Tried a new technique. Rate my 'za

Tried a new technique. Rate my 'za

looks like an infected wound, not that there's anything wrong with that

Dough looks thick as fuck but I'm okay with it
Should have shredded or sliced the cheese a bit
And did you put that poor basil inside the oven?

crust looks perfect but I hate when people go for "authentic" and don't grate cheese evenly over the whole thing
but I mean it looks legit tho

0/10, looks good

p good 'za but it dont hold a candle to a nice 'go 'za

That dough should be about 25% as thick

Needs anchovies.

i honestly dont see how people can enjoy that
what the fuck is so appealing about a massive glob of melted cheese in your mouth?

>Lemme tell you about how bad this popular food is that I've never had

I like the non-uniformity of doing it that way,it means every bite tastes different, keeps it from getting boring.

because it's not just a glob of melted cheese, the "toppings" in a true deep dish are underneath the cheese. this is how i know you're an retard.

That's an amazing unfolded calzone you have there OP! Recipe?

>this is how i know you're an retard
You're not even trying are you?

Why is the dough so thin?

Have you never had a calzone?
I cant wait until they figure out how to drop the dough and make 'za with just cheese, sauce, and meats

Way too thick on the dough. What the hell was your dough recipe anyway?

Basil looks a bit wilted.

I think you're not supposed to have it in the oven with the pizza.

>4 basil leaves just dropped on top
Is there a legit reason Italians do this, or is it just a traditionalist meme they follow for the sake of it?

One piece of fresh basil per slice mixes just right with a good tomato sauce to create a flavor that's essential to a margherita. I say tomatoes should always be present as well but they are of course optional.

Italians like to use the color of their flag in their food. It's stupid and annoying.

imho would feed to dog

Why do you have eggs on a pizza?

Not bad but as others pointed out, too thick crust. Pro tip, don't bake the pizza with the basil. Right after you pull the pizza from the oven, put basil leaves on it. The heat/steam from the cheese will warm it up nicely, it will look prettier, and taste better. You also need to drizzle ranch and bbq sauce all over it with a few dollops of smooth peanut butter and some canned pineapple. What the fuck were you thinking?

thats shit cheese on toast mate.
check out mine
>pic related, proper cheese on toast

Everyone knows you pour the pasta sauce on related :)

Try spreading the cheese out more next time...also, less crust or make it with dried herbs and garlic mixed in.

I would chop up the basil and add it on AFTER unless you're just wanting it as a garnish

Did Jack have a stroke? His arm is really shaking holding appears to be a small amount of sauce.

One of the most important things to do when making your crust is to properly dock and deflate your dough after shaping. Else you end up with this 2" thick bread monstrosity, like yours.