Strategic marriage and divorce

Hey Veeky Forums. I think I've come up with a brilliant masterplan involving getting married and strategically divorcing, and I need your thoughts on it.

Before I get into the details, heres some background:

>21 yo
>BSc Computer Science
>unemployed for the last 3 months because no internship experience
>kissless hugless friendless virgin

As you can see from my above, things aren't looking too rosy for me. I'm currently a NEET still living with my parents in the interim while I apply for jobs. Thing is, my parents have a little too much faith in me thinking the "world is my oyster" and I can literally work at Google, Tesla or even NASA if I just try hard enough. Long story short, I've already been rejected from Google and several other companies (+150 in total so far) for their hiring cycle this year. Basically I'm going to be a NEET for much longer unless I break the truth to my parents.

But no..why would I want to break bad news to my parents who have financially supported me for 21 years? They need a good return on their investment (i.e. me), right? So after thinking long and hard, and swallowing my pride, I've decided to finally get married. Or in other words, have a marriage arranged for me. Since I'm Indian, this will be easy to pull off and my parents would happily arrange one.

Masterplan in next post.


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So here is the masterplan:
>lie to my parents I have job lined up at Google next year
>tell my parents I want an arranged marriage
>they set up the wedding and pay for everything
>according to dowry tradition, my wife's family gives up some of their assets to my family
>get married
>wife becomes a US citizen meaning she will stay loyal to me or else
>move out of my parents and live in an comfy apartment in a different state with my wife paid by her dowry money
>being married would give me the necessary endorphin and dopamine boost to motivate myself to apply to jobs, get Veeky Forums and become a normie/chad
>once I have psychologically transitioned into a normie and can attract white or asian women by myself (which has been my end goal here), divorce indian wife if shes ugly.
>if wife is hot, well then, guess I can settle for that and I would have won the game called life :^)

Thoughts Veeky Forums?

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dude just stop, this is the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. seek professional help

You're a complete fucking idiot. You don't think they're going to find out you're lying when you don't have baller cash like a typical Google employee? Also if you're a fucking KHV there's NO WAY you're going to get past their bullshit detector.

>>wife becomes a US citizen meaning she will stay loyal to me or else
great plan, definitely defrauding families and their daughters is a great idea, the dad definitely won't come and chop off your fucking head or anything

>thinking someone will stay loyal to you just because you got them citizenship
lmfao once she's a citizen she doesn't have to stay married to your neet ass to keep it

>things aren't looking too rosy for me
what the fuck dude there's nothing wrong with being a 21 year old with a compsci major and no job. I have a business degree(lol) and I got a comfy software dev job at 22 with 0 job or internship experience. My manager told me my code sample was way better than the other applicants' too.

>being married would give me the necessary endorphin and dopamine boost to motivate myself to apply to jobs, get Veeky Forums and become a normie/chad
It won't. That's like saying "I'll start next week". Excuses.

>Take a huge "loan" (expected payback in family respect, social capital) based on fraudulent reported earnings that you cannot repay
>Treat family only as a means to acquire money
>Plan to just burn through money and wait for something to happen before you're out in the street
>Propensity for grandiose plans based on shaky projections and a magic step in the middle where everything goes right for no reason
You'll fit right in here.

You need to stop pooing on the street. seriously. Also, can't you meet a wife at the local shitting street?

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You are a disgrace to my race

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fucking pajeets

>unemployed for the last 3 months because no internship experience
>kissless hugless friendless virgin

I knew once I read this it was going to be stupid. And I was right.

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So this is what was going through the heads of all those scumbags who fucked with the girls in my family?

it appears as though you have some feces on your hand kind sir

>there are literal pajeets on Veeky Forums

I thought it was just a meme

Let me ask the real question of this thread: you managed to land an interview with Google, yet you got rejected by 150 companies? The fuck??? Are you just working your way down the Fortune 500 or what?

you think your parents wont brag about you working for google to the other family? what happens when the whole your and her family think you work @ google, but ure a fucking homeless man?

poast this on /adv/ you fucking retard pajeet piece of shit. mentioning money doesn't make it automatically relevant to Veeky Forums fuck i hate this board, ruined by pajeets. enjoy your ban. good bye.

>the educated, westernized pajeet thought process
I tremble at the thought how male hindus operate in India.

>being married would give me the necessary endorphin and dopamine boost to motivate myself to apply to jobs, get Veeky Forums and become a normie/chad
uh, no

based, go for it

One of the most pathetic things i've read in my life. I seriously you're just larping.


so your going to buy an apartment and live happily after, funded by a pajeet in a third world cuntry

Op is a pajeet hater , not a pajeet

As your ex-father in law I would hire people to have you unironically crippled.