Food trickery

ITT: Times where candy companies fucked you over
I stumbled across these fucking candy bars last year, and found out that they were delicious. My old go to chocolate bar was the hershey's white chocolate bar, and this knocks it way out of the park.
Fast forward to now, I'm fat as fuck for some fucking reason. I have NOT changed my diet. And I used to have a couple of fucking hershey's bars a week, AND NEVER GOT FAT. Yet NOW i switch to a new fucking candy bar and suddenly I blow up like a fucking balloon. Thinking about suing, but I have no money so I doubt that I'll get anything from the assholes who make this shit.
TL;DR post times where seemingly innocent, good tasting food has fucked you over.

Quest isn't a candy bar, it's a protein bar
second, how the hell do people enjoy those things?! They're hard as a rock when you get them


I like eating those, too.

Microwave or sit on them like I do

Its the same shit isn't it?

Is this Veeky Forums copy pasta?

That's a protein bar they are meant for people who workout often not people who sit about all the time

take it out of your pocket, eat it and put another one in for when you want more

Define "often"

As in 3 to 5 times a week cunt


I'm good then.

>tfw getting fit, but hate Veeky Forums

You really should only be taking 1 to 2 rest days anymore and working out is almost pointless

Blueberry Muffin>Cookies and Cream>Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough>S'mores>The rest

Also, take a look at the nutrition facts. You're not supposed to treat something with 20g+ of protein as a Hershey bar.

>full retard

Don't give anyone advice about lifting ever again

I know someone who works at their facility and he's telling me they might be going public soon. Insider trading here we go!

20 grams of protein is only equal to half of a t bone steak. Get over yourself retard.

Eat 3 steaks a week and don't work out, let me know how that turns out for you.

calories in
calories out

No shit. Why, it's almost like that's contextually implied in the post.

Reading comprehension isn't your enemy.

literally nothing would change

you're right, there's no excuse for eating a hershey bar, but a protein bar counts as half a meal.

steaks are healthy for you. meat isn't high in calories, and animal fats increase testosterone, as well as creatine.

if you ate nothing but steak, you basically couldn't get fat. a slice of bread will make you fatter than a fucking steak.

Something tells me you eat more than a few a week.


What the fuck am i reading? Why the fuck aren't bears skinny then?

Bears are lean, they just have massive coats. Depending on species, they can run 25-35mph. They aren't big balls of fat at all.

Also, in most environments bears tend to be opportunistic omnivores, with a heavily plant based diet. And not exclusive carnivores. So the whole argument breaks down right from the start.

Of course allowing exceptions like Polar Bears.