Unusual Foods

Thought it might be interesting to have a thread dedicated to some of the more unusual or at least uncommon foods or ingredients.

Starting off, what are the thoughts on lamprey? It is a boneless fish with a texture and taste that is closer to meat than fish however it suffers from the unfortunate case of looking like a penis crossed with vagina dentata. It used to be considered a delicacy in Europe but in North America it is currently a pest devastating the fishing industry in the Great Lakes. I hear it is also popular in South America where they stew it in it's own blood and serve it with rice. Anyone try it? For being a pest species you would think people would be eager to sell it but I haven't had much luck finding suppliers.

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For me.......

Its the spicy MCchicken. The most unusual sandwich


As they retain their texture when stewed unlike most fish which tend to fall apart I wonder how they would work in a curry.
pic is lamprey pie

Probably not considered unusual by Veeky Forums but goat meat is amazing. Very sweet while being meaty and lovely. Considered unusual when tell normies am making it. Usually make it in a spicy casserole losely basef on morrocan tajine.

Lamprey pie is the absolute tits


i'd try it. they're scary looking so might as well get them off the face of the planet slowly instead of something cool

makes me think of this image for some reason

I think my only experience with goat was at a few curry places. It tasted great but they left it on the bone in the curry so I never really could figure out how to properly eat it without picking at the bones. (and there was often more bone than meat) Only place I could find that sold the meat was a shady as fuck Mexican mart.

somehow I see what you mean.

Dog meat. Too tough, not that much tasted and overrated.

Still eat it every time I go to China. Beside, pissing off all the butthurts people is just too fun.

As I understand it, lamprey is generally safe to eat, but it isn't really very tasty. I've recently been diagnosed with a condition that makes a lot of seafood unhealthy for me, though, so I'm about ready to eat anything that even remotely tastes of the sea.

The French love them, but they'll eat shit even the Chinese won't touch.

Goat's pretty good. I'll never understand people who won't eat it because it isn't chicken/pork/beef. It's tasty, milder than deer (which I also love), and healthy. Just another standard red meat. Yet I can only get it at Somali, Afghan, Lebanese and Yemeni restaurants and grocery stores.


>dog meat

I hope you really impressed your faggot associates, edgelord. Fuck off and stick your head in a deregulated US pond full of unmentionable scum and take a big gulp, you piece of shit.

>I like doing things I would prefer not to because other people are mad when I do it
what is even the point?

I'm like 70% sure this is just you

Do cows somehow feel less pain than dogs? Are they less worthy to live? How is it "edgy" to eat one type of animal flesh and not the other? Do you feel better about it because you've never had to kill your own food? Oh wait, I'm sure you're a hunter and just don't like seeing your bird dog on a plate.


>what is even the point?
It amuse me.

See this?-----> And no that poster was not me. see pic.

Honestly though the best exotic meat I had in China was roasted snake, got it in a restaurant at Shanghai, really tender and tasty. The downside is that there is not much meat to it and it's pretty expensive. Fried Silkworm chrysalis was really good to.

are you autistic?


I know you're mostly just joking, but I'm curious, do you actually do things you don't enjoy because pissing off other people outweighs it?

Not even the guy, but this butthurt amuses me so much that I will have to try dog meat now.

Alright - I'll be that asshole...

Anyone ever had human?

poor poor precious silk worms

Anyone one who says yes is a 15 year old edge lord trying to impress people on the internet.

>do you actually do things you don't enjoy because pissing off other people outweighs it?

Did I say that dog meat was disgusting?

Dog meat is nothing special, it's not too bad but not too good either, there is no reason to not try it out. People just get hysterical every-time they hear about it.

People who get all worked up because of "muh feeling" deserve to get trolled.

Also, as a meat lover who love all animals equally, I despise people who put one species of animal over the other. Those are not pet dogs, those are dogs breed for consumption, why should the life of the beef and chicken be of less value than theirs?

Does that answer your question?

Go to Germany and find a fag.

Not really.

My grandfather was shocked when i said i love (a) goat.

Does monkfish count as unusual? It is pretty tasty but one of the ugliest things in existence.

On the subject of people raging over dog, what about cuy (guinea pig)? They were specifically domesticated for use as a food source.

>despise people who put one species of animal over the other

Brilliant, edge boi. If you don't understand the difference between an animal that you form a closer emotional attachment to than other humans, and a snake, I pity you.

Fwiw, when I was stationed in Korea I saw first hand the special dog slaughtering method to "insure" a tender product. Hung from the neck and beaten to death with a stick. Fuck off, edgelord child. You'd be laying in the ditch puking your guts out if you witnessed it IRL. Just fuck yourself, you unbelievable puss.

Dog is not that good, only time it was decent for me was in a soup.
But whatever they did to it, it was greasy as fuck, even in the soup.

Lamprey and eel were once used extensively in British cuisine.

that looks a bit like kalakukko

I feel bad for people that cant tell the difference between a dog and a chicken.

Zero empathy and emotional intelligence.

That is a pretty common fish on Spanish supermarkets though. And the texture is like it looks like: an ugly blob.

Why? As someone who has had both pet dogs and pet chickens, there's more common denominators than people think. The biggest differense is that chickens are herd animals not pack animals. They make great pets though. Chickens are baddass.

Don't see too much people talking about it, but flounder (linguado in hueland) is the fucking tits. My mom used to cook or fry them, it's practically a boneless piece.

I don't like the looks of that sneaky bit of kalakukko creeping on me from the bottom of the screen.

"muh feelings" is not an argument.

Pigs are smarter than dog, and can be just as affectionate, yet we eat pork all the time.
Those dog are no one's pet, they are raised as slaughtered for their meat, no different than the pork, beef and chicken you eat.

>You'd be laying in the ditch puking your guts out if you witnessed it IRL.
I'm not a big pussy like you.
I bet you never saw the horrible condition all our daily meat lived before being slaughter. People like you, who feel empathy only for their little favorite animal while discarding all the rest disgust me. You should ashamed of yourself.

Pigs are smarter than dogs.
Dolphins are WAY smarter than dogs, and probably have an ability to form emotional attachments similar to ours. Maybe. Dolphins are weird.

The point is, you've probably eaten both of them. One of them is about as smart as a monkey or small ape, but if you've eaten tuna you've eaten dolphin- you've eaten something that's about as smart as a toddler, slaughtered for your benefit. It had a family and perhaps even companions if not necessarily friends, and the capacity to understand those concepts.

So go fuck yourself you smug piece of pseudo-PETA pus-chunk, sophont-devourer, and all-around dickweed. I'll eat what I damn well please, and I'll eat dog if I want. They're stupider animals than I already eat, regardless of how well they adapted to make us like them.

What other metric would I even use? That's a legitimate question, not me making fun of you or something- if not intelligence, how could I possibly decide which animals I should eat?

Your argument is emotional wish-wash and little else.

I really like this dude. Even the nastiest things he won't act like a pussy. He'll try it all, describes it pretty well and always is respectful, maybe once or twice I saw him cringe, but he never spits it out or has to visibly try to keep it down.

People that have emotional bonds with domesticated animals like dogs and cats dont like eat dogs and cats? Wow how weird, i never heard of that rly

>if you've eaten tuna you've eaten dolphin

>0 mentions of smoked lamprey

I guess no one here has actually eaten good lamprey.

Lamprey's great.

Here in Sweden we salt them to death and then fry / grill over high heat.
What's not immediately devoured is pickled.

Fantastic as a snack with your beer.

How expensive are they there, I wonder?

Here in Latvia, while indubitably delicious, smoked lamprey is roughly the same price per kilo as beef fillet (so a lot).

Char-grilled in usually quite a lot cheaper, but also less deliciousm

>if you've eaten tuna you've eaten dolphin

What did he mean by this?

I've only ever bought them still living directly from old fishermen in my small village, the price is like half of what ground beef costs.
I've never ever seen them for sale elsewhere.

He meant that the fishing techniques that are used to catch tuna en masse also kill Dolphins in some way, I dunno

People eat their placenta sometimes

I am not one of those people

Isn't goat meant to smell like actual shit

Pretty much, every can of tuna in the world probably has a little dolphin in it because dolphins are caught by accident and fishers dont give a fuck so it all gets ground up.

It's not actually all that unusual that he has an aversion to eating a domesticated utility (mainly just pets now I know) animal. In the same way even in western Europe the attitude on horses is fairly varied depending on the background of the region.

People generally don't like the idea of cat because they're vermin/pets depending on who you ask.

Pigs are intelligent but they're useless greedy niggers that exist purely for us to eat them.

Dolphins are pretty fucking smart but if they weren't top of the food chain predators that suffer from the accumulation of organomercury compounds I guarantee you people wouldn't have a problem eating them.

People tend to be intelligent too, but most people have an in built aversion to eating human flesh even in a life or death situation. Societies that didn't have either died out or are stuck in the stone ages because their brains are all damaged by Kuru

better hp to gp ratio than sharks, good for questing 2bh

You think they just haul in an entire purse seine and dump the contents into a grinder?

Nope. Never noticed any smell. It's really no different to beef, venison, or lamb. Sweeter even. Really weird why is has any stigma attached.

Ate Crocodile meat at a Thai restaurant in London. Tasted exactly like chicken.

Ate Swan Korma in India. Was delicious. It's illegal to eat them in Britain as the Queen owns them all.

Tell me more about swan, I've had an irrational desire even since I found we can't just neck the cunts without inviting the wrath of our mecha monarch.

It's taste and texture were like a cross between poultry and red meat (say lamb), I thought. It was nice. There's like one college in Cambridge allowed to eat them.

Shit, I knew I should have tried harder at my entrance interview. I could've been drowning in swan wings.

Lmao retard

Carnivore meat is shit in my experience.
It's nature's way of making sure hyenas don't eat lions don't eat leopards and stick with the proper prey species.

But hyenas are scavengers so they probably would eat a dead lion.

But yea, for most organisms eating higher up on the food chain means eating concentrated toxins

I want to fuck that eel.

I can't tell if it looks like shit because it's low quality meat or because all food made by chinamen looks like shit

Flatfish is extremely common in northern Europe. Like the most common kind of fish.

Once I burned myself on the wrist with a soldering iron and instinctively put it up to my tongue, and I actually tasted pretty good. Nothing to chew or swallow, but just licking it I thought I tasted pretty good, like crunchy roasted pork skin. I also vaguely remember little anecdotes of cannibals and a guy that accidentally cut a piece off of himself and ate it out of curiosity, that human flesh tastes like pork, or lamb, which also tastes like pork but muskier.

Last time I had crocodile it was pretty tough. Or maybe it was alligator.

>Mmmmmmmm yes. Musky pork, nice and crispy.
Stick to eating your boogers.

I've been living in France for 30 years, never once heard anyone mention lamprey as food.

I did the exact same thing as a child, and had the exact same reaction.

Those wood burning kits were not a good idea.

I didn't taste musky, just think lamb does.

Doing it just to piss people off isn't cool, but dude do you have any idea how much of a pest stray dogs in parts of China are? There are no laws in place to prevent them from reproducing too much so it can get to the point where you have to kill them so why not eat them.