Just sold all of my REQ

Just sold all of my REQ

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LOL CEO is literally suicidal! REQ FAGS BTFO!

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internet conscious be trapped in servers full of trannyporn for all eternity

that's pretty cool. Only $10k too. I might look into this in the future.

psychologist ≠ philosopher
scientist ≠ priest

there is a reason stephen hawking was crippled and couldnt speak most of his life and why there have been no TRUE voices for a few hundred years

im back my child, be glad that someone is looking out for you because these freaks are just living sexual fever dreams that ive broken out of

im no longer doing the jive of the death dance (worship of money)

i jive to worship myself you see

no cocaine or porn required, just my beautiful self

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>forever conscious
No fucking thanks.

No, that's cool, they're just removing his brain, things will go on as usual.

Is this what that r9k guy was doing yesterday?

Imagine how rich he will be off Req in 200 years when he wakes up again.
Billionaire will seem small time in comparison.

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>shitposting forever
sign me up

He is arriving to bilderberg meeting in that pic.

Feel sick. This is like snuff pr0n. These sick fucks have no intention of saving his brain to a floppy disc, they just want to get off on killing someone by injecting their skull with formaldehyde.

And getting paid to do it

First thing i thought of was Robocop II, when the Cain prototypes were suiciding.

From my understanding of neuroscience preserving the brain after neurons have stopped firing is pointless.

Its not him, just a copy.

Didnt you people play SOMA? Its the exact plot and how this doesnt work this way

Futures gonna be so cash. People will be able to trade randos consciouses or copys of them. Ill do like Black Mirror and put em all in a game and Ill go in and fuck em all.

You are consciousness. Creating an artificial copy of your ego is pointless

Veeky Forums never gets less retarded

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just lmao if your brain isn't on a tamperproof blockchain, being shorted 100x leverage by gambling addicts on binance 3.0

>pay to get yourself killed

Good. Let those transhumanist globalists kill themselves.

Enjoy your stay in hell with Moloch you faggot.

>no fun allowed
Fuck off

Exactly. It's pseudoscience backed with a vague, cornucopian "in the future teh technologeez will find a way to turn a mass of tissue in a jar into a copy of your consciousness". Give me a comfy chair in my garden on a warm summers evening, a joint, bottle of whiskey, overdose on heroin, and a sign pinned to my chest saying "no organ donation" any day of the week. Injecting your head with preservatives? Fuck.

fucking crying with laughter

Remember. .05 by summer. .01 by September 28 2018.

You have been warned.

Also what if heaven actually exists? You want to miss out on eternal bliss so you can be stuck in Second Life 2.0 playing a furry for eternity?

desu eternal digitized consciousness sounds like hell

on a sidenote this image here has some pretty good pink wojack potential

"I have no gains and I must scream" or something

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Im glad to die when my time comes
Life for hundreds of years or even until the heat death of universe is a unsettling as fuck thought

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And btw its not even entirely sure if actually 100% of information is saved in the brain
Theres neurons all over the body
For example we dont know what happens to a person who gets their head transplanted
Also bacteria in your intestines communicate with your brain too and to a degree dictate what you are craving

Yes, there is a second brain in the gut, so good luck with uploading that to the internet

>shitposting with your gut neurons on Veeky Forums
Sounds about right.

Remember. .05 by summer. .01 by September 28 2018.

You have been warned.

wtf are you even talking about

was it really necessary to quote every single fucking poster in this thread


Can you share a pic of your garden?

>they dont realize this is going to last forever

the ride never ends boys. get used to it

Is this real.

He's a biztard

Cant wait to hack him and torture him as a background process in the cloud forever

my friend

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>wanting to be in a satanic matrix until the end of time
top cuck

>The scientists were astonished, when they opened the skull they found nothing.
>Nothing in it
>Where is my mind

Damn Trump really created a potent meme with fake news. I obviously heard it a lot during election cycle but to see everyone using it is quite amusing.

Reminder that mainnet was originally supposed to be released end of Q2

I feel like they originally made their road map take longer than they knew they could do so they could say they were ahead of schedule

It doesnt matter
They dont need to deliver mainnet before the last day of march
It will likely be released earlier
I dont get why some of you are so painfully impatient
They hit every milestone on the roadmap on point

not when you are a degenerate pothead at least I would be able to achieve something

fake and gay
fuck you OP stop shitting up the board

He didn't create it. He took the MSM's sword and chased them with it.

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