to fight your own battles.

And nice on assuming my life or that I work or dont very adult of you indeed.

Run along lil soy and soybitch

from ONT i made 1800$, next best was ELITE 600$

So until it's worth $10? What shithole do you live in where that is a lot of money?

hush hush pajeet
20 more airdrops and you can buy your uncles daughter for raping


I'm not the one constantly refreshing the page for replies

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kek hilarious but far too white to be that. nice try but you and your bf need to stop

cute assumptions soy
welp you 2 are just pathetic. soyboy and soybitch the boring bf combo.

keep making shit up and pretending you guys win.

Or you could and I know this will be impossible for you both since soys cant shut their mouths...... just shut the fuck up and stop replying to me. But you wont do that cant do that cuz your sad locker shoved egos cant handle not winning so you'll just keep replying til you think oh ho ho another victory... dont forget to pick up the chess pieces when you're done pigeon.

have fun with not replying soys

Well but look at Stellar Lumens, they were doing a free 5k airdrop which back then they were being sold for like ~$5. In /current year/ at ATH you would have more than $4k you got for free so don't look down on free crypto shit just because it's worth cents during the airdrop period.

I just got on with crytpokami and swift... just 10mins of work for some money.

up to 1500 swift coins now and I have 50$ worth of kami.

Will be signing up for another one today. Nickel and diming my way to fame and fortune

Airdrops that make you do anything is a red flag anyway. Proper airdrops get sent to your address automatically, without signing up or anything.

I sold like 30k worth of Lumens for $150 steam gift card back then. Signed up through multiple accounts. Got the full bonus on first account and then they reduced it quickly before I could sign up with more.