Its all a false flag. He does this deliberately so retard will watch his videos.
Its all a false flag. He does this deliberately so retard will watch his videos.
Other urls found in this thread:
Appaerntly his ploy to get views doesn't work because he still only averages like 10k views and gets spikes only when he reviews as seen on TV sponsered shill shit.
no he's probably retarded.
but i've also noticed in most of the webms posted on here he's using some sort of as-seen-on-tv thing, so those might have something to do with why he's so bad at cooking.
jack is my hero desu. he perfectly shows what NOT to's a good help for newbies in the kitchen.
The thing about him and the kitchen gadgets is he almost never reads the instructions because he thinks reading is a waste of time. If it isn't painfully obvious how to set up or use whatever it is he's reviewing, he'll manage to fuck up and blame the product for being terrible.
reading is for dumb dumbs
Really? You think his master plan in just barely searing the outside of his bison burgers was to farm views?
If that's his shtick, he is a master actor.
>he's probably retarded.
He had a stroke a few years ago, if you watch the videos before that they're a little more reasonable.
Think he voted for Trump?
>stop posting jack
>posts jack
where do you think we are?
looks like he has low T, so no. He probably didnt vote and if he did, it was for Autistic Weed Man.
Jack is all about muh family values, so I'm guessing he was a Jeb man at heart.
Trump I bet.
>social problems
>problem glasses
>is lazy and overweight
>cant cook for shit
this tells me he is a bernout if anything. he probably smokes weed and is high for most of his videos.
How to Basic is better at it anyway.
Except he almost choked his son to death because he found out he smoked weed....also, he moves from California to the Bible Belt in Tn because he hated liberals and wanted a conservative christian place to live
>problem glasses
those are drug store readers you fucking retard
Except he's adamantly anti-weed to the point of autism. And I'd definitely say that repubs are more can't cook, eat out every day folk. Trump himself is a huge McDonalds fan.
It was definitely more because he pushed (and probably fucked) Tammy. The second part is new Jack lore to me though. In what video did he say that he moved to TN because of le evil libruls. Seems like something he'd say
>implying all statists arent can't cook, eat out every day folk
>false flag
Take your paranoia back to /pol/
Does anyone else fantasize what Tammy's pussy would taste like?
I'm going with vintage cheddar, vinegar and fermenting apples.
I'd eat that shit for days..
>supporting an billion dollar industry that pays employees 7ish dollars an hour or going to a restaurant where a waiter makes 2 dollars an hour and is expected to be paid directly by customers
I don't even give a fuck about politics, but fuck man, critical thinking never hurt anyone.
>Does anyone else fantasize what Tammy's pussy would taste like?
never post again
Why not?
hes with her
can you guys tell me about ja/ck/ lore? i don't know much about him other than he's retarded and bad at cooking.
> other than he's retarded and bad at cooking.
That is the thing, he is just so far advanced, that most people can't understand his genius and it happens to look retarded or bad
he truly his ahead of our times, webm related
That about sums it up. Jack isn't a very deep fellow and is rather self absorbed.
I've never asked out loud "what the fuck is that" when watching a video before, but when he pulled out the wok full of black shit I couldn't help myself
Like canned tuna, overripe pineapples, apple cider vinegar, and cheap Parmesan cheese.
>implying Ja/ck/ can even get hard
>implying he doesn't just ask Jack Jr to fuck his wife's sex-deprived pussy in front of him as he rubs his small, barely recognizable under all of his blubber, flaccid penis to a weak orgasm
>what the fuck is that
Clearly you aren't very culinary.
Fuck that's hot.
Imagine a block of cheese made from her constantly milk-fat lactating nipples..
I'd harvest it every morning and steam it for my coffee when I have enough of it.
jack is da playa
So fucking hot!
What "unspeakable" things would you do to her prostate?
I totally would have a 3 way with Jack's wife and younger son.... who is definitely cucking his Dad.
cant cuck the kingcuck
I like how the little fat one put the burger in his mouth, then shoved it a little to get more for one bite.
It ain't eatin' until it touches your tonsils.
Jack is a born again christian and his audience is bible thumping hayseeds. Jack isn't very good at what he does, but he does have a decent sized devoted audience he's cultivated by engaging them and baby talking to them while fucking up dishes. The last thing he is going to do is invite Veeky Forums and its trolls to his youtube page. The guy is inept but he's not dumb enough to trade the 7 dollars a month from Veeky Forums views for a wall of comments condemning him for choking his son and calling his wife fat.
If you think it is a false flag, YOU are a retarded person. Jack is a mess, you do not have to like him or jack posting, but you are a mongoloid.
The people that say Jack is deliberately retarded have clearly never watched a Jack video, or must be high functioning autists.
Henry is deliberate. Masaoki is not. Kay is not. Jack is not.
>cavs fan
>large hands
His son will grow to be a high T alpha.
He needs social programs to pay for his families' diabetes meds.
Def Hill'dog supporter.
Why was I hoping he cut and artery in his arm and just bled out like a pig on the floor?
Can you imagine these 2 fat bastards laying down in bed and the fart storm that must come with it. I bet his house smells like stale oil and farts.
I hate this 'human' so fucking much he's a fat disgusting retard idiot faggot cunt who needs to DIE
literally he is subhuman god he's so fucking retarded
>mooching off jewtube instead of working a real job
>homo son
probably trump.
>$5.2k-$82.6k yearly earnings
So somewhere between the 5th and 85th percentile of income? Useful information.
doesn't count all the payola and hand jobs he gets for hawking people and products on his channel
I don't count other people's money though, Jack is truly Blessed
50k simply from his youtube channels and add to that "sponsors"
pretty comfy living desu
I remember watching this a long time ago. it's some shitty kind of burger with a balsamic 'glaze'
for some reason he thought celery was necessary to brown in the pan with the glaze first, because that's what those chunks in it are.
Does he complain about how undercooked the burgers from Burger King are?
fuck, I had one job.
jesus, what a life failure
anyone have the webm of him making a non Newtonian fluid?
please leave the premises immediately
The kitchen gadget reviews are the worst episode. Lazy mans cooking was pure kino
What is the most disgusting thing that Jack has ever made?
>all these moist fluids, coming in close irl
Aunt Myrna's Party Cheese
lazy mans pizza is a classic
I actually really like those pea snack things.
Sounds like a bern victim to me, partner