Let's help the newfags Veeky Forums

Let's help the newfags Veeky Forums.
Can you triforce?

Attached: Triforce.jpg (600x445, 116K)

thanks just made 100k trif


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oldfag way doesn't work anymore


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o no
what happen

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You asshole i just bricked my dads computer. Is there some way I can magnetize my hard drive to recover it?



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seriously? is this a /b/ thread now?

the whole board is /b/ now because crypto is dying and hardly anyone here actually knows anything about business and finance.


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wtf the old method doesn't work anymore

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Wow it works!

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Y- yeah.

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I am no newfag

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Phone poster

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pure cancer


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last attempt

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trips and i'll teach you.

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What? Why didn't it work?

> Newfags don't know it's impossible to triforce without deleting system32

The 2 ways I knew how to triforce Don't work anymore
What the hell gook Moot?

mfw on a chromebook ao no system32

Attached: MFWBritEyes.jpg (259x88, 11K)


It's not perfect, faggot.

Attached: 1500154415554.jpg (802x854, 203K)

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thanks op guide worked


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Guess I am newfag.


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am i doin it rite anonymoses?


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I-I've been compromised!

Attached: FsDrg0BoZ3ZnJTZbVTKF6JdEovJ-zSva1A3mmYdc9_4.png (320x303, 102K)

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the new way


What the fuck? Does the old way not work anymore?

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I am no newfag you see
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[alt-255] [alt-255] [alt-30]
[alt-30] [alt-255] [alt-30]

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Wish me luck in my job interviews

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8==D 8==D

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dumb human

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fuck ya'll

>he copy pasta'd this from knowyourmeme
top kek

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dubs of truth speaks, down with the newfags.

Attached: 34534534.jpg (540x540, 34K)


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How did you do it? The old way doesn't work, pic related.

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Attached: triforce.jpg (509x439, 61K)