FASTEST MOTHER FUCKING TYPIST ON Veeky Forums. #2 24 HOUR HIGH. Know what that means? Mean I have authority...

FASTEST MOTHER FUCKING TYPIST ON Veeky Forums. #2 24 HOUR HIGH. Know what that means? Mean I have authority. Means my IQ is through the roof. Means you can't be like me, but you can make a lot of money doing what the smart people do. Hear?

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And I thought 107 WPM was fast...

i guarantee you i type faster than you

Alright so what kind of job do you have OP? The only people that type this fast do it every day as a job

Typistry will be Lost on the next generation

Lets see those numbers, rookie

My grandmother used to type over 180 wpm lol

appreciated it. maybe tomorrow again.

Attached: fuckyou.png (295x410, 15K)

Also post layout for informational purposes.

What site is this? Ive been known to type up a storm.

Its amazing

>can i try

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-16 free online touch typing speed test - wpm words per minute.png (984x535, 46K)

105, top 2%. I'm never gonna make it

that's not how that works

I've been looking for a secretary.

So OP, are you a receptionist or do you work in data entry?

oh hi martin, how fresh were the rainbow cheerios today?

Easy you noob

I take my coffee with one sugar, two creams. Also, pick up my dry cleaning after lunch.

this lmao

Attached: type2.jpg (283x371, 44K)

took me a couple tries but here you go

Attached: OPrekt.png (363x460, 23K)